Chapter 2

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A week had now past and I still had not heard from Christian, and as much I hated to admit it I was actually getting worried.  No matter what reasons I told myself why I shouldn’t go to his house, I had a perfect reason why I should. It just didn’t make sense. I looked at the clock as it read 4pm. Thinking since I had another 4 hours left at work, I decided that I would drive by to see if he was okay.

Walking back to the racks I started to put new designs up around the store. After running the register for half of my shift, I rung up my last customer just as my friend Stephanie came from the back to take over register.

Bumping me playfully Stephanie asked me, “So any plans for tonight?”

Shaking my head I said, “Nope I’m as free as a bird.”

“It’s Friday night and you’re telling me that you have absolutely nothing to do?”

Giving my customer her change and receipt and saying goodbye I turned around to Stephanie, “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

I took my register out and sat on the floor behind the counter as I counted my earnings for the day as Stephanie says, “You’re lucky that I close today or I would take you out for a night at the finest club in town.”

I laughed, “I didn’t go last week what makes you think I would go this time?”

Stephanie looked down at me as I put a clip around the money, “I would have forced you.”

I got up grabbing my register as I laughed, “Honey I’m not that easy to be forced into something.”

I went and stuck my money into the safe as I got back on the floor. I was happy that Stephanie had a line of customers so she wouldn’t banter me about me not having a ‘social life’ at least that what she calls it.

15 minutes went by as I finished cleaning the sweater racks. I was blindly humming along to an Ed Sheeran track that played over the radio that I didn’t hear Stephanie call me. I jumped when she walked up behind me tapping me on my shoulder,

“Don’t do that! You know I hate when you do that.” I snapped catching my breath.

“Well maybe if you didn’t drift off into lala land than you would have heard me calling your name, someone wants to see you.” Stephanie smirks, placing her hand on her hip.

I looked at her and said, “Who?”

Stephanie turned around pointing to a tall guy, wearing black jeans, a gray long sleeve shirt, with a beanie that carefully covered his disheveled dark curls, which fell out on the sides.

“Who is it?” I asked looking at her, as I glanced back to the guy standing at the cash register

“I don’t know, he didn’t give me a name, but he is a hot totty if I might say so myself.” Stephanie smiled flirtatiously at the guy who back was still to us,

I stifled an eye roll as I said, “You have a customer, maybe you should go help her?” As I gave her a playful nudge away from me as I smiled.

I looked back at the guy as I took a breath and walked towards him. As I got closer, I smiled, “Stephanie said you were looking for me?”

The guy turned around his blue eyes meet my hazel brown eyes, he stared at me like he was searching for something, a moment had past as the corner of his mouth curved up into a smile, “Well you’re prettier than I expected.”

My eyes widen as I laughed, “I’m sorry have we met?”

 He smiled again, “Right, sorry I’m Christian.” I stared absently at him as I took a breath.

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