15. Awkwardness oozing out

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He hates me. He definitely hates me.

That was the first thought that crossed my mind the second I heard him call me honey. Honey? Who the fuck calls someone honey?

Connor stood up from his seat and turned around so that his back was to me. Elrod gave him a mischievous look which made me want to throw this man out of the glass windows of this restaurant.

Connor turned back and looked at me, "I'll leave." He said softly— misunderstanding the situation we were in. Misunderstanding because of certain someone. He wasn't supposed to misunderstand this situations, on top of that this was supposed to be a good date where I liked the other person... if Elrod hadn't come and ruined it like a clown.

"It's nothing like you think." I pointed between me and Elrod with my index finger, "There is nothing going on between us."

"What are you talking about?" Elrod asked innocently making me give him a glare.

If I could... I would glue his mouth.

"Don't listen to him." I told Connor.

The lamp colour lit on his face as he looked down at the table. He ran his fingers along the edge of the novel he had brought with him.

"We'll meet again." He finally looked up at me and smiled. The silver eyes and the smile gave me the assurance I needed as I nodded in relief.


"I'll go for now though," he said referring to the unexpected visit from Elrod. I could understand where he was coming from so I let him leave.

All this while, Elrod stood there cluelessly.

As soon as Connor was gone, I gave him the hardest glare known in the history of mankind or even the devil kind.

"I helped you there, didn't I?" He asked me completely clueless.

"Of course," I said sarcastically.

He was in between sitting in the seat but he stopped in  mid- air and stood back up, "What?"

"Why'd you come, Elrod?" I asked dropping in my seat.

"To help you?"

"Help me with what?" I asked frustrated, "It was going good, I liked him..." I stopped and looked at my reflection in the glass of the table. In the distance, I could also see Elrod's reflection as his eyes ran all over my face trying to comprehend me.

"How could you?" He asked still shocked. Even his reflection couldn't hide his true emotions.

I was silent for a while before I sucked in a deep breath, "Do you like me?"

Now it was his turn to be silent. His lips were pursed tight and when I looked up at him, just like every time where emotions were involved, his eyes were empty with nothingness just like a desert.

"I already told you that I am not capable of feeling such meekly emotions, Avery." He said blatantly.

"Then why would you come all this way? Why do you care about whom I meet? Who I date? If I would like them or not?" I asked with tired eyes.

He bit his lips lightly— not meeting my gaze, "Just because,"

"Then mind your own business." His eyes snapped to look at me and as usual I couldn't tell what he was feeling but I knew it wasn't a happy face, "I am helping you with your mission but I do need to find a guy to fall in love with. I cannot fall in love with you, you will leave as soon as your mission here on Earth is completed so it is just unfair to me for you to barge in and ruin my date and pretend to be my boyfriend just because you thought I won't like him."

The lack of explanation from him was just making me more frustrated at him because... in that moment when he pretended to be my boyfriend, in the farthest corner of my heart where not even my mind could reach, I liked it.

And his insensitive behaviour towards me was making me want to pull out my hair. And these are the feelings when I don't actually like like him. It's merely an infatuation.

"I need a person who is of my kind." I whispered, "Who will stay by my side." By now it was me I was trying to persuade.

I closed my eyes and sighed— deep and long.

"I'm sorry if I mislead you." He whispered. Too easy for him to apologise but I knew better than anyone that he least expected me to be lead on by him when a few days prior I called him a pervert. I waved my hands at him letting him know that it was nothing serious.

As I said, I would have preferred Connor over him any day anyway.

"Just don't go crashing my date with people again. I have a life outside the mission which I need to maintain." I told him.

He pursed his lips before nodding his head.

"By the way," I continued making him attentive of me, "Pay the bills because you made my date run away."


It was awkward. As awkward as it can get after back bitching and coming to know that the person you bitched about heard all about it.

I turned on the radio to fill in the silence but it only got me to turn away from him the second a romantic song came into play.

What the fuck, god?

I watched the empty roads and the green light emitting the light around the corners with the street lamps standing straight and rigid with each mile.

"Let's not make it awkward." Elrod breathed beside me.

He had his hand on the steering wheel but his eyes on my face. The green eyes looked troubled yet cold as he asked me for a favour.

"That's all I want too." I mouthed.

He clenched his jaw and went back to look in the front. His long curly eyelashes looked more evident in the shadows as I heard him take a deep breath.

"Avery," I hummed lightly letting him know that I was listening to him. He glanced at me from his peripheral vision, "please don't fall in love with me."

'I'm not in love
So don't forget it
It's just a silly phase I'm going through'

I ignored the song and looked down at my hands which were clenched together.

I know for a fact that I won't fall in love with him. Elrod and I are a far fetched idea only the gods would have thought of as a fun idea.

"I'm not the right man for you. As you said," he clenched his jaw, "you should find someone of your kind."

The tiny farthest corner of my heart can be quietened the second I want to. Fall in love? Where was he getting these wild thoughts from? Infatuation is something which I can control but love?

I am not in love with Deandre Elrod.

I knew the right answer right now should have been me reassuring him that falling in love with him was a crazy thought but since so many things had already taken a turn, another thing shouldn't matter.

"Even if I do, it won't matter because you won't fall in love." I turned down the volume of the song, making the profound silence fill again, "you won't, right?"

"Who knows,"


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