Chapter 9

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Christian's POV

“Christian?” for a second I had forgotten where I was until I heard my name. I had pulled away and looked down at Kimberly who eyes glanced behind me. Shifting my head in that direction I was surprised to see Marshall standing there, both hands in his coat pocket as he smiled. “Fuck.” I groaned softly as I pulled myself from over Kimberly.

“What are you doing here?” I asked standing to my feet.

“Thought I’d swing, by to have a chat.”

“I’m busy, you should have called.” Marshall Smiles and looks pass me, “I can see that. Hey there sweetheart.”

Kimberly stands looking completely embarrassed, “Hi.”

“And what might your name be sweetheart?” asked Marshall.

“It’s Kimberly.” Kimberly looks at me and steps to the side, “Maybe I should go.”

“No.” I said looking back at her, “He isn’t going to be long, just give us a minute?” Kimberly smiles as she looks at Marshall then me as she turns around and walks into the bedroom. Once I heard the door close I stepped to Marshall, “What the hell are you doing here?”

“You weren’t answering your phone.”

“I was kind of tied up.”

“I can’t see that, she’s a hottie, if I were you I’d hit that too.”

Anger began to stir in me, “You either tell me what the hell you came for or you can leave.”

Marshall looked at me and pulls a paper from his pocket, “You have a client coming in today at 3pm.” Taking the paper I look at it as I open it and scan through it, “Tell them I’m unavailable that you’ll handle it.”

"Don’t you think I already did that? They insisted that you handle it or that they’ll take their business elsewhere.” Taking a deep breath I ran my hand through my hair looking at the paper again as Marshall says, “Don’t tell me you’re seriously letting this girl and your feelings for her interfere with your work?”

“When did I ever say that?”

“You didn’t have to say it. Ever since you first met her, you have been doing things different like slacking in your work.”

“You’ve been out of the picture for what? 3 Year? You have no right saying anything about what I do or how I work!”

“Doesn’t matter how long I’ve been out the picture, the point is I still know what comes first, and it sure as hell isn’t some girl.

” I turned to Marshall holding the urge to sock him square in the jaw back because Kimberly was just in the next room, I walked past him to the kitchen as I said, “Get out. Don’t make me have to throw you out.”

Marshall looked at me and says, “Are you coming to the meeting, or not?” turning around as I looked at him I said, “I’ll be there.” Marshall nodded as he turns and walks out the door.

Placing my hand on the back of the chair I leaned against it as I looked up and walked to my room and opened the door to see Kimberly sitting at the edge of the bed messing with her phone, as she looks up at me and smiles.

“Where did you say you were going again.” I asked as I sat at the foot of my bed tying my shoes.

“First home to change, then I have to be at work at 4.” Said Kimberly walking back into the room, “Where did you say your charger was again?” pointing to the side of the bed, Kimberly lays across the bed as she grabs my charger, and plugs in her phone.

“Do you really have to go in today?” I asked leaning back, laying my head next to hers.

“Yes, I told you Melissa is out sick and I have to do inventory for her.”

“Can’t they have someone else go in for you?”

“No only the Manager and Assistant Manager can do inventory and I’m the only assistant manager.” I groaned as she laughs, “Didn’t you say you had to go do something with your brother at 3 anyways?”

“Yeah, but that shouldn’t take more than an hour.”

“Well by the time you are finishing up with him I’ll be clocking in.” Kimberly gets up and rolls off the bed.

“Where are you going?” stopping at the door she looks back, “Going to get a refill of coffee, so you can drop me off at home.” she smiles as she turns and exists out the room.

I smiled as I grab her phone, and my charger. Walking out the room I stopped in the living as I looked in the kitchen to see Kimberly just moving fluently to cabinet to cabinet grabbing items that she needed. Walking to the fridge I grabbed a water bottle as I smiled, “Now if I didn’t know any better I would think that either A. you’ve looked all through my house already that’s how you know where everything is or B. you’re a psychic.”

Kimberly smiled grabbing my silver and black coffee cup as she walks towards me. “It’s neither, your just predictable.”

Handing me a coffee cup I look at her, “Predictable? How so?”

“You have every cooking/eating utensil known in one drawer, all of your screw drivers and house hold tools are next to the sink since I’m pretty sure you do the little maintenance work needed around here. Everything food wise that’s in boxes are mixed with cans, so I’m guessing when you go to the store you just shove everything that’s doesn’t need a freezer or refrigerator into whatever cabinet is close.” She stops as she sips her coffee, “So how’d I do?”

I was shocked she nailed me right on. Organizing a kitchen was never something that I cared for especially since I hardly cooked in there. Handing her, her phone I said, “You did reasonable. Your dad must keep his kitchen like mine.” Hurt passed through her eyes as she looks down, “I wouldn’t know, I don’t remember him.”

“Fuck.” I screamed in my head, I maybe I shouldn’t have said that. Just as quickly as the hurt came it was gone as she forced a smile on her face and said, “We should go it’s almost 2:30” I nodded grabbed my keys as we walked out.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked pulling up to Kimberly’s house.

“No I promised mom that I’d go with her to get lunch since we haven’t really seen each other in the past few weeks, what about Friday?”

I shook my head, “I’m going out of town for a few days to handle some business, how about when I come back I just swing by?”

Kimberly smiled, “Sound good.” She started to get out the car when I grabbed her arm. Slowly looking back at me I placed my hand on her cheek as I leaned forward brushes my lips against hers as kissed her. She turns around more fully as she moves closer deepening the kiss. After steaming up my windows we pulled apart as she catches her breath and I cracked a window. “Call you when you get off?” I asked breaking the silence.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later.” She smiled and grabbed her stuff as she opens the door and gets out the car. I watch her as she gets all the way to her door, and turns and waves as I smile back. She walks into her house as I drive off. I pulled up to the warehouse 20 minutes later as I walked in.

“Cutting it close aren’t we?” says Marshall as he leans against the wall near my parking stall smoking a cigar.

“Don’t start your bullshit with me.” I said walking passed him. “Chris!” yelled Nate as I walked in. Handing me a folder Nate says, “They just got here.”

“Okay where are they at?” I asked scanning through the folder.

“In the conference room.” smiling at Nate as I walked to the two huge metal doors, pulling them open, there sat 4 guys in suit, “Shall we get started?” I smiled as I turned closing the doors behind me.

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