Chapter 3

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Quickly, I glanced in the steamed, dirty mirror before looking back down at the sink. Thank fuck it was Friday evening. I'd had enough of this week already but tomorrow...tomorrow I had to face going to that fucking house party just to please Alex's sorry ass. It turned out that Miles actually lived on the same road as me (not that I had noticed or anything) so he asked if we could walk up together, I said yes. Oh yeh, and for Alex, he had been flying at me with cocky comments, texts and missed phone calls - trying to impress me but it just made me think he was even more of a wasteful dick.

Grabbing the hair dye bottle from the counterside next to me, I poured it into my hands before setting to work on my once brown hair. I'd been wanting to dye it for a while now because I hated my natural hair colour and it was so common. Why want to be like everyone else? After a while, I washed it under the cold shower and went to check it out in the mirror. When my virescent eyes exposed my new, more vibrant hair I was shocked. Not because it was different, because I liked it. Plus, it kind of suited me...In front of me my hair fasinated me. It was vibrant rose red but then it faded out into a blondish ombred colour. I guess I will be getting a lot more attention tomorrow then.

I sauntered out of the bathroom, towards my room. Just before I could walk and hideaway in my room, my mother gasped from behind me. Sighing, I turned around and uncovered my eyes to a shocked and horrified mum. Told you I would be getting more attention then. Oh, and I kind of forgot to tell her I'd be dying my hair...this colour.

"Luanna!!! What have you done??" Her eyes widened as she stepped closer to me. Anger flashed on her face. "Why do you do this to me? I don't get it. Constantley, you are acting against me!" She was very close to me now and her face was red with pure anger.

"Mommm, chill, I just died my hair? I am 17 you know so I can make my own desisions. Why do you hate me for doing what makes me happy?" I started shouting in her face.

"I don't hate you Lu..." She butted in but I carried on not letting her speak.

"You know what, Mom. I don't think you would realise if I was gone one day. You know, you only ever realise I am here when I have done something 'wrong'. You know what, why don't you back off and leave me alone because right now, I don't think I need this shit." As I said these words her face dropped. Never had I been this argumentative. Just then she started to cry. Ohhh shit. "Mom, I uh...oh god, I didn't mean it like that" I rushed out of my awful mouth.

"You were right, I should just leave you be." With that she walked down stairs and into the sitting room leaving me stood agains the wall. Never had I gotten on very well with her. Well, I guess I did but when...when my Dad passed away when I was 13, things had gotten so hard. God, I missed him so fucking much.

"Well done Luanna." I sighed and stepped into my room, slamming the door behind me. Hurling myself onto my bed, I looked around my room. The four walls were plum purple and had old band posters on them, slightly peeling off the walls. The black silk curtains fluttered like a butterfly in the cool, evening wind. My guitar was propped up against the bed so I picked it up and started playing.

Suddenly, my phone rang out playing 'This charming man' by The Smiths. God, I loved that band. Not cheking the caller ID, I picked up eventually before an ever so husky voice spoke making me jump.

"I was beginin' to think you were gonna not pick up. Again love." He tantalizingly said. I couldn't stop wanting to hear the sound of his voice. The more and more I heard it, I liked it. There was just something about it... Honestly, I'd recently been starting to think about him more and more. What was happening???

I sighed. "Alex, now's not the time.." I barely spoke more than a whisper, plucking at the guitar which was now perched on my chest because I was laying down on my bed.

"You play?"

I was confussed at what he meant.

"Huh?" I responded.

"You play, guitar?" He put more clearly.

"Ohh, yeh I used to get lessons but now I just play whenever." Mumbling into the phone, I got up and went to look out of the window in my room. I didn't have the lights on in my room, I rarely did. I had the lights hanging on the walls which made it look like something off tumblr.

"Didn't know that, love" Why does he keep calling me 'love'??? Ugh, Luanna stop with the questions.

I wanted to know why he'd rang me. Especially now, I'd have thought he would have given up seeing previously I'd ignored every call he had made.

"So, uh Alex. Was there something you wanted?" I tried to sound polite but in the end I must have sounded like the usual me. Cold.

"Haha, nahh. Wanted to see how yous was, Lu." Once again, he played with my name at the end of his sentance. I could tell he was smirking from down the line because he knew it annoyed me when people called me that.

"Well, to be honest Alex, you only saw me under seven hours ago. It's eleven in the evening so not much has changed.."

"What's new?" He quickly butted in. God, the curiousty dripped from his mouth. He seemed interested in everything I talked about.

"Uh I guess my hair has magically turned a now red colour." Laughing, I waited for his reaction.

"Luanna, STAHHPP" He joked whilst putting on a failed American accent. He chuckled with me through the phone. "Jesus, there's nothin' you won't do is there?" He carried on.

Giggling, I gave my responce. "Oh Alex, I guess you don't know me yet then..."

"You like saying my name, you've said it in at least every. single. fookin'. sentance. to me" He cooed down the phone to me taking the piss out of what I said. When he swore, it sounded so innocent. Like it wasn't bad to say.

"Shut the fuck up." Then I thought. "Alex" Giggling, I couldn't believe I actually found it so easy to talk to him. "As do you, Mr Turner." I was now leant on my elbows, sitting back on my bed with my hand covering my evolving grin.

"I like your name..Oh and I am sorry, you can't call me 'Mr Turner'" He breathed out a laugh. For a moment or two, no words were exchanged. Hearing his breathing, I'd never felt like I'd met this side of him. He seemed...nice and easy to be with and to talk to.

Sighing, I lay down on my bed, wrapping my self around the dark crumpled sheets. "I should go now.." I whispered into the speaker. "Don't wanna be moody at this party tomorrow do I?"

He laughed. "Nah you don't. Is someone gettin' tired??? Ooohh. Is mummy puttin' you to bed now???" He teased. Ok, normal Alex was back now.

"Shhhsh you." I whispered. Turning the hanging lights off around my room, I was enclosed in a darkness which seemed nice. I hadn't realised the awkward silence between us, well it wasn't awkward.

"Night, Luanna" He hushed at the other end of the phone.

"Night, you. See you tomorrow."

"Oh yeh, this hair better be good, love."

"Hmmm." I hummed back to him, sleepily.


"Night" I laughed back.

"Night." He said again.

"Oh for fuck's sake Alex, Goodnight!!"

He laughed deeply before I put the phone down. What was that? I guess he would act like this didn't happen tomorrow and he would be back to his 'usual' self.

Tangling my legs in the sheets, I turned on my side resting my head on my pillow. Eventually, sleep fell upon me and started my dreams.

That was the first night I dreamt about Alex Turner.

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