To the Tree-born Kettle-girl!

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The next morning, Akane wakes up and unlocks her room door, then goes into Kururugi's room and wakes up her sleeping brother. "You're a boy again. I don't think you should be male in front of Ranma, so change your clothes, underwear, and body before you leave your room," says Akane. "Okay, sister," replies Kururugi. Kasumi knocks on Akane's door. "Come in Kasumi!" says Akane. Kasumi opens the door and enters Akane's room. "I think I will leave a change of clothes for Kururugi in the bathroom, it will exclude underwear, as she can now make it by concentrating. Correct?" says Kasumi. "Correct, Kasumi!" says Akane. Kasumi leaves the room and takes extra outfits and places them in a special basket marked Kururugi, which she places in the bathroom next to a basket labeled Akane. Which is next to a laundry basket for dirty clothes, which also serves as a sign that the bathroom is already in use. Kasumi enters the kitchen and prepares breakfast for everyone.

Sometime later everyone eats breakfast and heads to school minus Kasumi who already completed school. "Ranma! We're going to be late, so hurry up!" says Akane to Ranma as Kururugi is waiting by Akane's side ready to go. Ranma comes out ready for school, as Akane runs off, with Kururugi as usual, right on her tail. The three people make it to school without incident until they make it to the gate. "Oh, no! Kuno!" exclaims Akane. Waiting at the gate is Tatawaki Kuno. "Akane Tendo ... might you fight with me?" says Kuno. Akane and Kururugi are standing side by side to each other. Ranma hops down onto Akane's other side as he says; "Man. You're popular, aren't you?" "Stay out of the way. You'll get hurt." says Akane to Ranma. "What's going on?" says Ranma. "You'll see." says Akane. Kuno says; "You there! You are being quite familiar with Akane!" Kururugi is getting upset again listening to this conversation taking place. "Tell him, Akane. Akane?" says Ranma to Akane. "Tell him what? Ranma! We're upsetting Kururugi again I think we should drop the subject." says Akane. Kururugi says; "I have been listening and this man is disrespecting Akane Tendo and should back off before he does something he will regret. We have plenty of time, so I am free to wait around today." says Kururugi. "Who are you, boor? And who's the girl talking smack about me? Ah! But it is the custom to give one's own name first! Fine then! Mine I shall give! My name is ... Tatawaki Kuno. Age 17. Captain of the Kendo club. But my peers call me ...the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High!" says Kuno. "Okay. I'm, uh ... ...I'm staying at the Tendo practice hall ..." says Ranma as he is interrupted by Kuno's swing of his bokuto or wooden sword. "What?! Under the same roof as Akane?!" says Kuno. Ranma answers while dodging the blow; "I'm heir to the Saotome school of indiscriminate grappling ... here. Hold my bag a sec." as he throws his bag to Akane, but Kururugi steps in front of Akane and catches the bag, and says; "Geez. Rude much!" Ranma says; "I am Ranma Saotome! And I accept your challenge." Talking can be heard from inside the classrooms, there is still 10 minutes until school starts. "Hey! Somebody's taking on Kuno!" "Talk about dangerous!" said a couple of students. "So, you scoundrel. Hounding Akane, eh? I, upperclassman Kuno, shall bring you to justice!" says Kuno, as he raises his bokuto above his head. "So who's hounding anybody?" says Ranma. "He's only staying with us, Kuno! Also, stop pissing that girl off!! I'm warning you only once, Kuno. Then you're on your own." says Akane to Kuno. "Silence, fool!!" screams Kuno while swinging his bokuto down at Ranma, as Kururugi steps away from Akane's side and steps in front of Ranma's body, and bare hand blade catches the bokuto, in a matter of seconds, stopping it cold. Kururugi then proceeds to roundhouse kick Kuno into the wall, moderating her strength, a little. Kururugi then proceeds to walk with her sister to class as Akane grabs Ranma. "Come on, Ranma! You need to stay with your fiancée until we get to class." says Akane. They safely make it to class. Meanwhile in the senior classroom. "Fiancé?!" says Kuno to Nabiki. "Uh-Huh. My dad and his dad decided. Kururugi our youngest sibling is going to marry Ranma. Also, as Akane has to keep an eye on Kururugi, she is to be treated as engaged to Ranma for the sake of the promise of, anyone who beats her is free to date her and is taken." clarifies Nabiki. At the same time in the classroom, Kururugi and Akane have a dilemma, swimming practice, at the pool. While Kururugi and Akane are wearing their school swimsuits, Ranma is wearing his regular Chinese outfit. Kuno arrives at the pool and says; "Never, Ranma Saotome! I shall never accept your - - ...your engagement to Kururugi!" "What?! Engagement?!" says all the male class members, as all the female classmates say; "How could you, Akane! And you said you despised men for what they tried to do with your sister!" Kururugi and Akane are in the pool, as Kuno slashes at Ranma with his bokuto. Ranma dodges all of Kuno's strikes. Ranma is about to fall and grabs Kuno with his ankles knocking both fighters into the pool. Kuno surfaces, while Kururugi and Ranma swim underwater to get away as Kuno says; "Saotome! I fight on!" as he grabs Kururugi by her bust, and squeezes her right breast. Kururugi and female Ranma both grab Kuno, and throw him out of the water and slam him into the ground next to the pool before using the momentum to flip themselves over the chain-link fence. Akane changes into her school uniform and rushes out to find her youngest sibling and Ranma. Akane thinks to herself; (I hope nothing happens to my favorite sibling. She's stuck with Ranma in her swimsuit! The worst part is she can't even change because it's in front of Ranma.) Kuno wakes up by the poolside. "A woman. Yes. No, two women. That was two women. Which means ..." says Kuno as he gets up and says; "Ranma Saotome, you wretch! Do you think you've escaped?!" Ranma in a tree is squeezing out the water in her pants and Kururugi is still below her saying; "What a pervert. He didn't have to squeeze that hard! Ranma you should have clobbered him so that he couldn't touch me!" " You fool! You were supposed to protect your fiancée, but you let her get groped by Kuno of all people." says Akane. Ranma responds; "Shut up! I just messed up." Akane says; "I guess you don't want this! Hot water!" says Akane while holding the hot water in a kettle. Kuno is approaching, so Akane throws the kettle to Ranma as she says; "Catch!" "Upperclassman ... ...I challenge you!" says Akane as she gets into a fighting stance. "Akane, oh, Akane ... ...never did I dream that like your sister, that you would challenge me! If you win ... I shall let you go out with me! Thus I shall lose with all my might!" says Kuno as he puts his bokuto in front of him, in a guard stance. "Who's asking to go out with you? Also, you got floored by Kururugi yesterday on the rooftop of the school! Have you forgotten?" says Akane as Kuno attacks her, and she uses the blade catch throw, by Kicking Kuno into the tree as she rolls onto her back. Kuno is sent flying right into the kettle, still held by female Ranma. "Eh? You're that girl!" says Kuno upside down. "You're still a girl?!" says Akane. Kururugi says; "Just drop it, Akane. Kuno didn't notice." "What'd you expect?!" says Ranma. "So. Did you see where that boy in the pigtail went?" says Kuno. Ranma shakes her head. "That coward! Running away from a fight! No doubt he feared my prowess! Bah! He is no man! He is no man!!" says Kuno as Ranma drops the kettle, landing Kuno on his head. Akane is holding the bokuto on guard. "That hurt, you know." says Kuno sitting up. "I'm not going to hang there and take this! I can take you anytime! Come on!" says Ranma getting into a fighting stance. Kuno grabs his bokuto from Akane and says; "Heh! Amusing. Well. Should you win I will allow you to go out with me!" says Kuno swinging his bokuto at Ranma. Ranma jumps the strike and says; "And who's asking ... to go out with you?!" as she finishes it with a flying kick to the face, smashing her heel into Kuno's face. Kuno thinks; (She's skilled! As skilled as Akane! No! More skilled!) as Ranma twirls the bokuto with her feet than hands, before finally catching it and palming it. "And guess what, Kuno. Ranma Saotome's even better'n me!" as Ranma joins Akane and Kururugi, who changed into her school uniform, while Ranma was fighting Kuno. "Okay. Let's head home." says Ranma. "You should know better Ranma, this is your second day Ranma and Kururugi's third day!" says Akane. The three girls headed home. Kururugi and Akane took a bath together, then came out for dinner, made by Kasumi. Sometime later in the Tendo training hall. "Ranma. This time Akane really did look out for you in school today didn't she?" said Genma standing on his head. "It's not like I asked her to." said Ranma also standing on his head. "So, is it any of your business? Kururugi blocked Kuno for Ranma today. Did you see from in the pool what happened?" says Nabiki, they are once again in Akane's room. "First of all, Kururugi let herself get groped, I know she's not really a girl, but that does not excuse the fact that she stepped in for her fiancé again. And second of all, my little brother is getting stronger every day. Today she grabbed Kuno and threw him out of the pool, before slamming him into the poolside." says Akane. Kururugi comes out of his room into Akane's room. "Sister will you spar with me?" says Kururugi. "I'll close off the dojo and not allow anyone in except for Kasumi, and as usual I will not allow photography in the dojo. Okay?" says Nabiki as the three siblings leave Akane's room. Nabiki checks that the coast is clear, then motions for her younger siblings to follow. Eventually, they make it to outside the dojo. "Excuse us! Everyone out! That means Ranma and his father out. Special training is about to begin and no cursed people in the dojo are allowed at this time. And if you don't leave on your own don't blame us for getting violent with you." "What is going on Genma Saotome?" says Soun Tendo to Genma Saotome. "They are apparently throwing us out for special training, and aren't above using force to do it." explains Genma. "We, should clear everyone out now, Kururugi really has the power to throw everyone out, with force." says Soun. A wind with slight pressure kicks up around Kururugi. "All right! I'm out!" says Ranma, as he exits the training hall. The wind slowly moves towards Genma Saotome. "We don't usually give this much of a warning, so clear out before a strong wind throws you out of the room." says Akane. The wind picks up speed so it's slightly visible. The wind starts howling outside the room. The wind knocks into Genma as he gets blown out of the dojo by a hurricane-force wind which dies down as soon as it pitches Genma out of the house and somewhere slightly away from the city. The wind is calm. Kururugi and Akane enter the dojo, as Nabiki closes the door and locks it. Akane starts throwing punches and kicks at, Kururugi, as he effortlessly blocks the strikes and rebounds the force knocking Akane off balance with each rebound. When Kururugi is male the rebound is more violent and slower. While when Kururugi is female, the rebound is faster but more gentle, and less jarring, when thrown, allowing for combo attacks. Today they are practicing close combat Chinese Martial Arts. After one hour of intense training, Nabiki unlocks the door as Kururugi, tired but very much female, exits with an equally tired Akane. The two head to Akane's room and lock the door behind them. Kururugi and Akane unlock the door joining the two rooms, and open the wall so that the two rooms become one. Kururugi and Akane do breathing exercises for 10 minutes, before lying down in their shared room.

While Akane and Kururugi are shut inside their room, Ranma has a lot of questions. "Ask, Ranma! I'm pretty sure I have the authority to answer some questions you might have," says Nabiki. "Why did your dad look scared, when Genma mentioned the use of force?" asks Ranma. "Alright! That is an excellent question. I suppose, daddy was scared because he saw how close you were to being thrown out by your own fiancée, Ranma." says Nabiki. "Why did you of all people, close off the room and forbid photography?" asks Ranma. "Another excellent question, but this is the last one I answer. So, Ranma. You wanted to know why I of all people closed off the room. The short answer I did it because I don't want to create blackmail material against Kururugi. That is the long and short of it. I also did it because Ki, is real, and I don't know how to harness it." says Nabiki, as she closes the topic and opens the door to the training hall."Okay, Nabiki. Thank you for what you told me, is there more to that story Nabiki?" asks Ranma, as Nabiki answers; "You're welcome Ranma! And yes there is more to the story, but not now and you have to be Kururugi's fiancé in order to hear it." answers Nabiki.

Sometime later Akane and her younger sister left the room and came down for dinner.
Then they went to bed. Then the next day came, and they went to school.
At Furinkan senior class, a conversation was taking place during class. Nabiki and Kuno were talking. "What?!" says Kuno. "Sure, I know her. The girl with the pigtail and Chinese clothes," says Nabiki. "Nabiki Tendo - - can this be true?!" says Kuno as he scratches a letter with his pencil.

At the Tendo dojo. "Here," says Nabiki as she hands a letter addressed: To the Tree-borne Kettle-Girl. Ranma says; "This is to me?" "To the girl side, he said. I don't think he believes you're the same person," says Nabiki. Ranma reads the letter that says; "On Sunday, in the tenth hour ... me in the second field of Furinkan High school!" reads Ranma as he reads the letter. Akane says; "Sounds like a dual, Huh?" Nabiki says; "Little Kuno just hates to lose!" Akane wonders; "Vengeful, hm?" Kururugi says; "It's not a challenge, it's a love letter!" Akane says; "You sure?" Kururugi says; "Positive!"

Sunday, the day of the date, Ranma standing alone at the designated time and place. "So you have come my tree-borne kettle-girl!" says Kuno as he walks out from the sunset. "You don't learn quick, do you, pal? Well? Where's your sword, huh?" says Ranma. "Heh. I have no need of a sword," says Kuno. "Yeah? Pretty confident, I guess," says Ranma. "Confident enough ... to give you ... This!!" says Kuno as he throws a bouquet of roses which Ranma snags out of thin air. Kuno says; "I love you." as he walks away with Ranma still collapsed with the bouquet of roses.

Kururugi Tendo! The 15 year old child.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora