Chapter Two: Back Home

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Waking up in the hospital, Y/N could hear monitors beeping, staff and patients roaming the halls, and a annoying buzzing sound from the heater in her room.

The smell of the hospital, littering her nostrils, of cleaning products, clarifying her suspicions that she was in fact in the hospital.

She slowly began to open her eyes, the lights from the room and day light from outside the rooms windows, blinding her. Causing her to close her eyes once again.

She couldn't remember what had occurred that made her end up in this situation, or what day it is today, or even how long she's been out for. All she knows is that she's been laying in a hospital bed.

After laying there with her eyes shut for some time, she began to flutter open her eye lids, squinting and blinking until her eyes eventually adjusted.

No one was in her room, not even another patient.

Y/N looked down at her body, seeing herself wearing a hospital gown, her right arm having an IV in it. She didn't know what drug they were pumping her up with, but she felt loopy. Possibly painkillers. But why would they do that?

She tried sitting up, but couldn't with the lack of strength in her body and arms.

A couple of seconds pass by when a nurse came in, seeing that Y/N had finally woken up. She strolls over to her, "Oh good, you're awake. That's wonderful news," the chirpy sounding woman said.

"W-what happened..?" Y/N asks, her throat dry, and her voice raspy from not using it for some time.

"Let me get you a cup of water before I explain anything to you," the nurse smiled a bit. She walks over to a water dispenser, grabbing a disposable paper cup, before filling it up and bringing it over to her.

The nurse reached her hand out for Y/N to take the cup, but when she didn't, unable to really move her body, the nurse brought the cup to her lips. Y/N parted them, allowing water to slowly pour inside her mouth, coating her dry throat as she swallows the liquid.

The nurse then places the cup down on the table next to the bed, sitting down in a chair resting close by.

"Now then," she sighs, "feel better?" Y/N nods slowly in response.

"Good, so to explain what happened. You were attacked in an alley next to a convenient store. Camera's showed you inside, minutes later leaving before the attack took place. The employee running the store that night heard screaming and yelling, so he called the police before coming outside to see what was going on himself. He saw someone run out from the alley, fleeing the scene. Didn't even see who it was, so we don't have much insight on that. Besides for it being a man wearing a white hoodie. He found you nearly unconscious, bleeding heavily from both shoulders. He stayed by your side until police arrived, along with an ambulance. You're lucky to be alive miss," The nurse said.

Y/N just stared at her, in shock to find out that was what happened.

"Miss?" The nurse asked, "are you okay?"

Y/N clears her throat, looking away, "Y-yes, um how long have I been here?"

"Nearing two weeks. Surgery was performed on both shoulders, same with several blood transfusions. We put you into an induced coma, figuring it would've been the best for your body to be able to heal properly since damages were bad."

She nods in understanding, "how much longer will I be here?"

The nurse hummed, "Depending on how much longer it takes for you heal some more, I'd say, around a week to two more weeks."

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