lights out

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for nappypandas who requested this imagine more than a year ago and I hadn't been able to write it. a little longer just for you :)


The party was luxurious and your dress was tight. You'd done your hair up nicely and put on a full face of makeup to cover up the bruises on your face from the beating you'd taken earlier. Your healing abilities worked fast, but after the torture, you'd gone through there was only so much they could do. Thankfully, the swelling had gone down and your face was just painted blue and purple on the cheekbones, and around the eye. Vanessa had tried to convince you that covering them up wasn't necessary, but she'd done the same thing and there was no way you were walking into that fancy party with a black eye.

"My daughter," your father said as you walked down the stairs to join him and his fiancé. He was wearing a black suit, while Vanessa wore white. He was proud of what you had done for him, but you weren't. You only wanted to go to the party, for the same reason your father would kill you for: James Barnes; a.K.a The Winter Soldier.

"Dad, you look handsome," you said as you fixed his tie "why are you and Vanessa not matching?"

"We decided we were going as opposites" he took her hand and you tried your best to not roll your eyes. You linked her, that's for sure, but sometimes they were too much for you. "I hope you liked the dress I chose for you"

You looked down at it and smiled. "yes, I love it"

It was threatening, being Wilson Fisk's daughter, but it had its benefits. No one messed with you, no one talked down to you, and you always got the place you deserved. There was something about being a powerful woman in a world of angry men, that kept you on your toes, rather exhilarating.

"It fits you perfectly, my darling," Vanessa said, and the three of you stepped out of the building and into the black car. All the way to the party, you looked out the window and imagined what James would look like in the suit he was going to wear. It had been three days since you'd last seen him since you'd last been tangled in his arms with his head on your chest and to be completely missed him.

Your father asked what was going on a few times during the ride, and you wished you could tell him. But you, fucking an Avenger? No, you loving an Avenger, it would stop his heart and drive him crazy. You had to wait a little longer to tell him when you could leave with him when it was safe.

He was the first pair of eyes you met, the first pair of eyes you looked for. But you wouldn't go to him just yet, you'd torture him for a little bit before giving in. And even then you wouldn't give in completely, you never did. He knew that, and he respected that. There was nothing more exciting to him than a strong woman like you, and he'd kneel before you if meant keeping you with him.

His heart skipped a beat when you stepped through the door. His bizarre and rather close friendship with Tony Stark had pulled him into his fancy circles. He'd told him once: "I'm only taking you because you're my eye candy, Barnes. You'll take all the ladies off me and I'll get home to a happy missus"

But he had never been interested in anyone but you. The moment you walked into the first one of those luxury parties you'd taken his heart hostage. Your eyes had met his from the distance, beautiful, the only eyes he'd ever want to see again. You had been wearing a green dress that night, a long skirt that reached your ankles only to show emerald-colored heels that matched perfectly. Your hair was out of your face, your lips were a dark red and you were dancing gracefully with a man whose company you didn't seem to be enjoying. Before he knew you were Wilson Fisk's daughter, Kingpin himself, he walked smoothly towards you and stole you from him. At first, you thought he would be just like the rest of the men there, angry about your position and immunity. But he wasn't. And he thought you'd be gentle, that you'd tremble to his feet. Instead, once Tony let him know about your ties to the party's host, he found you to be proud of your family, your roots, and where you came from.

Bucky Barnes Imagines (BuckyXReader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя