Chapter 17

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A.N: HI GUYS!! okay, first of all I seriously need to apologise for not updating for like over 4 months. I've been so so busy with work etc. But now, I've had a window of opportunity to finaly update this story:)) So I hope you enjoy it.

Anyway, I may not be able to update as regular as possible because in the next 2 months I have a load of exams which yeh, pretty much explains the situation.

ANYWAY, I hope you enjoy this even though it's not the best of chapters!

As I walked down the worn pathway, the sun beams escaped the hideaway of the trees and lighted the steps for me. I looked down at the bouquet of flowers that were gripped steadily in my hands, thinking about how quickly the past five years had gone.

“We’re almost there.” I whispered as I looked over to Alex as he squeezed my hand in comfort. He smiled sadly in response as we kept trekking up the hill to where it was. Where he was. Three days ago me and Alex got back from London and on the train home I decided to tell him things. To tell him about Dad and what happened when I was thirteen. It felt right, like it was time to tell him my story and why I was sometimes how I was. Nearly five years ago, my Dad passed away to cancer and today, I was visiting his grave with Alex because I did that. This day of every year. And do you know the funny thing? Every time I visited him, the weather was always the same. Beautiful, warm, sunny…his favourite type of weather.

How ironic.

“Okay, we’re here.” I said quietly, in no more than a whisper.

Alex wrapped his arm round my waist as we came to a standstill by the weather-worn stone. I closed my eyes and smiled as I remembered Dad. The way things were before he went. How happy I was, how happy mom was. Slowly, I crouched down and placed the flowers on his grave. I didn’t move for a while, I felt close to him but still so far away. I leant my head against the cool stone hoping to hear his cigarette scared voice catch in the wind. But it didn’t come.

Suddenly, my breathing started to get quicker and irregular and I knew that this was coming. It happened every time I came here because it was the realisation that he was gone.

One single regretted tear fell down my cheek as I angrily brushed it away. I felt frustrated because all I wanted to do was to see him again. But I couldn’t and I hated that because he was gone and he was never coming back and I could never face up to that realisation.  

“Are you okay?” Alex asked, softly.

I sighed before turning around and walking to where he was stood. “He was too good for this planet.” Wrapping my arms around Al’s waist, I leant my head against him and closed my eyes.

“I’m sure he was a great guy.”

“Understatement.” I chuckled sadly.

After a while, I noticed that we’d been here a long time and that Alex probably didn’t want to be here in the first place. “Let’s go.” I said quickly before grabbing his hand and walking in the direction on the exit. When we’d got out of the graveyard, we started walking back towards our village, Alex throwing his arm around my shoulders.

“What d’you wanna do now?” Looking over at him, I smiled before waiting for his answer.

“What do you want to do, Lu?” He replied, his warm brown eyes finding their way to mine.

“How about we…um like go back to mine and listen to some records and watch a movie or something like that?”

“Yeh, sure love.” He replied smoothly as he ran a hand through his un-styled hair. It was getting longer now and he hadn’t had it cut for a while. I didn’t care, he was still the same Alex to me.

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