1st day at Furinkan Highschool!

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Shouting can be heard through the Tendo Household. "Girls! Today is the first day of your Brother's going to Furinkan High-school. Who wants to walk him to school from now on?" says Soun Tendo, the father of 4 children. Several years earlier when Akane was 7 years old, Ms. Tendo died mysteriously leaving Soun to take care of the children. Kasumi is cooking in the kitchen when Soun barges in asking the question. Nabiki is in her room on her bed reading a magazine. Akane and Kururugi are in their double-doored room, that can separate for privacy but usually stays connected. Akane and Kururugi are getting dressed for school. Kururugi has received a package from Furinkan high school. Akane opens the box and calls out to her father. "I'll do it!" shouts Akane from her room. Kasumi really likes taking care of her sisters, Nabiki likes blackmailing her sister Akane and friends but not her brother, and Akane loves her brother as someone to protect from others. Nabiki sighs in relief. Kasumi continues cooking the Japanese breakfast and mentally congratulating Akane for taking the task.

Kururugi Tendo is wearing the Furinkan girl's uniform, which includes a type of skirt. It's light blue and goes down to the ankle.
Akane Tendo is wearing the same outfit.

When Kururugi turned 10 years old, he started playing video games, where the game creates an avatar based on your physical body. No picking the opposite gender in the games. When he logged in for the first time in the games, it auto-generated a female character of his age. Same color hair and eyes. This has continued up to today.

Akane had to protect her "Sister" from other players' interests, so she got quite good at fighting and her actual skills in the martial arts improved tremendously. She also witnessed an 11-year-old girl win a junior division championship named Videl on TV. She was with her brother at the time.

After Akane and Kururugi finished dressing in their uniforms they headed down to breakfast. Kasumi served a typical Japanese breakfast to each person. "So, Akane. I hear you will be walking brother to school from now on. Is it true?" says Nabiki to Akane while everyone is eating breakfast. As a side note, Kururugi hates Natto, which is pretty much-fermented beans and refuses to eat it, so Kasumi never serves it to her brother. "Yes, Nabiki," says Akane to Nabiki, then turns to her brother, as they finish eating. Akane walks with her brother to the door as Nabiki slides past the two heading for school. "See you both there," says Nabiki to the two youngest siblings as she slides past. For some unknown reason, while the Tendo sisters had dark hair and eyes, the brother had blonde hair and blue eyes. Kasumi has long hair down to her waist, and Akane's is cut like Kururugi since Akane was never traumatized in her past to want long hair like Kasumi's. Mainly for the obvious reason that Akane has always adored her brother and always wanted to protect him. Another side note, Kururugi loves martial arts and can fend for himself against regular people on the streets. He is currently at the rank of black belt in karate. As another aside, he is the only member of the family that does do martial arts, but not the anything-goes school of martial arts. Kururugi practices an art called Ancient Tomb's Virgin Mantra and can harness enough ki, to use a base energy blast. He is also a fan of Son Goku, Videl, and Krillin. Three martial artists that participated in the previous world martial arts tournaments.

Akane and Kururugi are passing a building that has a sign that says, Chiropractor. Akane and Kururugi catch up to Nabiki after 5 minutes because they are running full tilt. The three siblings walk together to school. "What is a Chiropractor?" asks Kururugi as they walk by the clinic. As an aside, Kururugi has never been sick or injured a day in his life, so he never had reason to come by here. As a martial artist, I had an unusual recovery time, with an instant regeneration of lost or damaged tissue. As another interesting point magic particles surround the boy and have done so since he was 10. "A Chiropractor is where someone goes if they suffer an injury. Which doesn't apply to you, as you, as far as I know, can't get injured," explains Akane to Kururugi.

Sometime later the siblings arrive in front of the school, and a bunch of male students attacks Akane for the right to date Akane Tendo. They need only best her in combat only once, as long she is not in a relationship, for Tatawaki Kuno to allow them to date her. Several attacks almost hit Kururugi as Akane is fighting them. "Watch It!" angrily shouts Akane, when it occurs. Kururugi starts the Initiation of school and joins the same class as Akane in all the same subjects. More time passes and lunchtime arrives. The two siblings eat their lunches uneventfully. More time passes as they finish their final class of the day and head home. It needs repeating but as Martial Artists, both Akane Tendo and Kururugi Tendo are fast. As an aside nobody in their class knew that Kururugi was a boy. So he was taken to the girls changing room and bathroom by the school staff, where he changed for gym and took care of business respectively. As a further aside due to the magical energy emitting from his body, outside of his family, nobody can physically notice that he is a boy. That is no girls can realize he is a boy, even if he was undressed in front of them. The Tendo's arrive home safe and sound. Everyone sits down for dinner. For tonight everyone is having Kururugi's favorite food, Potstickers. Kururugi gets a change of clothes from his room and takes a bath. After washing up, Akane joins her sibling in dressing in casual wear. Then everyone heads back down to the living room for an announcement from Soun Tendo. "As you all know today is the last day that Kururugi is 14 years old. As Kasumi was 4 years old when Kururugi was born, you probably don't remember that the doctor said that Kururugi's body could potentially change on the 15th birthday or just stay the same. So keep an open mind on the subject." says Soun to his children, all four of them.

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