Chapter Eleven: New Travel's Begin

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Three months shouldn't seem the pass by so quickly, but it did. They were all still staying at the abandon casino. At least, that was until Tim, Brian, and Toby were all summoned to return back to some mansion. It was a couple states away and from how it sounded it was urgent.

They didn't really seem excited to be called on, but of course, they couldn't say no.

Jeff decided that he and Y/N were going to go along with them, seeing that he didn't have much of a plan to go off of from here, he took this opportunity.

At first, Tim and the others were against the idea of them tagging along. Over the course of them living there with them, they found out Y/N wasn't like them. She was normal and hadn't even gotten a drop of blood on her hands. This made them worry of the possible outcome of her joining them.

However, Jeff insisted that she went. He didn't want to break his promise. He knew the possibility of this ending badly, but he was willing to take that risk.

"Jeff, we're leaving today. Are you sure you want to take her?" Tim asks him, worry lingering in his voice.

Jeff nods, "Yes, I'm positive. I already have a plan setup."

"That being?"

"Well, I was going to ask Slender, if I could make her a proxy."

"Jeff, are you insane?!" Tim raises his voice, lowering it when Jeff, shushes him, "if you ask Slender, that, you already know he's going to say no. Flat out no. Proxy's aren't meant to be normal people. You know this."

"I know, I know...I just don't know what else to do."

"If you give her that title, Slender, would highly expect her to kill. She doesn't have a bad bone in her body. She wouldn't be able to even do something like that."

Jeff sighs, "Then what else could I do? Even if I say she's my girlfriend, Slender, would say no then too."

"The only possible thing I could see Slender agreeing to, would be if she started killing or you two got married. But Slender would still be pretty skeptical. Plus, I don't know if Y/N would be willing to marry you. At least, not right now."

"Let me just talk with Slender first once we get there and see what happens," Jeff responds, he turns his attention to Y/N, who was across the room seated at one of the bar stools, talking with Toby. 'I hope I don't have to back out of my promise...' he thought to himself.

All five of them left the abandoned casino. Taking Liu's car as transportation there. The car hadn't been started since they got to the casino, since Jeff wasn't allowed to leave under Tim's conditions. Not until he was in the clear or special circumstances, such as this one.

Jeff, Y/N, and Toby were all seated in the back seat. Y/N being in the middle of the two. Tim was the first to drive, him and Brian planing on switching back and forth on who drove, while the other got rest in the passenger seat.

"So tell me about this place," Y/N says, cutting the silence that had been infecting the car since they all got in and started their travels.

Toby was the first to respond, "Well, since we got time on our hands, might as well address the elephant in the car. It's a mansion. The head of the mansion, being our boss, is known as Slenderman. We call him Slender for short. Tim, Brian, and I, are all proxy's of his. Meaning, we do as he asks. Whether it be, killing a threat, gathering information on someone, or recruiting new people, etc etc."

"Woah, how many people live there?" She asks, wanting to learn more.

"There use to be a lot more killers that lived within the mansion, however, some of them either left or got killed. The only few still staying is Sally, Ben, and Laughing Jack. The rest is gone, unless those who left came back or more were recruited to fill-in."

"I see. Were you close with any of those that left or passed away?" She asks him.

", but I don't want to talk about it," Toby responds, looking outside the window next to him. Watching the world pass.

Y/N turns to Jeff. Him shrugging, playing it off as though he didn't know who Toby was referring to. Jeff may be a dick at times, but he knows when to shut up. Especially, when it comes to Toby's past partner. It wasn't too long ago when it happened and Jeff could tell it left still left a massive wound on him.

Tim was the next to speak, catching Y/N's attention, "Aside from that, there is a few things you should be aware of. First off, you may feel sick when we get closer to the mansion. There's something known as Slender sickness. It's usually bad until you get used to it."

"Slender sickness? What's the symptoms?"

"Well, from what I've experienced and many others, ringing of the ears, vomiting, coughing blood, nose bleeds, fever and sometimes you'll forget things. However, this isn't guaranteed to happen. As long as Slender is calm and know's you'll be there, he won't push too hard."

"That's good. Is he aware?" She asks, wanting to make sure.

"As of right now, no. Though, when we get close, I'll be sure to park the car far from the mansion. We'll alert him of you being around so he knows to not make you ill," Tim assures her.

She nods, "Thank you.." admittedly, even with being assured, she was still nervous. Well, more so, terrified. Not only was she going to a new place, she was going to a mansion that had some creature she'd never heard of, with killers living inside. Not something she thought she'd ever live to experience. But then again, this whole time, was something she never thought she'd live to experience.



Hello again! Thanks for reading this chapter. I know I mentioned I was starting to get writers block, which is true and I know I also said I wouldn't leave this chapter off on a cliffhanger, but I'm struggling with that. Though, I managed to throw out another chapter. I think, after this chapter or possibly next chapter, I'll be taking a mini hiatus from writing this book. Just to give me some time to come up with more ideas.

In all honesty, I'm not even sure how I want to end this story when the time arrives or how many chapters this story will end up being. I'm hoping the story doesn't end up being more than twenty chapters at most. If it goes further than that, I'll most likely make another book.

Anyways, with that being said, see you all later!

A Bad Night Turned Worst [Jeff the Killer x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now