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//double update time! I haven't finish 29 so i can post 26, but ya'll deserve it bc i was on a break from updating for like a month <3 \\

oh my goodness journal, jimmy got us promise rings.

i have no idea how to feel, beause hoenstly, i never thought wed get them so soon.

he explained that once he graduates college. (he got into an art college! he really loves to draw :] ) we can plan a wedding if we do agree to it.

i've also applied to a local college because jimmy says i should become a journalist.

oh and and and, i've really excited for this, but my wings got big enough to let me fly!

oh and journal, i think i mentioned awhile ago that dad has wings.

he got rid of them. he donated them to a kid that lost theirs in a fire.

so now i'm alone to learn :(

well not alone, jimmy's also helping me. we're actually hanging out right now.

if meeting up to make out counts as hanging out. (he's in the bathroom right now, so i'm taking the time to write this.)

wait jimmy's coming back! i gotta go journal! bye!

(next chap is out of journal)

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