Chapter Four: Jeff The Killer

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She sat inside on the couch. The stranger still comforting her to the best of their ability, while sitting next to her.

"I'm so sorry," They said, wiping away her tears with their thumb.

"I can't believe this happened..again.." Y/N chokes back more tears threatening to fall. She felt as though something was in her throat, making it hurt to talk.

"Again? You mean, you've been attacked by him before?" They arch a brow curiously. Receiving a nod back as a response, "oh.." They trailed off.

"What's your name..?" Y/N asks, attempting to change the subject so she didn't cry more.

The stranger stood up from the couch, "The names Liu, Liu Woods, and you are?"

"Y/N L/N," She answers.

"Nice to meet you, given the unfortunate..circumstances," he chuckles nervously.

"It's nice to meet you as well, Liu."

"Y/N, can I ask you a question?" Liu asks her. She nods giving him permission, "have you ever heard of Jeff the killer?"

She shakes her head, "No, I haven't, why do you ask?"

"That man, who's attacked you and attempted to kill you twice so far, that's Jeff the killer. You're a lucky girl. No one, other than myself, has been lucky enough to survive from him," He says, a serious expression on his features.

Y/N stares at him, her jaw nearly on the floor, "Woah, h-how do you know him? I mean, other than his killer name?" She stands up.

"He's my little brother.." Liu says, his voice full of guilt and anger.

"You mean, that man, that monster is your brother? Are you being serious?" She questions him.

"Yes, I'll explain everything, but please sit back down."

Y/N listens, sitting back down on the couch, ready to listen to what he needed to say. He sits down again beside her.

"Jeff's my little brother, as I said. His real name is, Jeffery Woods. It's been years since I last seen him. The last time I saw him was when he attacked me and killed our parents. Ever since, I've been tracking him down. Jeff is a menace to society. He's killed hundreds of people over these years, maybe even thousands. I've been attempting to find him and finally rid him of this world. But every time I get close, he vanishes. He knows I'm on his trail and he'll be on yours as well. He already struck twice. Who knows, he might try again," Liu explains.

She looks at him, unable to comprehend or gather enough words in her head to form a sentence. She had so many questions, yet nothing could come out.

"I know you're confused and I'm willing to answer any questions you may have, but another thing. We need to get you into hiding. The police aren't going to help. I've already tried that. So I need to put you somewhere he can't find you."

"Woah, woah, woah," Y/N stands up, backing over to the other side of the living room, "You just expect me to trust you? I just met you and come to find out you're related to a serial killer! Now you expect me to go with you into hiding, leaving all my friends and family and life behind?"

"Look I know it sounds bad and I know it's hard to trust me given the information, but I swear I am not like Jeff. I want Jeff gone. I don't want to hurt anyone else besides for him. But I can't sit here and let him hurt you," Liu says standing up from the couch.

"What about everyone else? Why just me?" She asks him.

"I can't save everyone. But if I could at least save one person, then I'm willing to do what it takes to protect you."

She looks down at the floor, "If I go into hiding with you, where would we go? Can't leave the city if you're wanting to track him down."

"I have a cabin in the woods. We'll hide out there until things calm down. Are you with me?" Liu asks, walking over to her and reaching a hand out in front of her.

She stares at his hand, before finally taking it, lifting her gaze to him.

"Good, let's get moving."

———Time Skip———

Liu and Y/N were in his car driving out into the woods to his cabin. Before they left they gathered up supplies. Food, water, toiletries, clothes, and some weapons. Everything they needed to survive out in the woods for the next month, possibly month and a half.

"Are we almost there?" She questions, looking over to him.

"Almost," he answers, glancing at the gps set to the location of the cabin. Estimated time saying, five minutes.

"I can't believe this is happening..this feels like a dream. More like a nightmare."

Liu glances over to her, "Yeah, but at least you'll be safe, you'll even have time to think over everything and get more answers."

"I sure hope so.." She looks out the window, watching as trees pass. It was still dark outside, but early.

Liu eventually stops the car, parking in front of the cabin, "Let's get everything out and inside."

Y/N unbuckles, getting out of the vehicle, and heading to the trunk. Once Liu popped the trunk, she opens it, then proceeds to gather as much supplies as she could in one go, before heading to the cabins door.

Liu does the same, gathering up the rest of the supplies, then heading to the door, pushing it open and allowing her to enter first. She steps inside, setting the items down on the nearest table.

He shuts the door with his foot, walking over and placing the other items down on the table as well, "Let me get a fire going, then we'll start sorting through everything."

He walks over to the fire place, grabbing a few small logs of wood, stacking the wood up in the fire place, before pulling out some lighter fluid and a lighter. He sprayed some on top of the stack, then ignited it with his lighter. He watched the fire for a few minutes, making sure it didn't go out.

Y/N strolls over to him, kneeling down next to him and placing her hands out towards the fire, warming her freezing fingers up from the heat, "That's better.." she sighs.

"Hm," he sits, crossing his legs, "it is..Y/N I'm sorry you got dragged into this mess."

"It's not your fault."

"But in a way I blame myself."


"Because we're related.." he states, keeping his eyes on the fire in front of them.

Y/N turns her attention to him, "You can't control what your brother did. It's not your fault he turned out this way."

Liu nods slowly, "I guess so.."


Boom! And then there's Liu.

A Bad Night Turned Worst [Jeff the Killer x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now