Kururugi goes to Doctor Tofu's!

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This is an extra story that takes place after volume 1 but before volume 2 of Ranma 1/2! Enjoy!

At the Tendo Training Hall.
"Hyaa!" says Kururugi chopping at Cinder blocks with his bare hands.
"Too shallow!" says Kururugi in disappointment.
"Not happy, brother?" says Nabiki who has just entered the training hall.
Kururugi do too a fever, turned back into a boy, and lost his magic for the first time ever.
"No. I just can't get my magic to work. I can't get the magicules to form!" says Kururugi.
"I see. You know that I would do anything for my favorite sibling, magic or no magic. But I don't know the first thing about magic! Akane wants to talk to you! Don't worry about Ranma he's contemplating how he's going to treat you and Akane from this point on!" says Nabiki.
"Great! Then I'll do that!" says Kururugi as he exits the dojo.
Kururugi walks down the hall quietly.
Kururugi climbs the stairs carefully.
Kururugi goes down the hall quietly, before coming to a door.
Kururugi knocks on the door.
"Come in!" says Akane from the other side of the door.
Kururugi opens the door and walks over to Akane's bed and lies down on top of the covers.
"You don't have to knock, Kururugi! This is still your room, if you want it. I don't care what you are! I'll still protect you in that form, even from Ranma if you want!" says Akane.
"That's easy for you to say, Akane! I have no power right now! What if I were to run into Ranma or Ryoga in this form? What would I say? I'm scared, Akane! I never lacked the power to defend myself. Now I can't even chop cinder blocks, adequately."
This is said by a slightly crying Kururugi.
"Alright! How about this?! We will tell everyone that we are dating each other. Your name will be Kururugi, of course! But your last name will be, Kaname! Your name in that form will be Kururugi Kaname! We will explain to everyone outside of the family, that you are recuperating from an unknown illness that has sapped your strength for the time being. We will tell father and our sisters the cover story to tell people if you are ever spotted with me! This weakness will explain why you are suddenly average in ability. I'm sure that Nabiki would be willing to help!" says Akane.
"Let's just get this over with!" says Kururugi wiping his eyes of tears.
"We will have to take you clothes shopping for your whole wardrobe, now that you can't magic your wardrobe! Now...the main event! Doctor Tofu wants to see you! So let's go see the doctor for your first appointment ever!" says Akane picking Kururugi off the bed and walking him out the bedroom door and down the hall.
"Akane! Talk to Kururugi about it?" says Nabiki from outside of her room.
"Mhmm!" says Akane nodding curtly.
"I see. Kururugi you will always be my favorite sibling. I will never blackmail you, magic or no magic! I'm sorry if you get caught up in someone else's blackmail. I would never extort you! I would do everything in my power to prevent you from being blackmailed or from extortion!" says Nabiki.
Kururugi and Akane head down the stairs and exit the building.
Kururugi and Akane walk down the street.
The day is very peaceful, not a sign of trouble to be found.
The trees are growing nicely on the sides of the road.
The flowers are blooming nicely.
They even stop to chat with the old lady who splashes Ranma with cold water when watering the pavement, when he comes by here.
Eventually, they reach a building that says [Accupressure Acupuncture Moxibustion] on its sign.
Akane and Kururugi sit in the waiting room, while they wait for Doctor Tofu.
"Kururugi? Listen. I think we should tell Doctor Tofu the truth, seeing as he is going to be your Chiropractor, while you can get injured or sick. I think that we took your magic for granted! And we really shouldn't have! So, I'm going to step up my game as your Guardian! I'll protect you from harm, nasty rumors that I can protect you from, and from unwanted advances from other people in either form. That includes Ranma! He tries anything, and I'll wack him! I'm serious! Anyone who wants to do anything to you, will have to answer to me!" says Akane in a whisper to Kururugi's left ear.
Sometime passes as people file in and out of the office.
Doctor Tofu comes out, as he says; "Next!"
"Ah, Akane! Pleasure to see you! Do you have any new injuries?" says Doctor Tofu.
"No sir! I haven't been doing anything that would cause injury. I'm not your patient though, doctor, he is!" says Akane pointing to Kururugi.
"Ah! The runaway patient! Tell me! Ever get sick?" says Doctor Tofu.
"No. Not until recently. I got a high temperature in the middle of a battle and was taken home. My strength disappeared the following morning!" says Kururugi.
"I see. Ever get injured?" says Doctor Tofu.
"Never!" says Kururugi.
"I see. And your source of power, disappeared you say? Akane what would you say Kururugi's source of power is?" says Doctor Tofu.
"Yes. I don't know where it went?" says Kururugi.
"Kururugi's source of power? It would have to be her body!" says Akane in sudden understanding.
"I'm glad to see that you agree with me. Yes, Kururugi will be able to transform, freely between genders, but while her source is dry, she will be unable to customize her appearance or create clothes. It looks like a lot of Kururugi's abilities spilled over from another timeline, but now this timeline is correcting itself. That's why Kururugi was unable to transform. I believe that when this calms down, she will still have access to magicules, but will no longer be automatically protected by it. I believe that magic as it was used until now, will no longer be possible. You can still harness the elements, but only by tapping your Ki. You will still be able to do everything you could do, but can no longer cast spells. This is just a guess though from someone who has no knowledge about magic!" says Doctor Tofu.
"Doctor, will she be alright?" says Akane worriedly.
"She will be fine, but the school should know that she and he will be coming in more regularly than before. Kururugi's ability to concentrate should be different. Kururugi was until now, piggybacking off of the training from another timeline. Now if you put in the effort Kururugi, in time you should regain the ability to create matter. Now on the matter of Akane dating Kururugi Kaname, Kururugi Kaname gives her full approval! So, Kururugi, do you feel any different?" says Doctor Tofu.
"Yeah... I feel like I can touch some of the magicules now. But doctor? Will my default appearance for my female body, still be the default?" says Kururugi.
"Why don't you try it out? I'll give you two the room. Have fun!" says Doctor Tofu before then exiting the room.

Kururugi focuses on the magicules drifting lazily on the surface of the air.
Several of the magicules float into Kururugi's palm.
Kururugi is wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
He focuses on his body and how it's a female body.
She feels the slip in height and weight, as her body adjusts under her clothes.
"Akane gasps in amazement.
"You have boobs again. What about down below?" says Akane.
"Well... let's see!" says Kururugi as she closes her eyes and focuses on her body, which with her energy, can feel is 100 percent female.
"Right now, I'm female 100 percent!" says Kururugi.
"That's awesome! I'm happy for you! We have to keep this a secret from Ranma! Do you think that you could use it to slip into the crowd?" says Akane.
"Well... I haven't regained the ability to make clothes or solid objects yet, that's something that I would have to learn, before being able to quick change like before. So I would be able right now to create the body under the clothes that I am currently wearing when I transform. My strength is magicule related, so I would be weaker than you right now! So, how about this? I will train you in the use of the martial arts that I learned along time ago. Deal?" says Kururugi to Akane.
Doctor Tofu comes in and says; " Looks like you succeeded!"
"Be seeing you doctor!" says Akane as the two girls walk out the door.
"Now to take you clothes shopping! You need a stash of clothes to bring with you in your backpack! Let's get you sized and into some comfy clothes!
Kururugi's three sizes after getting measured by the shop person are; Bust: 78 cm. Waist: 58 cm. Hips: 79 cm. Japanese C-cup bra.
Kururugi and Akane buy Kururugi's extra stash of clothes and move on from the mall.
Kururugi and Akane head home to see Kasumi with the extra change of clothes, as it's not even midday.

It doesn't take long for the two of them to arrive in front of the Tendo's house.
Kasumi comes out to greet them.
"Are these Kururugi's extra change of clothes?" asks Kasumi.
"Yes. For the road."
"I'll put these away in Kururugi's backpack. She should be comfortable with any sudden changes!" says Kasumi as she places all of Kururugi's clothes newly purchased in the backpack.
"We're going out again, but first we have to give Kururugi a bath!" says Akane.
Kururugi and Akane rush to the bathroom and lock the door behind them.
Kururugi strips all of her clothes off, concentrates, and then puts on his school uniform.
The two exit the bathroom and head for school with Kururugi's backpack.

Kururugi Tendo! The 15 year old child.Where stories live. Discover now