Chapter 9

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I awoke to the sound of two voices mumbling. It was Miles and Alex, but mostly just Miles.

Moving around, so that I faced them whilst still being within the comfort of my bed, I met Miles gaze and he smiled at me before I returned it. On the other hand, Alex was completely occupied by his phone and wasn’t making any sort of attempt to communicate with me at all.

Just then, I remembered everything that happened last night.

I tried to forget them, push them out of my head, but I couldn’t. Maybe…maybe food would help me right now. It normally did.

“B-breakfast?” Foolishly, I stuttered and stood up. Quickly, I tugged the bottom of my shirt down so that it would cover a bit more of my thighs which were already awfully exposed.

“Uh yeh, sure. Alex?” Miles said sending me back to reality.

“Mm.” Was all he said then they followed me downstairs into the kitchen.

As I walked past the sitting room, I didn’t realise mum was actually up at…oh it was 10:46.

“For goodness sake, Luanna. Put some clothes on. The poor boys must be feeling extremely uncomfortable.”  

Instead of replying, I walked into the kitchen and waited for Alex and Miles to come in, and then I slammed it shut and went over to the toaster.

As I placed three pieces of bread in the toaster, I couldn’t help but notice the silence that loomed around the bright room. You could probably hear a pin drop. When the toast popped up, I quickly buttered it and placed it on a big plate for the three of us. Suddenly, Alex stood up making the chair screech on the floor. Then he coughed getting our attention.

“Uh, I gotta go.” He mumbled before turning away to the closed door. I didn’t want him to go, certainly if this was after what happened last night.

“Alex?” I quickly said before I could stop myself. When he turned around he met my gaze for a second then he dropped it back to the floor and I’m sure I caught his saddened feelings. He never before had acted like this, so why now?

“I…I made you some toast.” Whispering lamely was definitely not my strong point. Well maybe it was. I held the food out and he reluctantly walked over, still looking at the ‘oh-so-interesting’ floor.

As he took the toast, his hands didn’t incidentally brush mine like they normally did which made me wonder if he did that on purpose. He slowly opened the kitchen door before turning his head back towards Miles and me.

“See you…uh soon.” He said with his husky morning voice, and then he walked away through the front door and out of our sites. He’d not bothered to style his hair today making me think that he was in a rush.

I collapsed in a chair by the table and supported my head with my tiny hands. What was wrong with him? Was it actually my fault? Part of what Alex had said made me suspicious. Suspicious about when I was actually going to see him again. Why? As If answering my questions, Miles said something.

“I don’t know.” I looked over towards him.


“I don’t get Al. You know his ‘mood’ change.” As Miles spoke, I nodded my head in agreement but then when he looked at me he had a questioning look plastered on his face. 


“Do you know why he’s like this at the moment, Lua?”

I didn’t know what to say. I guess it was best to say nothing but I felt so upset about Alex’s actions I didn’t know what to say.

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