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Entry 1.

first day of senior year. pretty sure mum's gonna force me to skate to school this year since last year lizzie and joel stole my car and crashed it.

i'll probably longboard today. i don't feel like digging through the mess that is our garage to find my normal board.

i also don't wanna go to school, but mum's rath is bad. wait crud wrath. spelling's hrd.

im just not gonna change my spellin. its my journal anyway.

and no one else'll read it ayway. unless mum finds this, but she respects my pirvay riht?

why am i trinyg to wriet while barding???

i'm at school now. joel and lizzie are flirting and it's annoting. why are joey and oli not here today. well oli's probably just back on his streak of skipping, but joey usually has perfect attendance.

oh, well xorn's not here either. they're probably in a different homeroom. maeks sense.

or they're skipping together. xorn has a way to get people to do what he wans.

well journal. i gotta go, bye. 

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