Chapter 8

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I rolled in the bed as the scent of bacon seemed to swirl around me. I smiled as I stretched out in the bed. I glanced over to see that the Christian side of the bed was empty. Walking into the bathroom I saw a new toothbrush sitting on the edge of the sink with a wash towel. Brushing my teeth and washing my face I walked out the bedroom running a hand through my now dried curly hair as I walked to see Christian, who was still partially naked with the exception of his joggers that hung strangely low, standing at the stove with his back to me.

Christian shoulders were broad and muscular and very dreamy and that’s coming from a girl who never in her life gave a second look to any guys body besides their eyes, on down to their smile, but standing here looking at Christian’s back I was completely mesmerized. Grabbing a cup from off the counter I walked over to the coffee pot that was now beeping.

“Good morning.” I said as I poured a cup.

“Morning.”  Smiles Christian as he grabs a cup that was sitting on the other side of the stove sitting it in front of me, “Refill.” I nodded as I poured some coffee into his cup, placing the pot back in the holder I looked at him, “Cream?”

“Fridge first shelf, sugar is right here.” He picks up a jar as he shakes it and sits it back down by him.

Pouring a fair amount of cream in my cup, I walked back over to the stove and grabbed the sugar. Christian’s arms softly brushed against mine as I looked at him. He looked down at me smiling as I grabbed my cup and leaned against the other side of the counter and slowly drinking from my hot cup, “That smells fantastic. I thought you didn’t cook?”

Glancing at me Christian says, “I said I don’t really cook, I only do when I feel like it.”

“Well it stills smells good.” I said sitting my coffee down as I go to reach for a piece of bacon off the plate next to him when he hits my hand,.

“Don’t touch my bacon.”

“Your bacon? Wait are you telling me you aren’t sharing?”

“Yeah that’s what I’m saying.”

Waving my hand over the stove I say, “So you make pancakes, eggs, and bacon all for yourself, and you’re not sharing with me?”

“You can have some pancakes and eggs, I’m just not sharing my bacon.” Christian turned off the stove removing the bacon from the pot as he places it on a paper towel on a plate.

“Have I ever told you how much of a jerk you are?” I asked moving behind him.

Turning around he nods, “I’m pretty sure I’ve heard it before.”

Stepping towards him I smiled, “Oh wow.”


“Your eyes.”

“What about my eyes?” asked Christian raising one eyebrow at me as I stepped closer to him.

“Nothing, it’s just, have they changed colors?” Leaning in closer I looked into his eyes as he looks down at me. With our faces inches from each other I slowly reached around him and grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate as I backed up and said, “Nope I lied there the same blue as they were yesterday.” I pivoted in my step as I walked away eating the small piece of bacon in my hand.

“Kimberly?” said Christian as I stopped and looked back at Christian leaning against the counter, “Hmmm?” “Did you take one of my bacons?” I shook my head and said, “No.” as I hurried and swallowed the piece that was in my mouth.

Christian stood up straight as I smiled and turned running as I laughed. Christian caught me as I got to the couch as he picked me up by my waist and lays me on the couch, his body hovering over mine as he pins me down holding both of my arms above my head, as I laugh uncontrollably. “You took one of my bacons didn’t you?” smiled Christian.

“They are one of my weaknesses! You can’t make bacon and not share with me.”

Leaning closer to me Christian says, “Is bacon your only weakness?” I looked at him and shook my head. “What’s another one of your weaknesses?” Christian scanned my face as he glances away from me.

I had stop laughing as I looked up to him and simply said, “You.” He turned back looking at me like he wasn’t sure he heard me right, so taking in the breath I was holding I stated, “Your one of my weaknesses.” His eyes looked into mine as he slowly pushes a stand of hair that moved in my face behind my ear.

I moved nervously under him, I started to get scared. The last time this happen it didn’t end well, I had ended up with damn there near a black eye. Christian must have caught that I was nervous or saw the worry in my eyes because he smiled and said, “Don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you.” I looked up at him and instantly knew he was telling the truth.

Smiling again he delicately brushed my cheek with his thumb. Looking back at me he deliberately lowered his head to mine as our lips tenderly brushed each other’s. My eye’s drifted close as he moved his lips with mine following.

His kiss was gentle and slow, it was like he was trying to take in this moment. His hand slowly went to the left side of my face angling it up to meet his. He had let go of my arms as one of his hands gripped my waist as he slowly began pulling up my shirt. I pulled back from kissing him as I said softly, “No, don’t.” Christian looked at me and nodded as he moved his hand back to my face kissing me again.

My hand went to the back of his shoulders as I slowly traced my hand up his now tightened shoulders, outlining his muscles as I sluggishly ran my hand into the back of his head with my hand slightly gripping his hair. Christian moves his hand behind my head bringing it up as he deepened the kiss. I could feel his tongue as it crossed my parted lips as it danced with my tongue. Running a hand down my waist a moan escaped my mouth as Christian removed his mouth from mine as he started kissing me from my lips, down to my neck.

My eyes slowly rolled back as he began nipping against my neck softly with his teeth, with his hands slowly still roaming over my body. I opened my eyes as he shifted his weight onto me more. Replacing his lips back onto mine as I closed my eyes again Christian began to deepen the kiss with more force and determination behind it.

It was like nothing in the world existed besides me and Christian. Our surrounding had died along with the sound, the only thing I could hear was the soft groans and ragged breathing that Christian gave off when he rocked his hips onto mine.

Everything went fuzzy, I couldn’t think straight, my world became a huge blur. Our kissing had become real rough and intimate as I faintly began to hear someone call Christian’s name. 

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