Chapter 16

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So…since updating last time, many things have happened. I’ve seen Paolo Nutini, and Kasabian live. Ok, not many things but that’s quite a lot for me and to see them two live was an absolute privilege. That’s two off my bucket list.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter as I haven’t updated in a LONG time.

Remember to comment, vote if you’re enjoying the story. You can always give me a follow if you want to see whenever I update my other fanfictions (my Paolo Nutini and another Alex Turner one.)

Ok, I’ll go now. EnjoyJ



“As….as funny as it sounds Alex, I care for you. I care for you so fucking much.” I started to speak in-between my sobs. “It may not seem like it this week but I do. I miss you.

“I’m not going to say sorry for things that I’ve said because you hurt me. You hurt me more than I thought you would, Alex and I’m not just going to say that I’m fine Alex…” He looked back up to me. He looked so beautiful in that moment. “Because I’m not.”

Just as I finished what I was saying, Dylan came back with the drinks just as Miles and Matt came walking back to the table from the shop. Fucking brilliant timing seeing as I probably looked like the latest slut at our high school who just got dumped by her boyfriend because my makeup had most likely run down my face. Great.

“Hey sorry Luanna but they didn’t have any…cider…um” He looked at my face with confusion as he put the drinks down.

“Its fine, I was leaving anyway.” Grabbing my stuff, I got off from the chair and started to walk in any direction just away from here. Just away from them. Just away from him.

It took me five minutes to realise that I was walking in the complete opposite direction of the train station. I was too tired to walk all the way back, to walk past the table where they all sat, and especially have to walk past Alex. So, in the end, I decided that I would go to the nearest café and stay in there a while.

Pushing open the door, the bell rung telling someone that another customer had arrived. Upon my arrival, I noticed the place I had just gone into. It was a small, yet beautiful little place. Few tables were occupied as it was starting to get quite late. Slowly, I walked over to a table, near the latticed French windows, and slumped down into the seat. Pulling out my phone, it started to vibrate, so I looked at it to see that Miles was calling me. Instantly, I declined and pressed my head against the cold window, closing my eyes. Suddenly, the phone went to voicemail.

Hey, Lu. We’re really worried about you. Look, whatever it is, I’m sure we can talk about it? Yeh? Just call me, wait hang on…MATT WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP…” Miles started shouting at Matt on the other side of the phone which made me smile slightly. Matt was only trying to loosen the tension around by doing the only thing he was used to doing – joking around. Putting the phone back to my ear, I listened to the rest of the voice mail. “Fucking prick…okay, that was harsh, I love the bastard even you do when he’s trying to raise the spirits. If this is about Al, just ring me and tell me because I’m worrying…yeh Dylan hang on…sorry, I better go but just remember who your mates are.” With that, the line went dead. Suddenly, my eyes started to swell up with tears. Just as one was falling down my right cheek, I felt a presence and then a massive mug of hot chocolate, with marshmallows and whipped cream got placed down on the matt which was on my table. Looking up, I saw a waiter with floppy blonde hair and blue eyes look down at me with a reassuring smile.

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