Chapter 7

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I stared at Christian for a moment. I didn’t know what to say or do. A part of me wanted to get up and wrap my arms around him, while the other part of me wanted to scream, ‘And you call me stupid! At least I didn’t meet up with a guy at night, in some deserted parking lot.’ but against my better judgment what came out my mouth was, “You sell Mercedes?”

Christian looked at me and laughed. His laughed was deep and warm as he ran a hand over his face. Christian finally stopped laughing as he looked at me, his mouth curved into a smile, as his dimples sunk deep into his cheeks, “Is that all you have to say?”

I shrugged and looked at my feet smiling nervously, “I don’t know what to say.”

“That’s a first.” I looked at him and suppress the urge to throw a pillow at him again, “So why was Thomas at the club?”

“I arranged a meeting for him to be there.”

“Why? It’s obvious that he played you last time, why go through it again?”

“There are two things I don’t go for, people messing with my money, and people threatening those I love.”

I looked at him and nodded, “I know what you mean.”

Silence passed through my room as Christian glanced at the clock and smirked, “I should probably go, I don’t want you getting in trouble for having a boy over past 2am.”

“My mom works graveyard shifts, she won’t be back till about 7 in the morning.”

Christian looks at me as he glances out my window “Let’s go for a ride.”

“It’s 2 in the morning.”

“And your point is?” looking at me he stands, walking to my door as he leans against the doorframe, sticking his hands in his pocket as he smiles and says, “For once take that stick from up your ass and let yourself have fun.”

For the first time I didn’t get offended by anything Christian said. He was right, I have always been so uptight about everything I did. I deserved to have fun for once. Climbing off my bed I grabbed my hoodie, wallet and phone as I slid on my sneakers. “Alright let’s go.” Christian looked at me and smiled as he turned and walked down the stairs with me following.

“You’re crazy!” I yelled as I wrapped my arms around myself hating the fact that I didn’t change my shorts to joggers before we left.

“It’s a dare! You have to do it!” yelled Christian as he moved his arms swiftly back and forth in the pool.

“No I dared you as a joke to jump in the pool. I didn’t think you would literally do it!”

“Just come on!”

“Christian it’s 49 fucking degrees, I’m not getting into that water! Watch you’re going to have phenomena when you get out.”

Swimming to the edge of the pool where I stood Christian pushes his dark curls back and looks at me, “Either you jump in or I’ll throw you in.”

I stepped back, “You wouldn’t!”

He smirked, his eyes leveled to where they were a dark blue as he grins seductively, “Try me.”

Stepping back from the pool slowly I turned and took off running. The water splashed behind me as I laughed. I barely reached the wooden gate when I was picked up newlywed style. “Christian don’t!”

“You had your chance to do it yourself, you passed so I’m giving you a friendly hand.” Christian laughed as he held me close to his wet, perfectly chiseled body, as he carried me back to the pool. I struggled, but it made no use against his well buffed up arms.

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