Chapter 14

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Alex walked me back home after our meeting in the park. When we got to my house, he kissed me one last time, softly, and then we parted our ways. I didn’t care that it was three thirty on Monday morning and that I had to be at school in less than six hours.


As I slowly opened my eyes, the light flooding through my curtains was unbearably painful to my morning self. Slamming my eyelids back together, I groaned once more before swinging my legs around my bed and (not so successfully) stood up.

I fisted my hands in my hair as I tried to ignore the fact that I was still half asleep from sleeping in my clothes. I’d only had about two hours sleep after I met Al in the park. It wouldn’t make a difference anyway because I never normally got enough sleep these days.

Throwing on my uniform (yes I still had to wear uniform for sixth form), I grabbed my bag and then ran down stairs to grab some food before I left for school. Quickly, I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl before turning around and running for the front door. Well, that would have been the case if my mom wasn’t stood in the kitchen doorway blocking me from doing that entire action.

“Look, mom, whatever it is I don’t exactly have time for this at the moment because as it is, I’m already running shit late for school.”

“Well, that wouldn’t be such a surprise would it? Anyway, that’s not what I’ve come to talk to you about.”

Sighing, I knew that I couldn’t make her stop so it would just be best to listen to whatever she wanted to say.

“I heard you, last night.”

“What?” I mumbled trying to mask my lies.

“Look, Luanna. I was in my office when I heard you leave. And anyway, this time I’m not going to have a go at you-“

Well that was a change.

 “-I get that you’re eighteen now and that I have to let you do what you want. So just tell me this, what is your relation with Alex from which you seem so keen on?”

Um, wait I didn’t even know what we were.

“It’s complicated, look I gotta go but I’ll talk to you later…perhaps. Bye!”

Before she could say anything else, I ran out the door just in time to see Miles walking by.

“Hey, wait up!” I called to him before he turned around and smiled waving his hand.

“Ey up” He smiled again as he spoke to me, his cheerful self as usual.

“Heya” I giggled back.


“So…” I repeated wondering why he was being so…I don’t know questionable?

“You’re unusually cheerful, what’s up with you this morning? Is there something that I’ve missed over the weekend?” He asked, a grin teasing on his lips, his brown eyes curious.

“Hey!” I said swatting his arm as we walked further down the street to Alex’s house which was also on the way to school. “Um, well I uh guess. Look, I’ll tell you later…” Just before I could finish what I was saying, we’d reached Alex’s house and there he was, leaning against the front gate. His hair was freshly styled into his usual quiff and he was wearing his signature leather jacket over his uniform. His school tie was yet to actually be tied and it was just hanging around his neck like a loose bow tie. As we got closer, I noticed he had a genuine smile on his face and he was looking at me.

“Jesus, what is it today? It’s Monday morning and the two most miserable people I know are so-“ Before he could finish what he was saying, Alex came over to me and swung his arm around my shoulders and carried on walking up the street leaving Miles stood there like a sitting target.

“Ohhh, have I missed something?” Miles laughed as he caught up with us, a smirk playing on his face.

“Nah mate, just something that’s been in front of you the whole time.” Alex said, he also had a smirk on his face and he looked pleased with himself. When I looked at him, I realised he was already looking at me. I blushed slightly before returning my gaze to the paved path.

“So you’re…you’re both like…?” Miles awkwardly said. In a way, I felt sorry for him because at this moment in time he looked like a third wheel. Especially whilst walking through the front of the school gates.

“Huh?” Alex asked. My heart dropped a little because Alex didn’t even say we were a couple. Yet, we’d actually, like you know, done the ‘deed’.

“Oh, doesn’t matter.” Miles sighed before walking away in another direction to his first lesson.

Alex turned to me once he’d gone. He noticed my scowl and was frowning. Slowly, he lifted my chin gently and forced me to look him in the eye.

“Ey, what’s up Luanna?” Wait, he was calling me by my fall name again now? What?

“I’m…fine.” I sighed and turned my head to the side out of his grip. Just then, Alex kissed my sweetly on the neck. “See you later kitten.” He mumbled almost sleepily in my ear, nuzzling his head into my neck, before he turned away and walked to his first lesson. I couldn’t tell what was going on. One moment we were acting like two people in a relationship and the next, he couldn’t even confess what we were. Maybe he didn’t know yet. Maybe he wasn’t sure if he actually liked me like that yet. Maybe he just wasn’t the type for a ‘relationship’. I was just worrying myself with questions and worries. Sighing, I knew that was no use and if I wanted to find out then I’d have to just ask him one time.

Sighing once again, I started to walk to my first lesson. As I did, I got stares and glares from most of the girls in my year which must have witnessed Alex kissing me at the front of the school less than three minutes ago. People were whispering so that I couldn’t hear but it didn’t work for I could hear exactly what they were saying.

“Why the fuck did he kiss her?”

“Like he’d actually want to date her.”                        

“Ahaha she’s so pathetic.”

Ignoring it, I carried on into school and went to my first class actually feeling like my good mood had turned rotten. It’s funny how quickly things can change, and when they do it’s not always for the best. Alex’s changing personalities were annoying me. They were annoying me more than they should have been.

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