21. Let's sleep on the couch

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I stared at the wardrobe in front of me before putting a hand on my heart and patting Elrod— who was beside me— with the other.

"Did I miraculously change my gender as of today?" I asked tiredly.

He had his eyes pinned towards the wardrobe too before he shook his head, "You were yelling and we didn't have time."

My eyes snapped up to him. He didn't have time to at least throw in some women's clothes? He could have thrown anything but HIS clothes. How are his clothes supposed to make it look like I live there?

"We are dating," Elrod muttered beside me.

"No, we are not," I rolled my eyes trying to snap him into reality.

"Your mother doesn't know that, does she?"

I sighed through my nose and turned to him, "What are you implying?"

"You can wear your boyfriend's clothes, and it won't be weird." He tried to give me a smile but I ignored it before squinting my eyes,

"You have dated before?" I asked feeling some type of way in my chest.

"I saw that in shows..." he pointed it out before avoiding my gaze, "you know, girlfriend's wearing their boyfriend's clothes."

I shook my head at him and made him look me directly in the eyes, "Have you dated before?"

I wanted to know. There are probably hundreds of things I should be doing right now, even things I should be worried about like about our sleeping arrangements because I only have one room and unluckily for me my mom wants Elrod to stay over, which if my mother sleeps in with me (which will mostly probably be the case because she wouldn't want Deandre to sleep anywhere near me in the same bed as me while she is here) that would only mean that Elrod would have to sleep outside on the couch.

Based upon the reaction he had when he first saw my house, I don't know how he would react once he knows he would be sleeping on the couch.

But keeping all that aside, I wanted to know if had dated before. I CANNOT BELIEVE MYSELF.

"No humans. Never." He went to sit on my bed. I closed the wardrobe behind me and followed him,

"No humans? You have dated people from your realm." I said trying to portray as though I was not affected by his answers at all but only I knew the urge I had to make a face at him and curse for making me feel a pang of tightness in my chest.

What the fuck was he doing?

Was this yet another power he held? What was this unfamiliar feeling?

"That must not concern you at all, Avery. It was all in the past." He smiled with sweetness in his voice.

Oh, how much I wanted to break those teeth using a hammer. But the pretend bitch I was trying to play right now, I smirked my way out of it.

"Why don't you get out of my room?" A pasted a smile on my face that was enough to let Elrod know that I did not want him here right now.

Without any reaction, he pushed himself off my bed and walked out of the door.


I pulled onto the long hoodie that just ended near my knees and scratched my leg with the other in an awkward way as I tried my best to keep the jogger's in place.

I could feel my mother's eyes on me. On my choice of clothing but she kept quiet.

I went and sat down on the dinner table as she slid some pasta onto my plate, "You must be hungry," she said.

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