Carried Away

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Little Warning: it's not smutty but kinda idk

So canonically, Bucky, Steve and Natasha can speak Spanish, so if anything is written in italics like this note, it means its Spanish.  (If you guys want to hear the song they dance, its above but its not necessary for the imagine.)


"We've located their base in the basement of a club in Mexico City" Bruce explained as the team looked at him while listening to the details of the mission. They had been tracking a terrorist drug trafficking group all over the world and now that they had found the base, they had to act immediately before they moved it or before they killed anyone else.  The team had already confronted them once, so it was risky  for all of them to just waltz in the building and start fighting them. They had to be split into teams, so they could take all of them by surprise and have more chances of winning. 

"Willies spends almost every night in the nightclub, downtown." Tony explained, referring to the group's boss.  " So today, when we arrive, Barnes and Y/l/n will scout the place and notice if it's safe to go forward with the mission, with Rogers and Romanoff. Understood?" 

Y/n looked at Bucky as soon as their names where said. They never really spoke but every now and then they would share stolen glances and awkward smiles at the dinner table. Everyone on the team knew they had something going on between them. Everyone except... well, them. 

The sun had already set when the jet landed and they were soon covered by the many city lights and buildings. They arrived at a small hotel near the club, were both pairs assigned to the scouting mission freshened up and got ready to blend in with the people. After sone investigation they had done previously, both Natasha and Y/n had planned their outfits carefully. Natasha picked a black leather skirt, and a see through, red, long-sleeved shirt with a black bra underneath and long high-heeled black boots. Y/n picked a tight black dress and open black heels. 

"You. look. hot" Y/n told Natasha as she turned around and saw her. 

"Um, are we going to start on how good you look? Because you are stunning" Natasha replied. 

The two girls looked at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter and heading out of the room. They found Steve and Bucky in the lobby, with no one else from the team around, probably because they weren't going to interfere unless it was an emergency. 

Y/n looked at the two men and smiled, realizing that neither of them looked as if they were going to a club and looked more like they were going to a wedding. Steve had a more appropriate outfit that Bucky, and with few advice he was ready to go, but Bucky needed a little more of work. 

"We're not getting married Barnes, go change your color scheme" Natasha said giggling. Bucky looked at Steve for help but then walked away and went back into the room to try and figure something out. 

Minutes passed, Bucky hadn't come back, Natasha and Steve were in a very avid conversation and Y/n began feeling as if she were the third wheel, so she made up her mind and walked to the bedroom to check on Bucky. As she approached the room she ran into him going back, but his outfit still had some improvements to make. 

He was not wearing that white shirt anymore and had replaced it for a light blue one. He was wearing dark blue jeans and had brown shoes on. The only thing was that  he had put on a tie that he really needed to get off. 

"Why are you staring at me?" he asked. Y/n blinked.

"Get rid of the tie" she said.


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