Here's Ranma!?

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"Fiancé?" says Akane, Kururugi, Nabiki, and Kasumi. This in answer to what Soun said earlier. Soun then answers; "Yes. The son of a very good friend of mine. The son's name is Ranma Saotome. If one of you girls were to marry him ... ....and carry on this training center ... ...then the Tendo family legacy would be secure. Sorry about this Kururugi, it is your birthday and all, but this does apply to you." "Wait a minute! Don't you think you should protect your special Kururugi and don't we get some say in who we marry?" says Akane to her father. Kasumi then says; "Akane's right, daddy. We've never even met Ranma." Soun Tendo Then responds; "That's easily fixed. Ranma and his father have been on a voyage of training. Recently it seems, they crossed into China." Wow! China!" says Nabiki. Akane says in disappointment looking over her shoulder; "What's so great about walking to China?" Kururugi's head is resting on Akane's lap. Nabiki says; "Is he cute?" Kasumi asks; "How old is he? Younger men bore me." Then Nabiki and Kasumi ask; "What kind of guy is this Ranma?" Soun clears his throat and says; "No idea." Nabiki challenges with; "No idea?" "I've never met him," says Soun. Then a commotion can be heard coming from in front of the house. "Leggo, y'ol' fool!" Nabiki notices the commotion. "Hm?" she says. Kasumi says; "We have visitors!" "Oooo! It must be Ranma!" says Nabiki running down the hall while Soun says; "Saotome, my friend! We've been waiting!" as he follows after Nabiki. Kasumi thinks; (Oh, I hope he's older!)while Akane thinks; (How depressing. Boys!) Kururugi gets up from Akane's lap. (Not you. You are my favorite sibling, Kururugi.)thinks Akane. A few seconds pass, then a panda carrying a red-haired person comes around the corner chasing Soun and Nabiki. The redhead starts struggling and kicks the panda. "Hey! Yo! You're scaring 'em spitless!" says the redhead. Kasumi says; "Daddy ... This ... is your friend?" Soun frantically shakes his head in denial of what Kasumi asked. "Oh. So this panda just decided to visit! Happens all the time!" says Nabiki. The panda puts down the red-haired person in front of Soun. The figure is wearing a martial arts outfit and is looking slightly feminine. The person and Soun look at each other. "You ...wouldn't happen to be ..." says Soun, while the person responds; "I'm Ranma Saotome. Sorry 'bout this." while looking slightly away. Soun grabs Ranma by the shoulders and exclaims; "At last! You've come!" Nabiki jumps into the conversation and says; "Oooo! He's cute!" Soun glomps onto Ranma. Glomping is the action of tightly embracing someone. "It's so good of you to come! So - -" Soun takes a step back after saying that. Soun is shocked and Kasumi doesn't say anything. Nabiki leans in towards Ranma, and says; "Hmm?" Leans in even closer and starts poking Ranma's chest while saying; "Hmmmm ..." Ranma says; "Um ... could you stop that?" Nabiki concludes; "He"... is a girl." Soun lies down in shock.

Sometime later after Soun lies down in shock, the conversation continues. Kasumi is soaking a towel for her father and says; "Oh, poor daddy. He's so disappointed." Nabiki says; "He's disappointed! Some fiancé this is!" Kururugi is listening to the conversation next to Akane when Akane says; "Stop it you two! He ... She ... is our guest!" Nabiki says; "This is all your fault, daddy! You should have made sure!" Soun says; "Well, he said he had a son!!" Nabiki while groping Ranma's chest says; "Do you see a son here? Hmm? Do you?" Ranma in slight annoyance says; "Umm ... ... I really wish you'd stop that." Akane stands up and picks up Kururugi and leans over Ranma and says; " Hey. Join us in the practice hall? I'm Akane. You want to be friends?" while smiling, sweetly. Ranma looks a little relieved at that. Akane walks Kururugi to the practice hall, and motions Ranma to follow them. Akane sits Kururugi down on the floor in the practice hall. Akane turns to Ranma and says; "You do Karate, don't you?" "A little," responds Ranma. Akane says; "Then let's have a little match, okay?" Ranma says; "Huh?" Akane says; "Just for fun. Don't worry. I won't hurt you." Ranma says; "If you say so." Akane charges at Ranma and punches forward, while Ranma jumps the punch. Akane kicks at Ranma while Ranma dodges with the splits. Akane throws another punch and Ranma sidesteps it. Akane then kicks and Ranma ducks it. Akane exasperated says; "What's wrong? Swing at me!" Akane throws a series of rapid fists, while Ranma casually dodges all of them. "That's not natural!" says Kururugi quietly as she watches Ranma dodging all of Akane's strikes, knowing they should be hitting her opponent. (Why ... why am I missing her? Is she reading my moves? Okay. This time ... ...for real!)thinks Akane as she starts charging a full power punch. Akane punches full power and Ranma jumps the punch as the punch cracks through the wall below Ranma, and Ranma somersaults through the air to behind Akane and pokes her in the back of the head good-naturedly very lightly with no power behind it. Ranma and Akane start laughing, then Akane says; "Ahem. You're ...pretty good." Akane then goes and picks up Kururugi and holds her hand, while saying; "Well, I'm just glad you're a girl."  Ranma says; 'Huh?" Akane says; "It's just ... ...I'd really hate to lose to a boy! Ranma looks slightly worried.

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