Chapter 7

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Finally, the long school day dragged out and I was making my way through the front door of my house. Sighing, I started walking towards the kitchen before mum stepped out and ran over to me smiling.

“I made you coffee in the kitchen.” Smiling, she slowly went upstairs and into her office to carry on with her work. Had no idea what she did still. But at least she had made me a coffee which I highly needed at this time of the day.

Carrying on down the hallway, I pushed open the creaky door and threw the bag of Alex’s and Miles’s gifts on the sofa. Just then a familiar yet distant voice smoothly spoke making my stomach do a triple back flip.

“Careful now, you wouldn’t want to break anything…”

Gasping, I immediately recognised the voice. That welsh accent I’d wanted to hear since it left a whole in my chest and memories.  

Turning my head, I saw the grinning boy sat on a chair by the table.

“MATTTTT!!!!” I screamed his name whilst running at him, then jumping on him to give him a bear hug. Burying my head in the crook of his neck, I breathed in his scent whilst he awkwardly held me on his lap not knowing what to do.

“Um Yeh, didn’t mean to break it on you like that kiddo.” He breathed out a laugh.  

Slowly, I pulled out of the embrace and looked him in the face. His dark blonde hair was still the same – slightly curly. He was one year older than me so he was nineteen. There was an awkward silence so I quickly turned my gaze to the floor.

“Look, Luanna, I am so sorry.” Confused, I looked at him as he carried on. “Sorry for being such a self-absorbed dick and not calling or texting you.” He rushed as he spoke brushing his hand through his messy hair.

“Matt. It’s fine. That’s what happens all the time…people do that to me all the time so I am used to it. It being that I am used to being someone’s second choice or whatever that shit is.”

“You’re not anyone’s second choice, Lu. You’re too good for that.” He mumbled looking down at his feet. Was he getting all shy? That’s a new side of him I didn’t know.

I didn’t want to talk about it anymore so I suddenly changed the subject before it got too unbearable. “Wait. I thought you were in New York?”

“Yeh, well I was. Came over to visit some old family and mates. Anyway, enough about me, how are you…birthday girl?” He smirked at the last part of the sentence playing with the words making my mind rush to someone else I knew who did that.  He knew I hated when people talked to me about my birthday so I gave him the evils whilst getting up and pulling a chair out next to him. Slowly, I sat down on the chair and brought my knee up so I could rest my chin on it.

“Hmm yeh. I am okay, if you could say that.”

“Doing much tonight?” He questioned as his chocolate brown eyes searched my face for some sort of answer. Still, he reminded me of Alex somehow… I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. He could read me like a book so I had to be careful about what I said.

“Nope…just gonna uh write another fucking essay oh yes.” Swinging my arm, I tried to fake joy but I doubt it was working.

“Bullshit. You’re having ‘people’ around aren’t you?” Shit, I could never lie to him. He knew me so well.

“What? Noooo?”

“Shut up, I know when you’re lying.” His eyebrow rose whilst he spoke.

“I spit nothing but the truth!!!” Standing up, I tried to defend myself in the useless situation that I was in.

“Who are they?”

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