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//I am going to post a chapter every time I finish one.  fo I at least have a four chapter gap to change stuff.\\

hi journal.

i'm back. xorn and i are sharing a table at lunch. there's a new boy tho. he's kinda cute. but so what. mum'll never approve. she already hates that i board. if she finds out i like someone that smokes, shell freak.

Anyway, xorn is ranting about joey. sadly lizzie, joel and joey are with kath and shubb at the picnic tables out back. because then i wont have to turn to you for actual entertainment.

xorn's just a bit hard to talk to, because he just wants to talk about his boyfriend? are they dating? i have no clue.

well lunch is almost over. i'm just gonna close my journal and tune xorn out. i'll probably listen to music. 

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