Chapter Three: We Meet Again

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Y/N had stayed inside for a week, having Johnny run out and pick up groceries for her after going through everything. Most of the food had expired or molded. Leaving her with only a small amount left.

She was grateful that Johnny would visit, checking up on her and getting things that she needed from the store. If she didn't have him, she'd have to move back home with her parents until she was fully healed. Something she wanted to avoid.

It wasn't that she didn't like her parents, she just wanted to stay independent. Something her parents wouldn't let her do in her state.

Tonight Y/N was going to go back to work at 7/11. Her boss, surprisingly, was understanding of her situation. Even offered her longer time off while being paid, but Y/N declined the offer, still wanting to get back to normal. Though she appreciated it.

Even though she declined the original offer, her boss scheduled someone to work with her at nights for the next couple of weeks. Just so she didn't have to do the heavy lifting. Making it easier for her.

———— Time Skip ————

It was late again and time for Y/N and her coworker to head home. They finished up a few more things in the store before clocking out and closing shop.

"Hey, thanks for helping me," Y/N says.

"No problem, I enjoy working with you," her coworker said back. Her coworkers name was Grace. She was in her late fourties', had two grown children, divorced twice, and overall sweet person. At least to her.

"Want a ride home?" Grace asked.

"No, it's okay, I'll walk, need some fresh air anyways, between being cooped up in the hospital and my apartment I'm going stir crazy," She laughs.

"Well, be careful, alright? Don't want anything happening to you," Grace then gets inside her car, waving goodbye to her before driving off.

Y/N waved back, watching her speed down the street, before starting her walk home. Oddly enough, she missed walking home. Even if crime was high in these areas, even though she's been attacked, she missed the fresh air blowing in her face at night.

Not two minutes into her walk, she noticed someone walking towards her in a white hoodie. Not thinking anything of it, she moved off to the side so they could pass, only for them to stop in their tracks and point, "You.." the person said.

This causing Y/N to stop in her tracks as well, mere feet away from this person. She points to herself, "Me?"

"Yes you! Don't play dumb! You're the bitch I thought I killed! Turns out you survived. What a shame I have to do this again.." he says, pulling his hood down. Revealing his face.

"I-I..look I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just trying to walk home..not wanting to get in to a fight or hurt or anything.." Y/N quickly blurts out, "I don't even remember you!"

The man's expression changed from that of anger to confusion, "You don't remember? What about this?" He asks lifting up his hoodie, revealing a wound, not fully healed and bandaged.

She shook her head. Still not remembering him.

"Okay, what about this?" He asks again, this time pulling out her pocket knife, something he later came back and retrieved from the crime scene.

Y/N recognized the pocket knife, "Well yes I remember that, that's my pocket knife. But you are not ringing any bells."

He scoffs, "Whatever, not like it matters much anyways. This time I'll make sure you're dead," he chuckles a bit, pulling out his worn out kitchen knife.

Her eyes widened, fear striking her in that instance. Without much thought, she quickly turns around on her heels, making a run for it in the opposite direction. Now she wished she had taken Grace's offer for a ride home.

She heard the man following her, catching up to her faster than she thought he would. This making her try her best to speed up.

"Damn it, why do they always have to run!" The man yells from behind her, clearly irritated.

She kept running, feeling her legs burning and her throat going dry. Her lungs were beginning to burn as well, from the chaotic breathing pattern.

Of course it had to be the first night back to work she ran into this crazed psychopath. Why did bad things always have to happen to her?

A turn was coming up only a few more feet away, quickly she takes that turn, hitting her shoulder off the brick wall as she does so. Not caring too much about it, she continues going as fast as humanly possible, hoping he'd give up on chasing her at some point or that she'd lose him on another turn.

But of course, that didn't happen. He kept going after her, eventually catching up and grabbing her hood that had been flapping in the wind, he yanks her back, causing her to fall roughly onto the sidewalk.

He took this chance to climb on top of her, "Finally.." he says breathing heavily, "finally I got you.." he laughs between gasps of air.

Y/N starts to squirm beneath him, swinging her arms around as best she could, trying to kick him with her legs as well.

"You're so annoying, stop moving!" He yelled at her.

She didn't listen, why would she? Why would anyone listen to someone trying to kill them?

He growled, grabbing her arms, and slamming them down onto the ground beneath them, "Do you realize how fucking annoying it is chasing people and having them fight you, when all you want to do is get a killing done and over with? Huh? Do you?! Because you are testing my patients!"

Y/N tried to get her arms freed, unable to in the end. She tried kicking again, it was no use. She couldn't get him off. Her eyes started to well up with tears.

"Oh come on, the crying?" He rolled his eyes, "anyways, time to get this done," he released one of her arms, grabbing it with his hand, now holding both of them in one, while he raised his other arm above his head, "Go to sleep.." he said slashing down his knife towards her heart.

She closed her eyes waiting for the pain, only to be met by nothing. She opened her eyes again, seeing this man, frozen in place, like a deer in headlights. They were both located in front of someone's house. They had opened the door right in time to see them, stopping the man from killing her.

"Get off of her!" Shouted the person. They swung a baseball bat towards him, hitting him in the back. Causing him to hurry up and run away before getting hit again.

Y/N laid there on the cold ground, breathing heavy, tears pouring down her face. She couldn't believe she'd been saved again.

The person leans down and reaches out a hand, she hesitantly takes it, being pulled up onto her feet. After which, she didn't say anything as she randomly hugged the stranger who saved her life. Crying into their chest. The stranger wraps their arms around her, patting her back, trying to comfort her as best they could, "Let's get inside," they say to her in a soft voice, leading her inside their home.


Hey another chapter! Wooooo! I'm wondering if I should make a pov chapter for Jeff, what do you all think?

A Bad Night Turned Worst [Jeff the Killer x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now