Chapter 12

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Christian POV

“Help somebody help!” running into the ER it seemed like everything was going into high speed. One second I was holding Kimberly’s body and the next I was standing there watching as the nurses courted her off behind those huge double doors. My thoughts were a mess I didn’t know what to do. I was frozen in my step. It wasn’t until a nurse came and sat next to me, that I realized somehow I made it to the waiting room. Cops where called and they asked the routine questions, “What happen? Did you see anything unusual? Why were you meeting the victim?” after going through their line of useless questions I had then understood why people always flipped out when something happen and the cops started asking 101 questions, forgetting the fact that your mind is in 1,009 different places. Finally the officers left and I was again left sitting in the waiting room. 30 minutes had passed by then an hour, I was growing impatient.

After about 2 hours of no news and endless pacing a short nurse with brown short curls walked up to me, her eyes where bloodshot and you could obviously see that she had been crying. I looked up as she stepped in front of me, “Are you the one who bought in Ms. Clark?”

I stood up looking down at her, “Is she okay?”

The nurse nodded her head as she says, “She’s stable. I’m her mother Rose.”

I forced a half smile on to my face. Meeting somebodies mother in the hospital was something that I never thought that I’d be doing. I extended my hand to her and said, “Nice to finally Mrs. Clark, I’m Christian.”

Mrs. Clark looked at my hand and back at me as she threw herself in my arms crying. I didn’t know what to do so I ran a hand over the top of her back reassuring her that Kimberly would be just fine. When Mrs. Clark finally got herself together, she went back to work. I sat in the waiting room for another 20 minutes when a doctor walked out and asked, “Are you Mr. Knox?”

I stood, “Yes that’s me.”

He looked down at his file and said, “I just thought I’d come and tell you that Kimberly is going to fine. She lost quite a bit of blood but we we’re able to stitch up her wound and give her some medicine to get rid of the pain.”

I smiled, turned and punched my fist to the sky, quickly turning around I asked, “Can I see her?”

The doctor was looking down at some papers as he looked up at me, “Are you family?”

I shook my head, “No, but...”

“Then I’m sorry. Only family is allowed back there at this time, you’re just going to have to…”

“Bull shit! You think I don’t know how shit works back here? I don’t give a damn if I’m family or I’m going back there.” I yelled drawing attention to myself. Security had begun walking my way when I saw Mrs. Clark walk up, “What’s the problem?”

The doctor looked up at me and said, “He wants to go back to see Kimberly and he’s not family.”

There was a pause as Mrs. Clark looked at the doctor and then to me, “It’s okay he can go back Mark.”

The doctor looked at her shocked and said, “But Rose?”

Mrs. Clark looked from me and back to the doctor and said, “But nothing, she’s my daughter and I said he can go back.” Moving from in front of the doctor she waves her hand for me to follow as she says, “Come on honey, she’s this way. We have to get you a visitor sticker first.”

Walking past the doctor I slightly bumped into him as I kept walking. Yeah I know that was a douchy move but he pissed me off, and I was still angry from what happen to Kimmy, he’s lucky that I didn’t pummel him to the ground right there.


After getting my visitor sticker Mrs. Clark showed me to Kimmy’s room, walking in she mumbled something about putting me on the list to come see Kimmy, I could tell she was on the verge of crying again, as she quickly glanced at her daughter before taking off down the hall. Walking in the room I swear I thought I was in a movie, a few nurses where taking Kimmy’s vitals, while a machine beeped above Kimmy’s head every 30 seconds. As I sat down in the seat next to Kimberly’s bed I stared at her. I was mesmerized that even after everything that happen tonight she still looked beautiful and radiant.

I sat there all night with expectation of leaving 3 times. First time was for coffee, second time was for my charger for my phone and the 3rd was to make a call to Nate.

“Nate I need you to do me a favor.” I said lowering my voice as I walked to the hospital cafeteria to get a refill of my coffee.

“Sure, what do you need?” said Nate.

“I need you to pull the surveillance from around that clothing store in the plaza by my house.”

“The one that you went to meet Thomas at?”

I rolled my eyes as I lowered my head rubbing the back of my neck, “Yes Nate that one.”

“Okay, but what am I looking for?”

“Don’t worry about it, just pull the video and call me when you’re done.”

“Okay.” Nate paused, “Is she okay?”

I took a breath, “Doctors says it’s not that bad, she’ll recover and most likely she’ll be able to get released in the a few days.”

“Are you going to go after the guy who did it?”

Grabbing my cup of coffee I headed back towards Kimberly’s room, “It’s a thought.”

“Alright well it’ll take about a few hours so I’ll give you a ring when I have something.”

“Thanks Nate, I owe you.”

“It’s no problem Chris.” Said Nate as he ended the call on his line.


I slept on and off the following few hours. Mrs. Clark came at about 8 am that morning baring donuts and more coffee. “I’m sorry this is all that’s down in the break room.”

Taking the coffee and donuts I smiled, “No this is just fine Mrs. Clark.”

Sitting the coffee down on the little night stand next to me I looked back to Mrs. Clark as she stared at Kimberly. “You know I thought I’d never have to see her like this again. With everything that happen last year I thought she was safe I didn’t think,” she stopped I looked at her as she shook her head and said, “I should go start my 8:30 runs.”

Turning to walk out the room she looked at me and said, “You know you don’t have to stay here, you can go home if you want.”

Shaking my head as my curls fell in my eyes I looked at her, my eyelids heavy as I said, “I’m fine staying here it’s not a big thing.” She smiled and nodded as she walked out.

Laying my head on the bed I started to wonder what in the hell was Mrs. Clark talking about, ‘You know I thought I’d never have to see her like this again.’ kept replaying in my head over and over. Closing my eyes I drifted off to sleep. About 3 hours had past when I was awoken to Kimberly screaming.

Jumping up I quickly looked at her as I realized she was screaming, “Christian! Christian!” I grabbed her arms as I said, “Kimmy open your eyes, I’m here. Kimmy I’m here.” Calming down Kimberly opened her eyes as she looked at me. Fear was all that I could see in her eyes as a tear escaped down her face.

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