Chapter One: A Bad Night Turned Worst

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It was late and Y/N had just gotten off the clock for the night. Tonight ended up being a bad night for her, having worked a long shift and dealing with drunken idiots and drugged up people coming in all night acting stupid wasn't something she enjoyed dealing with.

At first her shift was fine, until some man decided to come in, he reeked of alcohol and vomit. Turns out the guy had been drinking all night to the point he made himself threw up all over his shirt. Guess, he didn't realize where it landed.

He came in wanting to purchase more alcohol, but Y/N refused to sell it to him. Rules being, if an individual is highly intoxicated, do not sell any alcohol to them.

Even when Y/N explained the rule, the man only became livid and began calling her ever name in the book. It got the point she had to call the police to escort the man off of 7/11 property. Resulting in him being barred from the premises.

After that, the store was mostly peaceful, besides from a few other individuals that came in acting up as well, but not to the point Y/N had to contact the authorities.

Y/N locks up the doors before beginning her, twenty minutes long, walk home.

She shoved her hands into her coats pockets, grabbing hold of her pocket knife in case she needed to use it, but also to keep her hands warm, seeing that it was freezing outside.

It's on nights like these she wished she had a car to drive home in or a reliable friend to carpool with. But unfortunately, she didn't. Most of her friends are off at college or working across town. She didn't want to bother anyone by asking for a ride or have to worry about paying them gas money just for the trip.

Surprisingly, it was quiet outside tonight. Most of the time, people would be yelling, playing loud music, or having parties. Y/N just chopped it up as it being too cold for anyone to want to be outside as she continues her walk.

She was about halfway home when she heard a noise from behind her. It sounded like footsteps. She was going to turn around to look, but remembered how turning around in movies almost always got the person killed. So instead, she continued looking forward and picked up the pace.

Her plan was to go to the nearest convenience store and go inside while she waited for the person to pass by, at least then she'll know if they were following her or if it had been someone coincidentally walking in the same direction as her.

A couple more houses she passed by before reaching the convenience store. She quickly went inside and waited behind one of the nearest aisles to the doors, peeking out and staring at them.

After a couple of seconds, the person that had been walking behind her passed by the doors, making her finally be able to breathe again, something she didn't realize she wasn't doing until now.

"Thank god.." she whispered to herself.

The store's employee, standing behind the counter cleared his throat, "Ma'am, is there anything I could do for you?"

Y/N jumped a bit, caught off guard by the man's voice. He must of witnessed her hiding this whole time, causing her to awkwardly look over to him, "Oh um..sorry about that..I'll just be getting these," Y/N said to him, as she quickly grabbed a bag of gummy worms off the wrack, before bringing them to the counter.

He rang it up, told her the total, and Y/N paid for them. At least now she knows the person is probably a long way ahead of her.

"Okay Have a good night, sir," she says grabbing her change and gummy worms off the counter, exiting the store soon after and beginning her walk home once again.

The person wasn't in sight anymore, which made her feel better, but that feeling would soon be gone, when she passed an alley way. Out of nowhere, a hand shot out and jerked her quickly into the alley.

It happened so fast she didn't see it coming.

She was pulled up against the person, one hand slapped over her mouth, the other holding a cold, sharp, object against her throat. Y/N's eyes widened. How could she have been so stupid? She shouldn't have let her guard drop, and she knew that, but because of her mistake, she was going to be killed.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you really think going into a fucking convenience store was going get me off your trail?" The person said, on the verge of laughter, their voice deep and raspy.

Y/N dropped her bag of gummy worms on the ground, quickly reaching into her pocket, retrieving the pocket knife and flipping it open. Swiftly, she shot her arm back stabbing the person in the side with the knife.

The person reacted by screaming, resulting their grip on her to loosen, and her chance to freedom.

She pushed off of them, her neck getting a slight cut as she passes the sharp object that had been pressed against her throat.

Turning around to face them, Y/N finally saw what the person looked like, if they could even be called such.

It was a man, maybe in his early twenty's, wearing a white hoodie and black dress pants. He had a horrendous Cheshire cat smile craved into his face. He skin a pale white, and his hair a dark black color.  And the object in hand, being a sharp worn down kitchen knife. Probably something he's been using for years.

He held his side, "You fucking bitch! You're going to pay for this!" he yells slashing his knife around attempting to get her.

Y/N backs up away from him, dodging his swings in the process. This only making him more pissed off.

He pulls the pocket knife out of his side and throws it away, further into the dark alley. He looks at her, "!" He growls before lunging at her, his knife raised above his head, ready to take her out.

Y/N moves, but not fast enough, as the knife stabs into her shoulder, full force. She screams out in pain, screaming more as he rips the knife out. Blood now pouring out and down the length of her arm.

He kicks her up against the wall, stabbing her again, this time in her other shoulder, making her unable to use both arms.

"I told you, you were going to pay for this you dumb bitch!" He yells, raising his knife above his head once again, but stopped, hearing police sirens and the convenience store doors open. That was his cue to leave.

He growls, angry he can't finish the job himself, but seeing her injuries, he assumed she wouldn't survive, so it wouldn't matter either way.

He quickly runs away from the scene of his crime, leaving Y/N to bleed out on the ground.

The employee rushes into the alley, after seeing the man run away, seeing Y/N in the state she was in. He began to apply pressure to her wounds until the police arrived, along with an ambulance speeding behind.

This night had officially turned from a bad night, to a worst night.


Hey everyone, if you read this and made it this far, thank you! This is my first time writing an x reader/fanfic in a long time. So I hope it sounds great! Anyways, feel free to comment your thoughts and leave a like if you enjoy the story so far!

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