Chapter Six: Taken Far Away

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Jeff had been driving for hours. Y/N sleeping the whole time, giving him peace and quiet and time to think things over. Wondering whether or not it would even be a good idea on his part to keep her alive. He wouldn't have to worry about her if he killed her. But she wasn't the problem. Though, since he killed Liu, she probably would become a problem. This was something he thought of off and on as he drove. He didn't really have much use for her other than her being dead weight.

The moment she wakes up, who knows how she'll react. More screaming and crying? Trying to wreck the car? Trying to escape once they reach the next city? There were endless possibilities of what could happen, making Jeff want to reconsider his decision.

Though, seeing they were only a couple more miles away from the next city, killing her wouldn't be an option for the time being. He'd have to wait it off until they were completely out of sight from people.

He may be a serial killer, but he knows when and where are the best times and places to attack. He's not how he used to be, a dumb reckless teenager, nearly getting caught by the police every time he killed another person or family. He learned over time to control his urges and how to plan out his killings. This being something he prides himself on.

Jeff stops the vehicle in a gas station parking lot. Y/N was still asleep, he took this time to fill the car up on gas before continuing the drive. The car being nearly empty.

He opens the drivers door taking the keys with him and locking the car up in case she woke up while he was inside paying. He didn't need her getting away or trying to alert the employee inside of what's going on. That wouldn't end well for him or the employee.

He heads inside, quickly, paying for the gas.

Y/N slowly begins to wake up, stretching her sore and stiff limbs. Yawning as she does so. She opens her eyes, blinking a few times, looking around her surroundings. She noticed she was in Liu's car, no one inside besides for herself, located at a gas station. She tried to open the passenger side door, only to be met with it being locked, "What the hell?" in her tired mind, she couldn't put the pieces together. She didn't understand what was going on, where she was, or how she ended up here. That was until Jeff finally emerged from inside.

Her eyes widened, once again remembering the tragic events that occurred earlier. Jeff killed Liu.

Jeff walks over to the gas pump, opening the cap, twisting it off, then grabbing the pump, shoving it into the opening, filling the car up. Y/N watching from inside the vehicle.

Panicking mentally, she didn't know what to do. She couldn't get out. She was trapped inside and the only person that could let her out was Jeff, who she knew wouldn't.

No one was around, at least outside and there wasn't even a chance she could flag down the employee inside to do something. Call the police, nothing. She needed to come up with a plan quickly.

She watches as Jeff pulls the pump out, hanging it back up before turning back to the car, twisting the cap back on, then closing the lid up. She quickly lays down how she originally was, pretending to be asleep. Maybe that'll buy her some time.

Jeff walks around to the driver side, unlocking the doors with the remote, before opening the door and getting inside, locking up the doors again. He leans his left arm on the steering wheel, leaning his right arm on the back of his seat, turning to her, "I know you're awake. You don't have to pretend."

Y/N slowly opens her eyes and looks over to him, fear written all over her features, "How'd you know..?"

He reaches up and taps the windshield with his left hand, "The windows aren't as tinted as you might believe they are. It's not that hard to spot you moving around from the outside."

A Bad Night Turned Worst [Jeff the Killer x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now