Chapter 4

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 Hearing a knock at the door, I presumed it was the postman as Miles was supposed to be arriving in one hour. It was only five so I had time to get ready. Still, I was in my night wear which consisted of tiny pyjama shorts and a stringy white vest top.

 Just then, Mum called me.

 “Lua, some friends just came round to see you…”

 Wait what? Friends?

 Slowly, I opened my bedroom door and took my time walking to the top of the stairs. I heard mumbling voices from downstairs. When the front door came into view, I saw two boys smirking because they were one hour early. I started strolling down the stairs before I sleepily said something. “Heyyy, you’re like an hour early? And why is Alex here as well?” Mumbling, I stumbled clumsily and went up to them once I’d reached the bottom of the stairs.

 “Oh well, uh we were ready so we came now. Plus Alex was dying to see y-” Miles didn’t finish his sentence because Alex had shoved him out of the way making him laugh. How immature.

 “I’m not even ready though. Ok. You might as well stay so you can come to my room if you want.” Sighing, I started to go back upstairs, Alex and Miles following me. Suddenly, Alex swatted me on my butt once again. Yelping, I stopped and turned around giving him the evils. He was pretending like that phone call never happened last night. Everything was back to normal. Well, Alex was. His unpredictable personality change was beginning to irritate me. He had two sides to him: one was when he was around school and with other people which was cocky, no good Alex. Personality two was a friendly, understanding and easy to talk to Alex. I knew which one I preferred. But all two of them were still undeniably attractive…ok, I admit it now.

“Ahh come one Lu, sometime soon yes?” Miles joked from behind a smirking Alex. Ugh. So now Miles had started calling me that too? Brilliant. He also had raised his eyebrows at the intense drama unfolding in front of his deep brown eyes.

 Once I had stepped back into my room, Alex suddenly made his way to my record player and selected a vinyl. At least I liked it because it was The Smiths. Miles just awkwardly sat on my beanbag by my window. “Nice room you got ‘ere Lu.” Alex commented from where he was sat on my bed, marvelling at the posters on my wall. I could feel his eyes wondering over my exposed legs because of my tiny pyjama shorts.

 Feeling uncomfortable, which I am sure he picked up on, I walked to the doorway. “Uhh. Thanks, I guess. Anyway, I’ll be back in a minuet. I am getting dressed in the bathroom.” Picking up some clothes, I started making my way to the room before I got a cocky comment thrown at me. “Why not get changed here, Luanna?” Spinning on my heels, I glared at Alex because of what he’d just said. I picked up some paper with writing on it, crumpled it up, and threw it at him. He had a cheeky grin on his face whilst he winked at me. I swear my heart stopped for a nanosecond.

 “Fuck you.” I said coldly before giving him a sarcastic grin and walking out. Then I heard him say something to Miles. “That’s why I like her mate. Feisty personality, playing hard to g-”

 “-I really don’t think she’s playin’ hard to get Al. I think she just dislikes you mate.” Miles laughed back at him interrupting what Alex was going to say. I decided to ignore whatever they were saying so I closed the bathroom door and started to get changed.

 When I’d finished, I picked up my last items of clothing and folded them neatly before placing them in the draw. Then I started walking back to my room.

 Slowly, I closed the old wooden door behind me before turning around to meet Alex’s and Mile’s gaze making me feel self-conscious. Looking down, I checked if my ripped black skinny jeans and ACDC band shirt were ok. Yes, they were.

 “Oh yeh, Lu. I forgot to say. I’m liking the hair.” Slowly, Alex placed down my guitar which he was playing on and started walking over to me. When he stopped, I noticed he was hardly inches away from me. I looked at the ground because it looked suddenly so interesting but before I could let my eyes wonder it, I felt a thumb under my chin forcing me to look back at his tantalising sepia gaze. I pulled back immediately like I had been burned. His touch had felt so…pleasant and my skin was screaming him to do it again but I needed to put them thoughts outside my head. Confused, I looked back into Alex’s eyes before Miles broke the intensity of the moment. What even was that? “Urm well guys, we should you know. Get going because believe it or not, it’s actually nearly six so yehhh.” Alex looked at him and his facial expression changed back to ‘normal’ like nothing had happened five point two seconds ago.

 “Ah right mate. Yous guys ready to partayy?” He joked putting on a fake voice obviously trying to sound like a girl from our school. I couldn’t help but laugh which brought me back to his interest. Looking away, I grabbed my usual black satchel and walked downstairs to the front door. Miles followed, and then did Alex. I saw him place on his shades. Wait what? It was like fucking raining!

 “Uh Alex? Sorry to break it to you mate but it’s raining outside and I see no sign of sun-“ Before I could carry on Alex butted in with  a snide remark.

 “Oh so I’m your mate now am I eh? Oh and par for the course…” He winked at me, lingering his words on his breath, before stepping outside and leaving me hanging. Sighing, I stepped out after them and shut the door behind me. Knowing I should have brought my trusty vintage denim jacket with me, I tried my best to cover myself from the rain with my bag. In the end, I gave up letting the rain soak me to the bone. Alex and Miles waited for me to catch up before carrying on when I’d got to their side. I was now walking in-between Miles and Alex and I have to say, it felt hella cool to be walking besides to men wearing leather jackets and tight black jeans. I’m not joking. Alex was wearing a plain white shirt with tight black jeans and a black leather jacket and Miles was wearing basically the same but with a black top on. Also, Alex was wearing one of them things which you put on the front of belts which was pretty cool. Not like I’d noticed anyway…oh god.

 5 hours later

Pulling on Alex’s arm lazily, I tried to glimpse at the watch on his wrist but my vision was blurred and the clock hands kept twisting into delusions. I think I was hallucinating as I’d drunk what would be called a lot more than should have. So had Alex. We were dancing extremely closely in the middle of the sitting area which was an absolute mess. I think the tune playing was ‘fever’ by the black keys but I wasn’t sure because nothing at this moment in time felt real. The alcohol must have been affecting me worse than I though.  Alcohol was spilt all over the floor, people were passed out on the breakfast bar and many people were making out and a few were vomiting outside. Hmm maybe I hadn’t drunk as much as them then. Just then, I noticed Alex’s arm had inched around my waist. He yanked me forward making me clash into his chest. “C-can you d-d-dance Luuana???” He slurred looking into my eyes. When he was pissed his words did not flow with such ease. I was too drunk to care.

 Giggling, I made a response. The alcohol had taken over and I now had no control over it. “O-only i-if you dance with meee Ally…” Looking up, I locked my eyes with his and we started crazy dancing to the music. Earlier, Alex introduced me to his other mates. Matthew J Helders the third, wait I can’t even remember who else they were.

 “Ya want a-another drink?” Alex said sleepily, brushing his hand through his once perfect hair.

 “Yeaa sure Ally” I cooed drunkly after him as he made his way to the bar. Just then, I felt a tinge of nausea pass through me and I sprinted my way to the front of the house. Once I’d finished removing the contents of what I’d been drinking, I started stumbling my way down the street back to my house. Instantly, I’d forgotten about Alex but had not realised I was still wearing his jacket which he gave to me before we entered the house because it was raining.

 Struggling, I pushed open the front door and stumbled in. I caught my foot clumsily on the step up and fell flat on my face on the wooden floor boards to our house. When I’d gotten myself up, I passed the clock on my way to my bedroom. I, I think it said like three in the morning. But that could be wrong.

 Quickly, I chucked off my chunky boots, band shirt and ripped jeans and got into bed in whatever underwear I was wearing. It would do. Finally, I got to sleep.

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