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At midnight Akane's room flooded waking up Akane. She saw water all over the floor and pouring through the door of their shared space. She quietly changed into a school swimsuit and started wadding through the room to the shared doorway and through the door into the other room. She sees a body on the bed underwater up to its neck. The lights are off and will not turn on in Kururugi's room. In Akane's room, the lights are on as Akane turned the lights on to see. After a minute Kasumi who woke up opens the hall door and notices the small amount of water coming out of Akane's room and into the hallway. Woken up by the sound of running water, Nabiki carefully opens her door and watches the water trickling in the hall and down the stairs. After hiking her skirt up to her ankles, Kasumi wades into Akane's room and then into Kururugi's room.   5 minutes later the water starts drying up. Nabiki carefully wakes up her father and asks him to follow her to Akane and Kururugi's room which is leaking water. The water in Akane's room is mostly dry by the time Nabiki and Soun enter Akane's room and head for Kururugi's room. Akane reaches the bed as she is wading up to her waist, but as soon as she reaches the bed, the water starts rapidly draining. Akane can see what appears to be a body when Kasumi turns on the light in Kururugi's room. With the room lit up Akane can see a female body about 15 years old in appearance, sleeping. "Whoa. What do you think happened Daddy!" asks Nabiki as she and Soun finally arrive at Kururugi's bedside. "Ok. Family meeting. I think Kururugi is changing gender physically from male to female." says Soun to everyone minus Kururugi who is still fast asleep. Akane says; "I think it is concentration controlled." Everyone minus Kururugi agrees, then knowing what occurred to Kururugi's body went to sleep until 5 in the morning. Several hours after 5, Kasumi cooks breakfast after changing into her day clothes. Nabiki wakes up and starts her day. Akane checks on her special person and is surprised to see he is male again. Kururugi wakes up and sees Akane staring at him. Soun comes down for breakfast. Kururugi changing into his everyday wear starts heading for the bathroom to take a bath. Akane grabs a change of clothes and underwear and follows Kururugi into the bathroom. When the two enter the bathroom, Akane closes the door and says; "Try imagining what you would look like in your favorite video games. Just focus on what you would look like." Akane says that as she starts up the bath. 5 minutes pass with nothing happening. The water fills the bathtub. Akane starts getting undressed and says; "Get undressed!" Kururugi obeys his favorite sister as Akane finishes getting undressed, and washes her body. Akane climbs into the tub, as Kururugi washes his body. "Is this okay?" asks Kururugi a little uncomfortably. Akane responds; "It's fine! Now concentrate after finishing washing, then climb in here with me." Kururugi climbs in so he is sitting side by side with Akane, then concentrates on what his avatar looks like. Kururugi instantly feels his blonde hair lengthen a couple of centimeters. Akane is watching this blonde hair and blue-eyed boy, carefully. Kururugi continues to concentrate and feels a shift in his body. He feels his groin retracting, and slight inflation to the chest area. Akane sees Kururugi's groin changing, and Kururugi's chest slightly inflating to Japanese C-cup, around there in bust size. No doubt in Akane's mind, Kururugi is now a girl. Then Akane sees Kururugi's body solidify, and believes that is the form of Female Kururugi from now on, and will likely never change except through growing older. "Congratulations, Kururugi Tendo! You are now a girl. You can now change between the Male and Female forms by concentrating." says Akane to her new sister Kururugi Tendo. Akane gets dressed than calls out; "Kasumi! Come here!" as she unlocks the bathroom door. Kasumi comes in and looks at Kururugi and says; "How cute! You will need a brand new wardrobe. But for now, here." as she pulls out a plain white bra and panties set. Akane dresses Kururugi in her underwear and clothes. Kasumi satisfied runs for her father, to ask for a meeting to discuss Kururugi's privileges are.  As an aside, Kasumi cleaned up the house after the flood.

20 minutes later. Everyone is grouped together in the living room. Soun says; "Okay! First privileges. Kururugi is allowed to enter the bathroom when in use by another daughter. Kururugi is encouraged but doesn't have to be female when enacting the privileges. Kururugi is allowed to change with her sisters and is to be protected as a daughter from any situation that deals with Males outside of the Tendo Family. Kururugi is to get an extended closet for her extended wardrobe. She will also be officially my fourth daughter as of today and will need new clothes. Last privilege. If Kururugi has questions about her new body, they are to be answered by anyone here. That means Akane, Nabiki, Kasumi, or any other actual female. Not someone that can turn female. That's all. Everyone, prepare to go clothes shopping. We are all going as a family for the sake of Kururugi." Everyone scatters to get dressed. Akane is wearing a shirt and skirt combo as casual wear. Kasumi is wearing her light blue dress as casual wear. Nabiki is wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Kururugi is wearing the male equivalent of casual wear, which is a short-sleeved shirt and shorts.

Sometime later, we all get to the clothing store, and Soun stays outside the store as I, Kururugi Tendo get dragged around to try on new clothes. Kasumi wants me to try on dresses. Nabiki wants me to try shorts and shirts. Akane wants to help me get sized for underwear. An attendant measures me, and I find out my three sizes. I am 15 now. As an aside, we bought for me all the clothes I tried on at the store, so I have a full wardrobe.

After Soun rejoins his 4 daughters, everyone goes out for ice cream. Kururugi and Akane have a Vanilla cone while everyone else has different flavors of ice cream. Then everyone heads home. Sometime later they arrive at the Tendo Household. Kasumi goes in to put Kururugi's new clothes away. Nabiki enters her room to read. Akane drags her new sister to the dojo, to check her forms. "Okay, we need to check and see how this affects your Martial Arts. So, get changed!" says Akane as she points to a gi set. Kururugi reluctantly puts it on. After testing Kururugi's martial arts, it is determined that she is weaker but much faster in reflex. Which makes her the perfect sparring partner for Akane. It is during this time that a voice rings through the house and into the dojo. The call for Kasumi is heard; "Kasumi!" Then footsteps up to Nabiki's room. "Nabiki!" says Soun, then he heads for Akane's room. "Where is that girl?" he asks. Several minutes later Nabiki enters the dojo saying; "There you go again, Akane. No wonder the boys all think you're so weird. And how is my new favorite sister Kururugi?" Then Akane says; "So what do I care? Not everybody thinks the world revolves around boys, Nabiki." "I'm getting used to it as Akane spars me. I'm a lot faster," says Kururugi to Nabiki. Nabiki says to Akane; "No? Then I guess this wouldn't interest you." Then to Kururugi; "That's good to hear."

Sometime later, it is now raining heavily. Everyone is now seated in the living room for the announcement from Soun Tendo. "A fiancé?" wonder the four girls.

Kururugi Tendo! The 15 year old child.Where stories live. Discover now