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//i love chapter 25 and 26 sm. also i want to post them rn but like i need to write 27 first- \\

journal, i'm back.

i totally didn't forget you for a month.

and i totally didn't graduate.

okay so i did. and dad's back.

and, guess what, i get to spend the summer over at jimmy's. (as long as i get into a good college. mum's words, not mine)

i'm currently waiting for mum to give me my keys. she's letting me have my car back.

once i get them, i'm going straight over to jimmy's. i have a feeling it'll be fun. and that mum will regret letting us hang out over the summer.

oh and journal, i have a job now!

it's only subway, but still, i'm getting paid. it may only be around 9 bucks, but hey its fun. and i get free food.

and i can pay for jimmy and i's dates. because we've been going on more for awhile. 

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