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 i'm back!

i can't fly yet, my wings are still coming in, but mr. wels helped me with the pains from them coming in.

it's actually quite nice having someone help. mum doesn't have wings, and dad does. but dad is with my grandparents for the next few months. he has to help them with renovting their new place, so when they're done he'll be back.

i hope when he's back i can show him how well i can fly. and so i can brag to xorn that he doesn't have wings.

well, i'mm be right back. i have to help mr. beef with cleaning up my study hall room. i had eaten with mr. wels, after he helped me, so i'm spending my lunch period helping mr. beef.

oh, and jimmy's been coming to our study hall recently because he had mr. beef for one of his classes. and he easily gets his work done, so he just spends his time with me?

i have no idea why.

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