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im back. turns out i hvae to go over to jimmys. we have to get the project done.

it's an hour long board ride, and my keys are with mum, so I guess i'm boarding. the walk'd be too long.

we finished the project. it was easy, we don't have much in common.

lizzie's making me stay the night. because its late and the ride is 'too long'.

so i'm just laying here on jimmy's floor, writing while he and lizzie argue about where i'm sleeping.

its been an hour since i last wrote in here. turns out im staying on jimmy's floor.

jimmy feels bad, i'm pretty sure he argued for me to use his bed. lizzie, as much as she is sweet, she puts jimmy above all else. it makes sense, they were seperated until last year.

speaking, or well writing about jimmy, he's out for a smoke right now. i'm pretty sure lizzie doesn't know he smokes, because i'm the one with a lighter on me right now.

mum always told me to keep one on me incase of emergencies. and jimmy stole it.

i just went out to join jimmy, and my goodness, he's hot while smoking. and journal, no i don't have a crush on jimmy. he's just cute. that's it.

i'd draw a picture of how he looks right now, but i'm not talented enough to.

i'm gonna head inside, and go lay down. i have to board to school, and boarding an hour nd a half to school isn't fun.

scott(smajor) out <3

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