Because there's a girl he likes

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Early morning at the Tendo backyard.
"Hai-yaaaa!" screams Genma Saotome, as he performs a flying kick.
Ranma cross-counters the kick with a kick of his own.
I wake up, get ready for school, and head down to breakfast cooked by Kasumi.
I am wearing my school uniform.
"These two are unbelievable, first thing in the morning with their sparring!" says Akane, as we head downstairs for breakfast.
We sit down as Kasumi calls out; "Mr. Saotome! Ranma! Breakfast!"
Genma leglocks Ranma, as he says; "Ah! Thank you, dear Kasumi!"
Both of them fall into the Koi or fish pond with a splash.
Genma as a panda writes down on a wooden board meant for signs, the following message.
«Starting today, I have a part-time job. Genma Saotome»
The panda then shows the sign while drinking tea.
Ranma then climbs out of the pond.
Ranma then sits on the veranda, wringing out her shirt.
"Part-time job? You working for a zoo, pop?" says Ranma.
«Wro-o-o-ong!» says the sign.
Nabiki says; "Mr. Saotome, please pass the soy sauce."
Soun Tendo comes out brushing his teeth.
"So, Ranma, morning workout, huh? Atta boy!! Atta--" says Soun as Ranma airs out her top by hand.
It probably needs to be repeated but Ranma doesn't have a top on.
"Just trying to stay in shape!" says Ranma.
Soun sees a girl with no top on as the toothbrush gets stuck in his mouth.
Akane gets up from her spot next to me, grabs the hot water, and pours it over Ranma's head.
"You are unbelievable! Have you no feminine modesty?! Also, what about Kururugi? What will she think of your lack of feminine modesty!" says Akane.
Sometime later at the table.
Ranma now dressed is sitting and eating breakfast.
"Why should I have feminine modesty?" asks Ranma.
"Have you no shame?! Kururugi is like a baby, so you need to be careful around her!" says Akane to Ranma.
"Sounds funny coming from a tomboy like you."
This being said by Ranma.
"Let's go, Ranma!" says Kururugi as she drags Ranma still eating out the door.
"So, why are you in such a hurry?" asks Ranma as he is dragged down the street.

Meanwhile, back at the Tendo's.
"By the way, Akane... ...on your way home from school... ...could you stop by Dr. Tofu's?"

Back with Ranma.
Kururugi stops dragging Ranma down the street.
She senses danger and stops herself and Ranma before flipping herself and Ranma through the air narrowly evading a splash of cold water hitting the sidewalk thrown by an old lady watering the sidewalk.
The two make it to school without incident.
Outside the gates of Furinkan High School, a bunch of club members of the school are waiting for them.
"So, who wants to fight?" asks Kururugi as she gets into a fighting position.
" longer will we challenge you or your sister. Instead, we shall all swallow our sobs... ...and give our approval... your engagement to Ranma!!" says the male students of the school.
This matter is solved without incident.

Sometime later.
It is PE class out on the field.
Ranma does perfect on the bar.
Ranma and the other boys are talking about my relationship with Ranma.
The other boys are questioning how far the two of us have gone in our relationship.
"Amazing, Saotome!" says one of the male students.
"This guy studied gymnastics in China!" says another male student.
"It was Karate!" answers Ranma.
"So, level with us. How far have you gotten with Kururugi!" says the second boy.
"Don't play innocent. You're her fiance, right?" says a third boy.
While Ranma and the boys are having a beautiful conversation about having a relationship between me and Ranma, I and Akane are playing baseball with the rest of the female students of our class.
We are in the outfield when a ball hit by one of the opposing team members comes flying towards Akane.
"It's yours, Akane!" says one of the girls on our team.
"Got it?!" says Akane as she leaps and snatches the ball out of the air with her mitt.
Time to switch batting and field.
"Man, she's cute!" says the second male student.
"She's not!" says Ranma while blushing and looking to the side.
I am up to bat.
The ball comes flying in what appears to be slow motion, where I can easily hit it where I want.
"Besides she loves nothing but her food."
This is said by Ranma as I slightly miss my aim and it goes off to the side.
"Hey, Saotome! You've got Karate reflexes, right? I mean couldn't you have dodged it?" asks the second boy.
"Had something on my mind."
Ranma says this with a baseball in his face, before it starts falling to the floor.
School has ended for the day.
"I'm sorry! Does it still hurt?" I ask Ranma.
Ranma, Akane, and I are walking home from school.
"I don't know why you are apologizing to him. He doesn't respect you as you!" says Akane to me.
"But I think he's kind of cute, thinking I am!" I say to Akane.
Ranma still has no idea what's going on between me and Akane.
If I have anything to say about it, he never will.
When I get married. I might tell my husband or wife at the time.
But not until then.
We are going to see Doctor Tofu because I hit a baseball at Ranma's face.
I could probably heal him, but we're going to see Doctor Tofu first.

Sometime later, we have arrived at a building that has a sign that says Acupuncture.
Ranma, Akane and myself arrive at the place of Doctor Tofu.
"Wha--?" says Ranma.
"Hey!" says Akane.
"Mr. Saotome!" I say at the same time as Akane.
We see a panda sweeping the sidewalk with a bamboo broom.
"Pop! What are you doing here?" asks Ranma.
Doctor Tofu comes out from the building.
"Well, well! Ranma, Kururugi, and Akane!" says Doctor Tofu.
He then walks out in front of Genma Saotome.
"This is Mr. Saotome. He started working for me today. Do you know each other?" says Doctor Tofu.
"He's Ranma's father!" I say to Doctor Tofu.
"You don't say! Ranma's father? Not much resemblance, is there?" says Doctor Tofu.
Five minutes later and we are in Doctor Tofu's office.
"So, Ranma, what happened to your face?" asks Doctor Tofu.
"Little baseball accident. Kururugi hit it..." says Ranma.
"I have a balm that works wonders. You want to try Kururugi?!" says Doctor Tofu.
The phone starts ringing.
"Darn! Mr. Saotome? Could you answer that, please?" says Doctor Tofu from the other room.
Genma picks up the phone.
[Arrrrgh! Pandas can't talk!]
"So why'd you pick it up in the first place?" asks Ranma.
"Hello? Can I help you?" says Akane.
"Ranma let me help you. Here give me your face."
Ranma scoots closer to me.
"Oh! Yes. Yes. I see. Okay. Bye."
This is all said by Akane before she hangs up the phone.
"I'm going home. Kururugi heal him!" says Akane as she is walking out the door.
"Okay!" I say to Akane.
"Ranma come here!" I say to Ranma.
Ranma walks over to me.
"Stay still. There's a girl who Dr. Tofu likes! That was her on the phone......she's coming right over."
I say this as I place Ranma's head between my two hands.
I send healing energy through my hands and into Ranma's body.
"Done! You're healed!" I say to Ranma as I release his face.
Ranma feels his face.
"Good afternoon!" says a female voice.
An old lady enters the room as Ranma says; "Oh man! I got to say......your boy Tofu......has got some taste!"
"That's not her!" I say getting up.
"Ranma we're leaving!" I say as I grabbed Ranma's right hand and dragged him out of the chiropractor's office.

Elsewhere in town.
"Out shopping, Kasumi?" says a shopkeeper.
"Just visiting Dr. Tofu!" says Kasumi, eldest of the four children.

Kururugi Tendo! The 15 year old child.Where stories live. Discover now