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Luin laughed as he was led down over the sand. He could hear the gentle splashing of waves and smell the salt on the sea breeze. Once just smelling it and hearing the sea would have lost him in memories of the storm, and he still found nerves building up in his stomach as they grew louder. The familiar anxiety making him stumble, the blindfold over his eyes not helping matters. He heard a small exhale of air as strong arms caught him before he could hit the ground. "Careful Melethril", Legolas' voice was amused. Luin scowled as the elf set him upright. 

"Are we there?" 

"Just a bit further lad", Gimli's voice boomed. The dwarf was somewhere ahead of them. His voice had become rougher over the years but he still sounded just as grouchy as he was the first time they met him. 

"Why are you here again?" Luin called as Legolas set him upright and continued to lead him across the sand. 

"Because I made a bet with your elf that he couldn't smuggle me into your undying lands, or whatever you call them". 

"I think I can", Legolas shrugged. Luin smiled, over a hundred years since the ring was destroyed and the two of them were still as competitive as ever. He gripped Legolas' arms and walked forwards a few more steps. Then the arms stopped. 

"Here. You can take off your blindfold now", there was audible excitement and pride in Legolas' tone. Luin eagerly tugged the green cloth down from his face. The sun was bight with late afternoon, light toned gold as it highlighted Legolas' smiling face. The elf did not look at all different from the day they met but Luin could easily spend all day gazing at his face. Despite their hundred years anniversary coming up, their love had not wained. Legolas' smile turned soft and fond. "Luin, look", he pointed and Luin looked down the beach. 

Gimli was standing a few metres away from the couple. He was nearing three hundred now and his hair was more grey than red but he still stood strong and his axe was strapped to his back. Beyond him was the thing Legolas wanted to share. A small boat was resting half on the shore, half in the water. The waves lapped at the white wood covering the sides and the blue sail was wrapped around the mast. It was built in the style of all elf boats, smooth like a shell. It reminded Luin of the boat Gandalf had sailed away in with Galadriel, Frodo and Bilbo a year after their wedding. Except this boat was white like a star and the sail a deep blue. It looked sturdy and solid. "It's beautiful", Luin gasped. He turned and caught Legolas' face in his hands to shower his cheeks in kisses. "I love you". 

"I told you I would make you a ship to carry you safely", the blonde grinned. 

"You are amazing", Luin laughed. "I trust you Nin Ithil". And he did. Legolas was the only person he would allow to get him back onto sea. 

"Yuck", Gimli grunted. The dwarf waved his hand as if to smudge them away. "Stop being disgusting and let's go. We're losing daylight". Luin pulled away from the elf to laugh at their friend. Gimli had never been one to settle down and marry, choosing to spend the rest of his life adventuring instead. His parents had long since died as well as the rest of the fellowship and company. Aragorn and Arwen had passed together and their son now ruled Gondor. Kili had long since passed away and his daughter had succeeded him. Tauriel passing to the undying lands by herself. The hobbits were all gone. Luin had seen Merry and Pippin entombed in Minas Tirith near Faramir and Eowyn. Their friends were gone and they were the last of the fellowship. 

Legolas took Luin's hand and together they followed Gimli across the sand towards the ship. Everything they wanted to take had already been packed and goodbyes said. Thranduil had wished them a pleasant journey and Elrond had promised to join them one day. Both Kings staying until the last of their people left middle earth but Luin knew that they would see them someday. The blond elf climbed up into the ship, Luin following and they reached over the side to pull Gimli up between them. 

"Finally!" The dwarf huffed. "Lets go! I want to see these famous lands". 

"Patience", Legolas rolled his eyes. "We will get there". 

"I showed you the treasures of the mines, the halls of starlight and the golden halls of Erebor pointy ears. You owe me". 

Legolas sighed and gave Luin a look as he pulled up the anchor. "Why did we bring him?"

Luin giggled as he waved his hands. A gust of wind caught them and the sail unrolled and billowed out. The ship unmoored itself from the beach with a sudden movement that caused Gimli to fall over. The dwarf began cursing loudly. Legolas laughed loudly. "Because he is our friend", Luin smiled. "Also that wager". 

"Once we are there, they cannot send us back", Legolas smiled cheekily. Luin snorted as the ship began to leave the shore behind. He turned and gazed at the strip of gold with sudden loss. It had been over a thousand years since he had washed up on that same beach as a boy. Middle earth, for all its downfalls, had become his home and now he was leaving. He gripped fistfuls of his robes and arms encircled his waist. Legolas rested his head on his shoulder. "I shall miss it too. But there is more to come". 

"I shall miss it but my home is right here. I am eager to see more with you". Luin rested their cheeks together as his long black hair, that reached his waist once again, blew around them in the sea breeze. "I am not scared". 

Legolas pressed a kiss to the side of his head as Gimli walked over to join them in gazing back at the shore. Middle earth growing further away. "There is nothing more to discover there. I cannot wait to be the first dwarf on the undying isles. Those elves won't know what to do with me". He grinned mischievously and the couple laughed. "I can't wait to see their faces". 

Luin turned away to face the front of the ship. Legolas let go to hold his hand and stand at his side. All three of them looking out into the future. To new beginnings. He was loved and he couldn't wait to experience more. 


there you go guys. this is the end of Green cloaks. I teared up writing this. It has been a long journey. the works of Tolkien has meant a lot to me and my family, so writing this had meant a lot to me. Thank you for making it this far. 

there will be a short third book that will contain short stories about Luin. his childhood, him and Legolas after the Hobbit, and adventures they had after getting married. I will let you know when that's out. 

but first, as I always do at the end of my books, I will be having a Q&A. So comment any questions you have below and I will answer them in two days. 

Thank you for all your support! Hope you enjoyed the book. 

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