Part one:what they go through

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(This is the first story I've ever written and I'll be honest and say this could be slightly triggering through out I'll post warnings when it's really bad and this will be a redeeming story I promise-Bella )

In misery

In Luke Hemmings point of view

My mother was strict,overbearing and passive aggressive.She was controlling and obsessive that's why I had to legitimately sneak out of the house at 11:30 pm on a Friday night after waiting for her to fall asleep.I rarely did anything wrong,I have straight As,have every year of highschool,I have never received a detention nor have I ever gotten in trouble with the law.

Now I did smoke,It started freshman year I was fourteen and at a party(this is when I still had a large friend group)
And a senior brought it marijuana and rolling papers and being the innocent fuck I was I thought I could handle it so I tried,It got me pretty damn sick to the point where I vomited,i spent the next 34 minutes coughing my lungs up.Yeah I counted the minutes that passed due to it being hell the entire time,My eyes kept watering and everything including my body smelled like skunk faintly.That was the day I learned I wasn't a weed guy.Now cigarettes are different I use to heavily smoke those for about one year which was roughly halfway through freshman and into sophomore year.I smoke as a meal replacement instead of eating which is extremely unhealthy and although I made myself sick I continued until I was wasting away.That is when my over bearing mother put me into therapy I was 6"4 then and should have weighed roughly 156 to 204 pounds I was at 127.I had been dying and I was alone I didn't have friends during that because I didn't conform to the idea of popularity I wasn't going to be an asshole like everyone else.I attended therapy for eating disorders for a while,I still go back whenever I get bad and honestly that's a lot now in days, I still skip meals often but I'm not smoking as frequently as I use to.I didn't starve to become thin or to be "happier"with my body I used it as control,my parents where arguing and fighting a lot then they got divorced which didn't really affect my two older brothers because they where already at uni and I guess I just wanted control of a situation or something and that's where I found it.During my worse times I skipped class and chain smoked about 14 Marlboro red cigarettes in the front of my school,And when I went into the school about 10 minutes after,I needed to vomit and I did in the boys bathroom and that's where I met Michael.Michael Clifford is the most self-righteous and pretentious prick of Claremont high and he is also my best friend.Let me restate that,my only friend.I guess he didn't think I was completely fucked because the first thing he said to me was"you should not chain smoke,mate" like the prick knew what I did,he later confessed to seeing me go at it in the front and then later when I refused to eat he found out why.I told him he shouldn't be friends with me.A lot of people try to be friends with me and most of those people are popular and I guess it's my problem I don't want to be a dick so that people like me.

I figured that I should probably go home when the kid sitting next to me on the ratty and tattered moss green couch pulled out low grade marijuana (the savage put it in a little ziplock baggy) and a red BIC lighter.Yeah I really wasn't into marijuana.I stood up to my full height being able to look over all the girls and most guys as I was use to.I started moving through the house.Most teenage parties where excuses to drink and fuck and I wasn't into any of that.I bummed a cigarette off of a junior in my honors literature class and after a long search I found a lighter in one of the Honey colored cabinets and lit up.I went through the kitchen and saw mark Jacobs the school most popular kid doing what I assume is vodka shots and as I walked by he threw one back and it got all over his shirt and I had to hold back the urge to set him on fire as I remember vodka to be extremely flammable and I was being slightly pyro.

I stepped out of the house and I automatically could breathe better and I didn't feels like I was in a twilight zone.I checked my phone the time being around 2:14 in the morning I lifted my cig to my lips and Inhaled my throat burning slightly I immediately relaxed .i started walking feeling bad for whatever unfortunate soul had to clean the yard as it was littered with cheap red solo cups and toilets paper along with a few crushed eggs.I had to walk because I couldn't take my car my mom would have noticed.

In misery L.HWhere stories live. Discover now