7. Just the beginning

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"You don't have to run," He said, "stay with me."

And for the first time in the time I have known him, he actually sounded reliable. He looked reliable. And I had no choice but to depend on him because only he could see this creature apart from me.

Elrod stood his ground— standing as straight as a steel rod. His face was devoid of any emotions.

"She is with me." He said to the snake, making it hiss in return. Elrod cleared his throat, "You know you cannot so much as come near her as long as I am with her."

Apparently, he can talk to a snake too? But whatever both of them were talking about, it seemed as though the white snake was not backing down because I saw Elrod close his eyes for a moment and purse his lips.

"I never thought a day would come when I have to remind someone of who I am," he smirked dangerously. Even I could tell how dangerous he looked, "Do I need to go that far?"

I looked back at the snakey creature (I just named him) and HE LOOKED AFRAID.

Whatever Elrod seemed to be talking about, it was working very well because the snakey creature genuinely looked scared for its life.

I bit my lip lightly before again roaming my eyes around. I can only imagine how crazy we both must be looking in others' eyes when in reality it was a near-death situation for us.

The sun was slowly going up and already shining down brightly on us. The windows of the buildings reflecting the shimmery light even more loudly.

"It's a warning," Elrod continued, making me look back at him, "Leave. Or I won't be so nice to you."

And just like that, just as the snakey-creature had appeared, it disappeared into thin air. Vanishing as if there was nothing even to begin with.

The street path was as empty as a dead forest. Not see even a single soul in sight. As though someone had just clicked their fingers and made them vanish.

What just happened? Where are the people? What did he do?... At least, the creature went away.

I looked at Elrod. Well, wasn't that the first time that I was grateful for him to be around me.

Before I could open my mouth to say anything. To thank him. He turned around to face me. The look on his face sent shivers down my spine. It was as blank as a slate.

"Come with me." He ordered before walking away from me with long strides.

Did he order? ME? Who does he think he is to order me around?

"Excuse me?" I asked incredulously watching the back of his head.

He stopped— without turning around, "Don't make me repeat myself." He stated in a cool voice.

If the intensity of the words could kill, I would have been murdered by now.

Why did he seem mad? Mad enough to make it known that if I retaliated again, god knows what he would do to me. Forget the snake, I would be the one turning to ashes.

Well, he did save my life. The least I can do is follow him, right? Haha, it's not like he will grill me like some devil and feed me to others.

Oh god, he is very capable of doing that with the mood he is in.

I kept quiet and followed him, not daring to even step beside him. I maintained the distance between us as I held onto my heels and bags in my hands.

I looked around nervously as I walked barefoot. The coarse texture of dirt beneath my foot didn't forget to remind me of their existence as they kept on pricking me.

The Odyssey Of The DevilWhere stories live. Discover now