Chapter 6

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It had been a few months now that Alex had been at my school. Constantly, he was persistent at throwing flirty, cocky comments my way. As the weeks had gone by, my feelings for Alex had grown into something more, something I hate to admit. Since he came to my house the morning after that house party, I seemed to notice him everywhere. Every time I was with him, my heart stopped. I felt it hard to look him in the eye and I would now even walk home with him more. But I knew he was all a trick under the light. As soon as he got what he wanted, he would be off to someone new. Also, within the mix of Alex, I had become pretty good friends with Miles.

Opening my eyes, the light flooded through the crack in frayed curtains. ‘Luv, hold me down’ by Drowners (my old best mates band). Groaning, I cursed under my breath as I got up and stumbled my way into the bathroom opposite my darkened room.   

The water was ice cold on my face as I stared harshly at the broken girl in the mirror. I didn’t even look one year older, yet today was my birthday. I hated celebration. Normally, my birthday would be spent at school then going home to the peace of my room and finishing an essay for sixth form.

Tearing my eyes from the mirror, I pulled on my black skirt and white school blouse, before yanking on my tie. Hopefully, today would be easy as no one knew about my birthday. Pretty much everyone was eighteen by now as my birthday was in April.

“Happy birthday baby girl!!” Mum shouted from the kitchen as I dragged my sorry arse down the stairs. Groaning, I picked up an apple from the doorway and mum turned around greeting me with a tiny wrapped gift.

“Mum, I told you that you didn’t have to get me anythin’ for today.”

“Oh come on, Lua. You’re eighteen! I couldn’t resist…It’s the only one…” As mum spoke, she looked so happy as she placed the tiny box into my hands.

I started to open the gift, opening the dark wrapping paper cautiously. When that was off, I unveiled a tiny velvet box that fitted in my hands perfectly. Slowly, I opened the box to see a beautiful silver ring carved with tiny jewelled flowers. It was perfect.

“Oh wow, thanks mum” Smiling, I gave her an awkward hug as I placed the ring on my forth finger on my right hand. “It’s beautiful.” I whispered, playing with the shiny loop intertwined on my finger.

“Okay…I kind of lied about it being the only one…The others are in the sitting room.” She laughed nervously as she watched my reaction. She sounded so excited and it reminded me of the old mum I used to know. Back when I had dad. When we had dad.

“Okay, I cannot thank you enough but I seriously need to go to school right now but I promise to open the rest when I get home.” Grabbing my bag, I rushed to the front door as I noticed I was already ten minutes late. Miles must have already gone because I was now walking by myself.

As soon as I pushed open the door to the school, the bell rang. Just made it. I rushed to first period which was Art so that was okay I guess.

Slumping down in the cafeteria, I waited for Miles and Alex to come and sit with me as they’d been doing that every day since Alex’s first day. Finally, it was lunch and I was dying to get home and be by myself. I guess I wasn’t a people person.

Suddenly, awakening me from my daydream, an arm threw itself around my shoulders as a body jumped on the seat next to mine.

“Yo yo Luanna.” Alex jokingly said, that heart stopping grin on his face. He pulled me closer so that I was forced to rest my head on his chest awkwardly. He smelt wonderful.

“Uh, hey.” I smiled nervously, shrugging his arm off daring to not look back at his mesmerising gaze. He was wearing his tight leather jacket over the school uniform which even sixth formers had to wear. His black trousers clung to his body and made me have inappropriate thoughts that even I was ashamed of.

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