Fiancée Kururugi First Day!

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At about 7 in the morning, a loud voice can be heard throughout the Tendo Household.
"Family meeting. Everyone in this house has to come including guests, like Ranma and Genma." says Soun Tendo. Kasumi heads down to the living room and sits down. Nabiki exits her room and enters the living room and sits next to Kasumi. Akane wakes up and walks over to Kururugi's room and sees that Kururugi is up and trying to get dressed, but is struggling with her underwear. "Come here, Kururugi! Let me help you with your underwear." says Akane as she grabs Kururugi's bra and puts it on Kururugi's breasts, as she uses her hands and pushes the breasts into the bra, to put it on correctly Kururugi's body. Then she selects a matching pair of panties and hands it to Kururugi. Kururugi puts on her underwear and then her school uniform, which now fits her body. Akane gets dressed in the same outfit as Kururugi. Then they head down to the living room and sit across from Kasumi and Nabiki at the table. "So Akane, what's it like taking care of your new sister. And how do you plan on protecting her, from now on?" says Nabiki to Akane. "Well, Nabiki! I plan on letting Kururugi do physical activities as a boy and take a bath as a boy, both inside and outside this house, so as to avoid a repeat of what happened last night. As girls can't tell the difference, they will never know the truth that they are together with a boy body." says Akane back to Nabiki. Soun Tendo comes in and sits to the right of Kururugi, at the head of the table. Ranma and Genma sit down at the spots that are left. Soun Tendo says; "All right. Last night Ranma Saotome chose Kururugi Tendo as his fiancée. Is this right, Ranma?" "Yes!" confirms Ranma. "Okay. In that case, I will set some ground rules for being engaged to my youngest child. Rule 1. Akane is to accompany her sister Kururugi on all of Kururugi's activities, including her bath and changing her clothes. Furthermore, this includes outside the house. Rule 2. Ranma is not allowed to take a bath or change with Kururugi in the same room, even if Ranma is in female form. I do not want a repeat of last night. Rule 3. Ranma is to teach Kururugi any martial arts technique he learns and to insist that the teacher of the technique also teaches Kururugi the technique in full. Rule 4. Akane is to assign a guardian angel, at least one, that does not change gender when splashed with water when Akane cannot stay by Kururugi's side. This person is to guard Kururugi and her well being. Rule 5. Ranma is not to enter the side room of Akane's room, belonging to Kururugi, under any circumstances. If he needs to guard Kururugi's room, he is to do it from in Akane's room. As that is the only way into Kururugi's room in the first place. Rule 6. Ranma is to walk his fiancée Kururugi to and from school every school day. Rule 7. It only applies if Ranma gets more than one fiancée. As long as Kururugi is Ranma's fiancée, then Kururugi gets top priority over all other fiancées. And Kururugi's feelings come first, before all other fiancées' feelings. Do you understand that Ranma?" says Soun Tendo. Ranma says; "Yes." Soun Tendo then says; "Alright! Everyone disperse and get on with your day. Kasumi cook breakfast for the new couple. Alright dismissed." "Yes, father." says Kasumi. Kasumi cooks breakfast and everyone eats it. Sometime later, Kururugi is standing in front of Ranma Saotome, and Akane is also standing there. Akane motions for Kururugi to bow to Ranma as she says; "You know Ranma, school is about to start and you need to walk your fiancée to school each morning, and back every evening to the house. So let's go." says Akane. Kururugi bows to Ranma and pulls out her school bag and places it by her side. Akane starts walking and Kururugi picks up her school bag and follows Akane. Ranma follows behind the two girls. Ranma hops onto the chain-link fence, as he continues to walk. As they are walking there is a really big puddle on the ground in front of Kururugi. Akane hops onto the fence and frowns at Ranma. "What are you doing, help her cross the water Ranma!" says Akane. Ranma reluctantly hops down and says; "What do you want me to do Akane?" "Just make a foothold onto the wall or over the water. Your choice Ranma." says Akane. As Ranma leans down to make a foothold, Kururugi hops off Ranma's makeshift foothold and climbs the wall. As soon as Kururugi clears the wall, Ranma gets splashed by an old lady's splashing water as she waters the ground. Akane says; "Something wrong?" Ranma says; "Think I'll go take a bath." as Akane warns; "You'll be late." Ranma says; "Think I want to start school as a girl?" as Kururugi says; "Why not?" as Akane answers Ranma with; "But If we just pour hot water on you, you'll turn back, right?" Akane turns to get hot water. Ranma leaning against the wall says; "Hoooo boy. What a way to start the - -"as a skeleton hand places itself on Kururugi's shoulder. Kururugi screams in fright and launches herself onto the top of the wall, where she promptly sits down on the wall. Dr. Tofu says; "Oh. Pardon me. Nothing to worry about, dear! This is just Betty, my skeleton." Akane comes around the corner and says; "Ranma, here's the hot ..." Dr. Tofu says; "Well, Akane! And who's the young maiden sitting on the wall?" Akane says; "First of all, that is the youngest Tendo sibling. And second of all, um ... good morning!" Dr. Tofu says; "Good morning to you! And you too, Tendo child. You haven't been by lately. No new injuries?" Akane replies with; "No, sir. I mean ... I haven't been doing anything that would ... Also that child doesn't get hurt Doctor!" Ranma uses the hot water on himself to return to his male form and notices Kururugi is looking at him from atop the wall with jealousy. Kururugi stands up and hops down from the wall as Akane finishes talking to Dr. Tofu. Akane runs to school with Kururugi right on her heels. Ranma says; "Who was that guy?" Akane responds with; "Dr. Tofu, the Chiropractor." Ranma says; "Martial Arts master, too, isn't he?" as he runs along the top of the wall. Kururugi continues to run behind Akane as she runs, constantly correcting her speed, so as to stay behind Akane. Akane says; "Huh? How could you tell?" Ranma quietly says; "Sneaking up on me that way ... also scaring Kururugi with that skeleton. He erased all sense of his presence." Akane says; "True, he's very good. But he doesn't look like he'd be, does he? He has never treated Kururugi, but, ever since I was little ... ...he's taken care of my injuries. We better hurry! We are upsetting your fiancée with this talk about Dr. Tofu." Kururugi increases speed passing Akane as she runs past her to school. Ranma responds with; "So ... isn't he a man?" as he hops off the wall and runs alongside Akane. "Yes. So?" asks Akane. Ranma responds with; "I thought you said you hate men!" Kururugi slows down until she gets a signal from Akane, then she speeds up. "That's right! I ... ...despise ..." says Akane as a group of club people come out to challenge Akane. "!" finishes Akane. "Out of my way! I'm late! Kururugi, go on ahead, I will only slow you down and make you late for your second day of school." Kururugi nods to Akane then bows to Ranma. Nabiki's classmates and Nabiki notice the newest arrivals. "Oh. Your poor sister. Every single day ... and, oh! Who is that?" says one of Nabiki's classmates, then notices Nabiki's sister at the entrance hiding behind the wall. "That's my sister Kururugi, our youngest sibling, and she's not to be blackmailed under any circumstances, even if you have dirt on her! Got it?" states Nabiki to her classmates, then she turns towards Ranma and calls out; "Oh! Ranma! Ranma! Get in this school! Now! Don't worry about Akane, but bring my sister, and don't you dare make her late!" Ranma walks Kururugi to class and spots an upperclassman running towards Akane. "Keep going Ranma! We're almost there, you're not going to make me late." whispers Kururugi a little angrily. Kururugi makes it to class on time. And Ranma and Akane both make it to class on time also. The class starts uneventfully and continues without incident. Lunchtime arrives and Kururugi bows to Ranma, with Kururugi now in his male form, and correct underwear for his gender, but still wearing the girl's uniform. Kururugi then sits next to Ranma. Akane smiles for the first time today at Ranma, as she says; "You have to take care of your fiancée, don't slack off, Ranma, you need to protect Kururugi from Kuno." While the three people are eating lunch, Tatewaki Kuno throws water from a pale of water at Ranma. While everyone was eating Akane took Kururugi to the bathroom to change into the female underwear for 5 minutes. Akane says to Kururugi; "This is just the next level of training for your transformations. Alright imagine what your underwear is as a girl, and imagine yourself wearing it as a girl. And do the same as a boy and imagine yourself as a boy wearing a boy's underwear. Now concentrate!" Kururugi practices the concentration training until it takes under a second to do an underwear change. That takes only 5 minutes to do. Sometime later as Ranma, Kururugi and Akane are having lunch on the rooftop when Kuno throws water at Ranma when Kururugi steps into the splash saying; "Ranma is my fiancé, you hurt him, and I won't forgive you!" to Kuno. "Upperclassman I challenge you!" says Kururugi looking absolutely livid, while glaring at Kuno. Akane whispers to Ranma; "In all 15 years of Kururugi's life, I have never seen Kururugi so mad before. She doesn't usually get upset by anyone. Maybe she likes you and is upset at the idea of anything happening to you." Kururugi throws a series of rapid blows at Kuno, all hitting their target. Kuno is down in a matter of seconds. "Kuno is out like a light." says Ranma. "I have never seen Kururugi apply the martial arts like that, but I do know that her techniques are capable of taking out an opponent in seconds. Just she never tried in sparring before." says Akane. Kururugi continues school and completes the day without further incident. Akane, Ranma, and Kururugi arrive home without incident.

Sometime later. Ranma and Genma are standing on their heads in the practice hall. "Ranma. Akane really looked out for you in school today, didn't she?" says Genma. "No. You're wrong. Kururugi did. She fought lightning fast." says Ranma.

Akane and Nabiki are hanging out in Akane's room. "So is it any of your business, Akane?" says Nabiki. "Nabiki! I don't see what she sees in him. Today she prevented him from getting splashed and then challenged Kuno, and took him out in seconds." says Akane. "You know with how much she dislikes fighting, you forget how good of a fighter she really is," says Nabiki. "I really think she has a crush on Ranma, Nabiki. You weren't there, so you didn't see it. She flew from one side of the roof where I was, to the other side of the roof, where Ranma was in seconds in order to stop the water from hitting Ranma." says Akane. "So here is the question. Do we have any problems with Kururugi turning into a girl?" says Nabiki. "No.," says Akane. "So then is there anything wrong with a boy who turns into a girl? Like Ranma," says Nabiki. "Sure, that's easy for you to say, Nabiki. But everyone will spread rumors about her. They'll say she's his fiancée, and people in school will know she exists. Thankfully it's just the Tendo's, and no one else who knows. But eventually, the others will know about the situation and then Kururugi will no longer be safe. When that time comes we will have to rely on Ranma protecting Kururugi's reputation. That is why I don't want the two engaged." "You told me you think Kururugi is starting to develop a crush on Ranma. Is that good or bad?" says Nabiki. "Well, look at it this way, Nabiki. Once the other people know, they will wonder if it is true, that she is just like Ranma. Do you think I want everyone thinking Kururugi's a pervert too?" says Akane. "No.," says Nabiki. "Kururugi is asleep or we couldn't be having this conversation with each other. Good night Nabiki!" Nabiki leaves the room and goes to bed. Akane locks her door and opens the shared room door and goes to sleep.

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