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//finally worked on this again :p \\

scott jumped off his board, pressing down on one end to cause it to pop up and he caught it. jimmy glanced up from his phone as he noticed scott, and he waved him over.

"heya petal!"

"hi sunflower."

scott smiled as he passed jimmy his lighter, and the other's eyes lit up. "thanks! lizzie's been checking if i have any recently, and i don't she'll ever let it up," he admitted, sighing.

"hey, i've always got one, so if you ever need to have a smoke, i'm here."

"i know," jimmy murmured, with a smile. he quickly grabbed a chapstick and applied it, with a chuckle. "one of the downsides to smoking. it cracks your lips and fucks 'em up."

scott nodded and smiled. "is there any other reason you wanted me to come out here, besides my lighter?"

"mhm! i was wondering if you wanted to see if dairy queen's open, and if you wanted to chill there? after my smoke of course."

scott nodded. "i'm up for that."

"alright. i'd hurry, but i'm not trying to choke on smoke."


jimmy smiled, and he took a moment to create a smoke ring, blowing it into scott's face with a laugh.

scott waved the smoke away and laughed as well, for jimmy's laugh was just that contagious.

eventually jimmy finished the cigarette, and put it out against the ground before pocketing it.

the two hopped into jimmy's car, and they headed out to figure out if dairy queen was even open. and as it turns out, it wasn't.

"well then. i'll just drive you home then." jimmy murmured, pulling out of the parking lot.

"alright? it's fine if we still hang out for a bit longer. it is a friday."

"nope. lizzie'll kill me if she finds out i was out later than 4am. it's already 3:30."

scott nodded, and jimmy eventually stopped his car at the corner of scott's street.

"seeya tomorrow petal?"

"seeya sunflower."

but, before scott could get out of the car, jimmy quickly pecked him on the cheek and pushed him out of the car.

scott blushed a soft pinkish-blue hue, before shutting the car door and boarding down the street towards his home.

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