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Entry 3.

hey journal. i just got out of math with ms. cleo and next i have science with mr. doubleo. we're starting to present today, based on names drawn from a bucket.

if you're curious, it's been a few weeks since my last entry. turns out xorn stole it, and is teasing more for liking jimmy. when i clearly don't! he's just a friend. and he also shed some form of light on his and joey's situation.

they're 'sus homies' as said by him?

no idea what that means, but he's always been that way. now, journal, before you get the wrong idea, i love and care for my brother. he's nice and all, its just with how we're twins, he's the annoying one of us two. well i think he is.

scott's totally gay for jimmy -xornoth.

okay. first off, journal, sorry for xorn stealing my stuff, and second off, i only like jimmy platonically. :)

and even if i liked him romantically (which i don't!!), i'd never have a chance with him.

oh yeah, and i'm home now :) i would've gone out to hand out with kath and shubb, like the three of us had planned, but mum wants me to stay home. she thinks i've been going out too mch since i've been hanging out with jimmy alot.

but, jimmy did ask for me to sneak out and come over though. i'm pretty sure he only wants to borrow my lighter. lizzie found out he smokes and she took all of his lighters.

so we're meeting up at midnight. which also means that i have to use my longboard again (i keep it in my room.) i don't mind using it of course, i just haven't used my normal board in awhile.

scott, this is even fucking gayer. you sure you don't like jimmy? -xornoth.

alright journal. i'm gonna go because xorn keeps stealing you.

scott(smajor) out. <3

//next chap is yet again outside of journal.\\

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