Chapter 1

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 Opening my eyes, I reached out to check the time on my phone. My alarm hadn’t gone off yet. Suddenly, I slammed myself upright and threw my legs over the side of my bed, I’d slept through my alarm and I had to be at school in fifth teen minuets. “Shit, shit, shittttt” Mumbling, I grabbed my black skirt and white shirt and threw them on myself before pulling the striped tie over my neck. I was always late for school.

 Finally, I’d arrived at school. I threw the left over piece of apple in the nearest bin by the school gates and walked into the building. Silence surrounded me and the only noise made was by my slip on pumps on the squeaky floors. Yep, lesson had started. All of a sudden, a voice boomed out from behind me. As if I needed to be slowed down even more. I turned around revealing the head teacher walking towards me, an eyebrow raised in her defence to whatever she was about to say. I sighed.

 “Luanna Court, you’re skirt is at an unacceptable length. I don’t want to make any male staff or male students feel uncomfortable in school hours. Make it a reasonable length at once!”

 Looking down at my skirt, I noticed it was resting a little bit above mid-thigh length. My tights had a few ladders in them. Fuck sake, I’m going to have to buy a load more because I thought this was the last decent pair I had left.

 “Luanna please pay attention to me whilst I am speaking.” Mrs Kyle’s voice boomed through the silence once more.

 “Yes Miss, sorry I am late for class. I better go.” I spoke quickly, mumbling to the ground. Turning on my heals, I started to walk away extremely quickly, before she could say anything else. My straight light brown hair flew into my face as I moved to my lesson. Only twenty-five minutes late – record timing.

 Pushing the blue, creaky door open, all eyes flew to my attention as I entered the English classroom. My green eyes moved to meet Mr Smith’s old gaze before he spoke. “Ahh Luanna, finally decided to join us have you”

 “Uhh yeh, sorry Sir I was late..”  My eyes wondered to my seat at the back where I usually sat by myself because I had like no friends. Just then, I noticed that someone was sat there. His hair was dark brown and twisted at the top to make a small quiff. His eyes were a warm brown colour but still had the dark intensity in them. His jawline looked like it had been chiselled into place and it looked like you could probably, most likely, cut yourself on his cheekbones. He was strangely…attractive.

 “Ahh yes, Luanna. When you have stopped looking at Alex at the back, I am sure you can make your way to sit down. I thought he could sit by you because you are in fact very good at English.”

 I scowled at Mr Smith as I made my way to the back. Everyone sniggered because I’d been caught checking out the new guy, Alex. I could feel my checks blushing like mad.

 Angrily, I chucked my books down on the desk and pulled out my chair. Slowly, I slumped down into it. Just then, I realised that Alex was smirking at me. Moving my head, I raised an eyebrow at him. He leaned in closer so that I could only hear what he was about to say.

 “How you doin’?” He said cockily whilst his eyes wondered down to my thighs. I noticed his accent, where was it from? Up north I think.

 “Uh, yeh. I am good.” My response was short. Already, I knew this guy was a trouble maker and possibly a ladies man. Girls kept looking behind their desk to get a glance at the mystery boy.

 “Sooo…” He leaned closer and I could feel his breath on my cheek. I smelt cigarettes, so he was a smoker. Bad boy. Ocasionally when needed, I may have one...or two. I kept my eyes fixed on the poem in front of me, not wanting to meet his gorgeous gaze. Yeh, he was cocky but he was rather attractive. Then, he carried on.

 “Luanna eh?”

 Raising my head, I looked at him. My name was extremely rare, and unusual, but why did he care so much? Imeedietly, when my green eyes met his, I notcied his eyes weren't just brown. They were a different, more gorgeous blend of sepia and hazel.

 “Yes?” I asked a tone of annoyance in my voice which I am sure he picked up on. Does he notice me looking at him like this? He laughed deeply so that he didn’t make much noise which just emphisized the huskyness in his voice. Then his perfectly chosen words returned.

 “I’ve never heard such an exquisite name before, Luanna” He played with my name on the end of his sentence. “I like that, oh and Luanna.” He said again. “Playing hard to get, will get you nowhere.” He winked at me before he looked at the poem before him and he started reading it.

 Oh I can tell I’m going to hate English now. Already, he thinks that he can get any girl that he wants – including me. Fucking hell. But that left me intrigued, curious. I wanted to find out more about mysterious Alex. I guess that’s what drew me in.

 Finally, the bell went for next class. Strangely, he did not speak to me again that lesson. All he did was casually glance my way with a glint in his eye and when he left after the bell, he winked at me quickly before grabbing his leather jacket from behind him and sauntering out.

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