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//real places :) i love OC MD, go there a lot lol\\

joel finally parked the car and the group of four got out of the car.

"which room are we in again?" joel asked, before lizzie sighed


"alright, so tenth floor, right?"

"yes, joel."

joel nodded. "i'll bring our bags up. you guys go up ahead, or you can walk along the boardwalk."

lizzie nodded. "wasn't it nice of that mikey kid from school to allow us to use his condo?"

"yeah. i'm lucky he's in my college."

lizzie smiled. "i still hate that you're a year older than me."

"says ms. ten foot."

lizzie laughed aloud, before sighing. "he told me of a good place nearby for food. its called the sunrise diner. he says its nearby."

"alright. meet you there? i can drive over."


while the two were speaking, jimmy and scott managed to find there way over to the pool and were trying to push each other into pool, while they were both fully clothed.

scott ended up winning and got the blonde to fall into the pool, though shortly after he got pulled into the pool as well.

lizzie looked for the two, as she wanted to getting going and to eat as soon as possible. [being in a car for over five hours can really make you hungry.]

when she found the two she groaned, before walking into the fenced-in pool area. "We were going to go get food, but then you two did this."

jimmy laughed before speaking. "sorry, liz!"

"this better not happen again."

"it wont!"

"now cmon, the towels are in the car you better dry off and run up to the room to change. we're going to a diner. joel's unpacking for us. before you ask, mikey gave us permission to us the master."


"and you're not sharing a bed either, the guest room has two queen beds."

jimmy groaned and scott laughed before he replied. "alright."

"now go, before i make you."

the two got out of the pool and left the area, running through the covered parking to the glass door to the inside. they went inside and called an elevator, which after a bit the left doors opened.

they went inside and pressed the button for the tenth floor, and once the elevator arrived, they walked towards their room.

"you guys are back early-" joel murmured before he turned towards them. " lizzie sent you guys up to change, didn't she?"

"yeah." jimmy replied, before going and grabbing his bag.

"alright. scott, your bag is still in the guest room."

and so the two changed [in different rooms, ya idiots] before returning by the car with lizzie.

she was leaning against the car, staring out at the sea.

"liz, we're back!" jimmy said, walking over, and standing next to her.

"well then, time to go to the diner. it's a 15 minute walk."

she smiled, and started walking down the sandy path that split towards the beach and towards the boardwalk, with the other two following shortly behind. "i was given specific directions on how to get there."

they managed to get to the diner quicker than lizzie thought, but they were forced to wait for around 20 minutes. it was seemingly a pretty popular place, and they still had to wait for joel.

luckily their waitress was fine with their friend coming in a bit late, so they got seat and were given the four menues they needed. they looked through the different options before they made decisions, with scott getting pancakes, jimmy getting a waffle, lizzie also getting a waffle, and they all decided on orange juice.

eventually joel arrived, and he sat with the others. he glanced over the menu before deciding on the breakfast fries, and a coffee.

"you almost never drink coffee." lizzie commented, before joel replied, "i'm tired from driving all the way here."

Before long, their orders arrived, drinks and then food, and they began to eat and hold a simple conversation. 

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