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(^Anais) YEARS LATER...(2035)

"Hey Mama I gotta tell you something" Sunnie looked at her 13 year old "What's up?"

"Look I know Daddy don't want me talking to boys or whatever butttt... I've been talking to one and he wants to take me to the movies tonight"

"Alright I got you, go get dressed or whatever. What time you want me to drop you off?"

"8 o'clock I guess"

"Alright hurry up, you know how your Daddy is" she squealed running to her room. Sunnie shook her head, she's growing up and she's letting her. Rodrick on the other hand didn't want her to. But either way he was gonna have to get ready. Roderick came out of their room yelling "Boy when you gone get off that game? It's not that serious" he shook his head "Leave him alone Wayne, at least he's being social"

But that was Alpha's last straw, he burst out of his room saying "Stop talking to me like that, you not even Anais real Father bro and you treat her like she's royalty" he went back in his room slamming the door, Sunnie just kept doing laundry "You gone let him talk to me like that?" She shrugged "What can I do? He feels how feels"

Minutes later Anais came out of her room in a white long sleeved shirt with some black leather pants and fluffy slides. Her hair was in a high bun, her lips were highly coated in gloss. Roderick immediately stood up "Where the hell you think you going?" Anais rolled her eyes "Me and Mama going to the movies, that's it right Ma?" Sunnie nodded looking at the time, 7:59 pm. "Yeah we should get going now it starts soon" She stood up walking towards the door but Roderick was staring at Anais pulling her back by her pants. "Why these pants so tight? Go change" Sunnie snatched his hand away "Let's go Nis' "


Arriving at the movie theater, Sunnie saw the boy, Kahleel, standing on the sidewalk waiting for Anais. "You got your phone right?" She nodded opening the door "Call me when it's over okay? Have fun"

"Yes ma'am, bye Ma"

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