10. Argus- the giant with many eyes

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The dungeon couldn't get any narrower than this. If by miracle it did get any more narrow, I would have to start walking through objects like Deandre Elrod.

I touched the rocky wall beside me and stopped for a second— making Kevin stop too. He waited for me as I gasped in for some breath. The place was getting confined and with four people sharing the same air, I was not sure how long I could survive.

"Are you okay?" Elrod asked looking back at me.

And as much I wanted to believe he was concerned for me for no other reason, I knew he just cared for me because of his mission.

I sucked in a deep breath, "I am fine." I muttered.

He waited for me for a few seconds before letting out a sigh, "Wait here. The three of you. I'll check ahead and come back if I find anything."

"I'll come with you," Lorra said while Elrod just shook his head firmly.

"You both need to look after her. I can take care of myself. You know what to do if something happens, right?"

Kevin and Lorra nodded their heads without even trying to argue back. I could see how much they respected and admired him just by the way they followed Elrod blindly.

That's annoying.

As much as I wanted to go further and not stay here, seeing how this place was just closing in on us, I am not sure if I wanted to die here. Devil or not I was not dying so pathetically in a dungeon. So it was better for him to go alone and check for himself. Right?

I watched Elrod leave before taking one final glance at me, making sure I was doing alright.

I stood with the wall behind my back as I closed my eyes. I could sense the alertness in Kevin's and Lorra's body movement as I sighed,

"You can relax." I said.

"Not when Mr Elrod is not here." They said, "This is the time when we need to be more wary of the situation. Of the surroundings. Of the unknown."

A shiver ran down my spine upon hearing them talk about it like this.

"The unknown?" I asked carefully.

Lorra nodded her head, "There are things that are not visible to the naked eyes. Things that are kept into the far corners of the dark. Things that are not meant to be seen... especially by the humans. To be the ally of the devil especially when you are a human, you become their prime victim. If I was them, I would want to kill you first too.

Even though, this is a safe place. There is no safe place for a human where there is so much as a phenomena which is beyond their comprehension. So you need to be on alert too."

Never in my entire life had I ever thought that one day I would have to worry about some supernatural creatures. A myth. Or live in the the constant fear of countering the unknowns.

But here I was...

We heard the loud footsteps approaching as I stood up straight with my guards up.

"It's Mr Elrod." Kevin said in relief. I looked at him skeptically but I trusted him the second I saw his nose upturned. As though he had just sniffed the air for his master.

And as he said, from the darkness of the confined path emerged the tall silhouette of Elrod with the flashlight in his hand— hitting directly into our eyes.

"I found it. We need to hurry up. Now." He commanded.

I didn't bother much about it when I saw Lorra and Kevin get up on their feets as soon as he commanded, but the thing is... I listened to his command too.

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