Chapter 5

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 “Luanaaa?” A muffled voice sounded from downstairs. Moaning, I turned around to face the clock in my room. 10:36 am. Lifting my head, a sharp pain suddenly shot through my head like a lorry had slammed into my brain over, and over again. I felt like oblivion itself. Was that even fucking possible? Slumping back down again, my mom shouted to me again.

 “Luanna? There’s someone here to see you…” Wait. What? Why it’s fucking 10:36 in the morning. On a Sunday.

 I heard her talking to whoever was here. I tried picking out what she said but only got a few words. “Yes, just go up…I’m sure she’s just doing some work or something…Yes that’s fine.” Then she laughed and walked back to wherever she came from.

 Suddenly, the door to my darkened room opened. Then the voice came.

 “Luanna?” Alex whispered cautiously before stepping into view and closing the door behind him silently. I groaned into the pillow muffling my sound. His hair was not styled today and lay in a hot mess on his head.

 “Urghh. Alex? What do you want?” I mumbled into the crumpled sheets which were tangled between my exposed legs. Ah yes, I’d forgotten that all I was wearing was underwear which consisted of a black lacy bra and matching pants. Well done, Luanna.

 “I believe you have something of mine...”He said in a normal voice which seemed like he was shouting because of this bitch of a hangover that I was having. His voice trailed meaning he was distracted by something. Hmm maybe my underwear. Fuck me.

 “I have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. And look, keep your voice down will you?” My face was front on in my pillow so I had no idea where he was but then I heard him sink down in the beanbag opposite my bed. I still could feel his eyes venturing over me.

 “My jacket? I somehow didn’t have it with me and I sort of uh remember giving it to you.” I looked over to him as he spoke, his hands supporting his head. I’m pretty sure he felt just as bad as me.

 “Pass me a shirt will you, Alex?” I whispered to him. He got up and walked to my wardrobe before grabbing an oversized band shirt which used to be my best mates, Matt. I never saw him anymore. Around six months ago, he moved to New York with his parents which broke my heart because I’d known him since what felt like forever. The texts from him got less and less over the weeks of his departure until one day, they stopped completely. Also, he had a band now which was beginning to become big. They were called Drowners and their music was pretty decent. Perhaps he’d forgotten about me in his new fame. God, I missed him so fucking much. We have only ever been friends and I couldn’t imagine being any more than that with him, unless he had stayed around here maybe for a bit longer. He was the only guy I trusted at my school and he was the only friend I had as sad as it sounds. Yeh, ok we made out at a house party when we were 15 but that was a drunken night and we could forget about that easily because we were just like that.

 Pulling me out of my daydream, Alex threw the shirt at me before I put it on and stepped out of bed. Pulling on my fluffy socks, I walked to find Alex’s leather jacket well in his site. Anger swelled up in my body as I reached down to get it, and then chucked it in his face. But him being Alex, he just caught it mid-air and slipped it on smirking. I collapsed back down on my bed and held my head in my tiny hands. “Fuck, I need some paracetamol.” Mumbling into my hands, Alex stood up and walked over to me with a concerned look on his god like face. He crouched down by me as I was sat on the bed, my palms supporting my head. He squinted his eyes as he reached out to tuck a loose piece of my hair around my ear. As soon as his touch came into contact with my skin, sparks shoot down my body and screamed for more like I was dependant on him. Ignoring him, I stood up stumbling for the door way before Alex followed me out of the room. 

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