Chapter Nine: A Drunk Never Lie's

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A couple hours in being there at the abandoned casino, all of the men had gotten drunk, including Jeff. Leaving, Y/N, in an uncomfortable situation. At first, she had thought about joining in on the fun, but changed her mind remembering the unfortunate circumstances she was already dealing with.

She decided to walk to the other side of the first floor, leaving the men to continue their loud obnoxious chatter and drunken behavior over there, while she cleared her head. Though, being on the other side, didn't really do much to shut out their loudness, it dampened it some, enough for her to finally hear her own thoughts again.

She sat down on a worn out, wooden bench, next to where the front entrance was located. Admittedly, she thought about escaping or attempting to through the front doors, she quickly remembered, they didn't come through the front doors. They came in through the back. Not only that, the front doors were boarded up and chain locked on the inside. So her only possible escape route would be through the back, where all four men were.

"I'm trapped even more than before.." Y/N whispers aloud to herself, her attention pointed at the floor.

Y/N looked up, hearing footsteps approaching. It was Brian. His mask being slid up over his nose, showing off his lower face, "Mind if I join you?" he asks, his voice somewhat slurred due to the outrageous amount of alcohol he consumed.

"Sure.." She scoots over, giving him more room to sit down next to her. He walks over, stumbling more like it, sitting down beside her.

"Why did you come over here? You didn't even drink with us," Brian questions.

"I just needed to get away. No offense, but you all can be loud. Sensory overload, I guess..I'm also not much of a drinker.." She explains.

"Hm.." he hums, taking a swig from the bottle of beer he had in hand, "sorry about that. When we all get going, we don't stop and get louder and louder until one of us pass out," he chuckles.

Y/N chuckles a bit too, "It's all good, but why'd you come over here?"

"Hm..same thing I guess, minus the drinking part. Though, I wanted to ask you a few questions," he replies.

She glances over to him, "Shoot.." she says, messing with her hands.

"Are you really Jeff's girlfriend or someone he's forcing to go along with it?"

Y/N, froze, how could she answer this question? She swallows hard, "I am Jeff's girlfriend," she states, hesitantly.

He looks at her, "I feel like you're lying..if you are, just tell the truth. Nothing's going to happen."

Y/N took a deep breath, sitting up straight, "I am Jeff's girlfriend. We've been dating for a couple of weeks now," she explains.

"Alright, I believe you. How'd you two meet?"

'God, he's really trying to dig deeper,' she thought to herself.

"We met while I was walking home one night. It was cold and I had a long while to get there. He saw me and decided to make conversation since we were headed in the same direction," She claims.

"That doesn't really sound like him, but I don't know. Maybe Jeff has been feeling pretty lonely and finally needed to get himself a piece of ass," he laughs at his obnoxious joke.

Y/N just awkwardly laughed along with him, "Heh..yeah probably."

"What do you see in that guy anyway?" Brian asks after finally calming his laughter.

She looks over to Jeff from across the room. He was laughing and joking around with the two others. Even swinging his knife around recklessly to be funny. What could she even remotely say that isn't bad? After all, he killed Liu, someone she deeply cared about, ruined her life by taking her away once all was said and done. She hated him. There were no redeeming qualities about him. Other than, "He hasn't killed me. Surprisingly..and has been trusting me. He doesn't seem like the type to trust many people. I admire that. He even told me, I'm the girl he couldn't kill," she smiles a bit, unintentionally.

Brian looks at her, "Woah, you must really like him, don't you?"

"Heh..I guess you could say that."

"Well If Jeff hasn't killed you, he must really like you two. You're lucky, he doesn't like people most of the time. It's why he kills them," He laughs, "but anyway, I'll leave you be. Nice chatting with ya," he then gets up, stumbling once more, joining the others again.

Y/N watches Jeff, "What if he does like me? We've only known each other for a few days now. That wouldn't make sense, but.." Jeff notices Y/N and waves excitedly to her, "could it be possible?" She waves back to him, smiling softly.

Jeff hurries over, slamming his hands on the wall behind her, blocking her in. She stares at him surprised and somewhat frightened from the suddenness, "H-hey.." she stutters scooting further into the bench, until her back was pressed against the wall.

"Hey.." he says in reply, his breath smelling strongly of beer.

"What are you doing?" She asks him.

"Just staring.."

"I-I can see that, but why?" She tilts her head to the side slightly.

Jeff drops to her height and leans in, kissing her gently on the lips. Her heart racing as he does so and her eyes widening from the very act. In all honesty, she wanted to push him off, but didn't noticing the men in the back had fallen silent. She grabs a fist full of his shirt, closing her eyes and returns a kiss to him.

They both slowly pull apart, staring at one another in disbelief for what felt like forever.

"Why'd you kiss me..?" She asks in a low quiet voice for only him to hear.

Jeff stares at her swallowing hard, "I um..I don't know."

She sighs softly, "Jeff, tell me the you like me?"

His eyes shifted to the side, "What? No? I mean, maybe? Yeah.."

"Why..? You barely know me and I barely know you.."

"I know..but you'll get to know me," he chuckles nervously, "maybe you'll grow to like me."

She doesn't reply, her tense shoulders dropping as she sighs again. She slowly wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug, "You're the biggest dumbass I've ever met.." she says to him quietly.

He hesitantly wraps his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly, "Tell me about it.."

Brian, Tim, and Toby watch. Shocked by Jeff showing any ounce of tenderness towards another person.

Toby jumps up and down, "AWWW YOU TWO ARE SO ADORABLE!!" he shouts, his words slurred, making Y/N laugh a bit, her cheeks heating up from embarrassment. Thankfully the casino wasn't lit well, hiding her flushed cheeks.

Jeff and Y/N eventually let go of each other, he sits down beside her on the bench, awkwardly staring forward, not being able to look at her. She grabs his hand and interlocks their fingers like she had done before and leans her head against his shoulder, "Maybe if you play nice, I might grow fond of you," she tells him.

"Heh..if you say so," he responds.

A Bad Night Turned Worst [Jeff the Killer x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now