Chapter Thirteen: Tour

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Chapter Thirteen: Tour

Y/N and Jeff continue through the mansion. Ben showing each room to them. Not that Jeff didn't already know the layout of the house. He just didn't trust Ben being alone with her.

"This is the kitchen, self explanatory, like most of the rooms," Ben states. They continue to the next room, "Dinning room. One thing to keep in mind, Slender, expects us all to eat here and no where else. Says it's to avoid messes, but we usually don't listen. Don't let him catch you though."

"What happens if he does?" Y/N arches a brow.

Ben looks at her, "You wanna get thrown through a wall?"

She shakes her head.

"Then don't let him catch you. Since you are new, he might be more lenient at first, but I wouldn't count on it."

"Gotcha," she says.

"Good, now come along this way," they head up a flight of stairs, "this is where the bedrooms are located, bathrooms, Slender's office, etc."

He walks over to the first door. It was painted bright pink, "This is Sally's room. Don't go in unless you knock first or she invites you. Otherwise, she might try to pull something."

Y/N nods, not bothering to ask what he meant.

Across the hall from Sally's room was another door. This one was painted green, "This is my room. You're welcome to come in any time to play video games or we could play a different kind of game," he says to her winking.

Jeff growls, "Of course, you'd say something perverted. You better not touch anything on her body, elf boy or else I'll cut your dick off," he threatens.

Ben raises his hands up, "Woah, I was only joking around. You all still seem to think I'm a horny fucker. I'm not like that anymore. I only play into it to mess with everyone now. Besides Jeffery, I wouldn't steal your girl."

Jeff chills out after hearing that, "You better not be lying."

"Wouldn't lie to you, knock off joker," Ben tells him, moving on to the next door. Jeff clinches his jaw, avoiding saying anything else offensive.

The following door was painted in a black and white swirl, "That's LJ's room. Most definitely don't go in. Even if he allows you. It's basically a torture chamber, and not the good kind."

She nods slowly, eyeing the door, "Um...go it. Wouldn't want to go in either way."

Ben points to the next door across from LJ's, "Slender's office. Keep out of there. Only one's given permission to enter is proxies of his."


Moving door the hall further were two more doors, one painted orange and the other painted yellow, "Tim's and Brian's rooms," Ben says.

"Definitely, could've guessed that on my own," Y/N remarks.

Moving along, they stop in front of Jeff's door, it was completely white, red paint forming a smile, "And this is my old room," Jeff spoke up, "you, of course, are welcome inside anytime of the day or night. So don't worry about knocking."

"Wow Jeff, you used to be cruel and wouldn't allow anyone close to you or in your personal space. What changed?" Ben questions.

Jeff turns to him, "A lot actually," he turns back to his door opening it up revealing the inside. It hadn't been touched in, god knows how long. Cobwebs were scattered throughout the room, dust and dirt covered every surface. The bedding even had dust on it.

"I should definitely clean this up," Jeff says, grumbling at the fact his room was unkept this whole time he was gone. Though, the rest of the unused rooms were also in this state as well. Slender couldn't get himself to clean them. Not after what happened to most of the others.

"I could help," Y/N offers.

"Nah, I got it. You have your own room to worry about once Slender gives you one, but while you wait on him, you can come in," Jeff says, walking inside his old room. Y/N follows after.

Ben ends up walking off to his room, now that his job was done.

She closes the bedroom door before turning to Jeff, who was stripping his bedding off, "Are you sure you don't want my help?"

He coughs, pulling the last layer off, "You don't know your way around here that well and this is my mess."

"I think I'd have better lucky cleaning your room than you, since I have more experience with cleaning," she comments.

He drops the bedding on the floor and looks at her, "You probably have a point. I guess I can let you help, but just this once."

"Two is better than one after all," Y/N smiles, walking over and picking up the bedding he tossed onto the floor, "just show where I need to go and we'll get your room cleaned up in no time."

Jeff smiles a bit, "Sure thing."

"But another thing. I'm going to need some cleaning supplies. Such as a broom, a lot of rags, a bucket of soup and water, a duster, and a map. Got those here?"

He thinks for a moment, "Probably...Slender usually keeps the house in tiptop shape. I wouldn't imagine him not having some sort of cleaning supplies in the house."

"Alright, first let's get these washed and dried for later tonight," She says.

"I'll lead the way then," Jeff grabs her arm, pulling her out of the room and downstairs to the Landry room. They start his bedding in the washer, leaving afterwards in search for the supplies they needed to clean the rest of his room.


I know this chapter is shorter than most of my previous chapters, which I apologize. I've been having writers block pretty badly recently. Which I wanted to avoid, though unfortunately that didn't happen 😅. Hopefully soon I'll be out of it so I can continue writing this story for you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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