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Rodrick POV

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Rodrick POV

I sat in the waiting area for the doctors to come get me. I watched Anais sleep in her carseat. She started moving around and she opened her eyes. Then she started crying so I got her out and rocked her. She started grabbing my finger and teething on it so I let her. I've been sitting here for hours waiting for a nurse to come get me. Finally one came and got us. I went to Sunnie's room and she was up. She had stitches in her arm and she had a blank look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked she shook her head "My parents" she sighed. I looked down at Anais and she was sleeping again. I fed her some of her bottle before putting her back in her carseat. I pulled a seat up beside her bed and laid my head in her lap. She ran her fingers through my hair "Rodrick if anything happens to me... I want you to take Anais and keep her safe " I shot my head up "Baby don't- don't say that okay? Nothings gonna happen to you! Don't say that no more ight?" I said to her.

"I'm gonna die eventually-" I popped her hand "Hush nie" I shook my head. She nodded before resting her eyes and lifting the cover up "Get in here" I got Anais carseat and sat it on the big table beside Sunnie's bed so we could see her or hear her. I let darkness take over before I was woken up. I had to leave and come back tomorrow. So I went back to the house and before I could make it into the door "Who's baby is that?" It was Lisa Sunnie's best friend I guess it was maybe not.

"Sunnie's" I looked at her straight faced, Anais woke up and looked at Lisa then she started crying. I gave her my phone so she teeth on it, yeah I cleaned it. "Your eyes ain't blue though" I rolled my eyes "And you're not white!" I shook my head "Mind yo business" Anais started crying again so I picked her up. She stared at me "Hey mama" she started smiling before laying her head on my shoulder. "So she was thotin' and plotin' huh" I unlocked the door "Like I said mind yo business and definitely watch yo mouth about her"


𝐻𝑂𝑀𝐸𝐵𝑂𝐷𝑌 | 𝑅𝑂𝐷𝐷𝑌 𝑅𝐼𝐶𝐻𝐻  Where stories live. Discover now