17. Strawberry shakes for apologies

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I stared at the giant snakey creature in front of me. I looked back at Elrod, in hope for an explanation but he just tried to avoid my eyes.

Kevin noticed my uneasiness and the change in my mood because he returned to his body and stepped towards me,

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I should be the one asking you guys that question," I said still remembering the snakey giant creature with white scales on its body on the footpath that day. The day where the sun was slowly rising up. The day I thought I was going to die, "What's wrong with you guys?"

Elrod cleared his throat, "I don't know what you are talking about,"

Of course, he was going to play dumb. Why wouldn't he? It wasn't like he made it seem like a giant snake was about to attack me and came to save me, just so that he could convince me to move in with him.

No doubt he looked so sure about me moving in with him the night he visited me at my apartment! One could only be so sure about something... if they had planned it all along.

He had planned it all along. He planned and asked Kevin to turn into a giant snake and scare me. Not giving two shits about me.

"I cannot believe this is how you got me to come here," I muttered taking a step back.

"We had no other choice." He said trying to defend himself.

Only if it was justifying. And it wasn't. It wasn't justifiable in any way possible. I was lied to and it was a fact.

"You weren't ready to move in, no matter how much I tried." I stayed silent as I listened to him, "It was only one of the possible situations I presented to you, there could have been situations worse than that, that might have ACTUALLY come towards you. You should be grateful that it was all an act and not an actual dangerous person there to kill you. "

As much as I knew how right he was. I couldn't get the thought out my mind, that I was lied to. And rather than apologising about it, they were trying to justify it.

I turned to Kevin, "You were about to kill me," I stated referring back to the footpath where he hissed at me.

He scrunched his brows and started shaking his head, "No way I could, not with Mr Elrod around."

The 'Mr Elrod' he was talking about was the fucker who planned it all.

"Is your hand alright?" Elrod asked me— going back to his seat and ignoring the important discussion we were having.

Look at the guy behaving as though nothing had happened. As though, he was just not exposed.

I didn't reply to him before stomping away towards my room. Before slamming the door I didn't forget to yell out a, "Fuck you, Elrod."


It had been thirty minutes since I had been in my room and not one of them had the decency to come and apologise.

Why am I staying in this house, again?

I sighed and leaned back on my bed before closing my eyes.

This was boring. Staying inside while being mad at the person outside and locking myself in the room of his house was boring.

Don't care, don't give a shit about them, Avery. You just have to help him with his mission and then you won't have to do anything with the guy, so let's not be upset with him and make it seem like it affects you in any way possible.

Yes, I should just keep my eyes on getting this job done, now that I am already in this I don't have any other choice.

I was about to stand up and go outside when I saw Elrod entering my room— passing through the door like a mist.

If it wasn't for me almost getting used to him making such entrances— I would have died of heart attack.

Remember how a second ago I was preaching about not caring about the lying and to just get through this? Yeah, fuck that shit because the second I saw Elrod's face, I felt the wave of anger pass through me.

"Are you still mad?" He asked as I avoided to look at him at all.

"Took you a while to remember," I pursed my lips.

I watched him through my peripheral vision as he came and sat beside me on the bed. I looked at the curtains covering the wide and huge windows in front of me.

He took my face in his hands and made me to look at him.

"Look at that frown on your forehead," he smiled at me before taking his other hand and tried to relax my eyebrows, "there," he looked proud, "you look so much better."

I continued staring at him and the farthest corner of my heart was trying to act up again because I felt it skip a beat.

I clenched my jaw and again looked away from him but this time the reasons were totally different.

I hate him, then why?

He tsked before I heard him reach out for something behind him, "I knew I had to do better than that,"

I scrunched my brows and looked at him. He had a brown bag in his hands and a grin on his face— telling me that this had to do it.

"I went and bought this for you," he started opening the brown bag and took out a brownie. He placed it in front of me and then going back into the brown bag, he took out a strawberry shake, "You love this, don't you?"

H-how does he know this?

Now when I think about it, how did he know what to order in the cafe that day when he made Kevin frightened me by being a giant snake?

As if reading my mind he answered me, "You always brought this with you in the office, it doesn't take much for a person to figure out the obvious."

I almost had labelled him stalker if it wasn't for him explaining it.

He gave the shake to me and leaned in closer so that he could look at me clear. I could feel his breath on my face— making me a bit nervous.

"What?" I asked unsure and self conscious.

"Do you feel better?" He asked me.

I did, the thought of someone trying to make me feel better because I was mad at them made me feel soft.

"Only if you apologise," I said in a joking way.

But I don't think he took it in a joking way because he actually mouthed a 'sorry' to me.

I stared at him— his green eyes as serious as they could. As close to me as they had been ever.

"And I am sorry for not apologising then and there," he whispered.

I pursed my lips and nodded at him, "I-" I cleared my throat, "it's alright,"

As long as he apologises and knows that he was wrong... it's alright.

My ex-boyfriend, Kevin, never apologised to me. And I don't want to remember him but every time I am near Lorra and Kevin, I cannot help but remember my ex- boyfriend because they have the same name.

"How is your hand?" He asked me again,

I held onto the shake a little more tightly than necessary, "It's much better,"

He looked down at my hand and then back at me, "Can you come with us today to gather further information?"

"Of course,"


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